Chapter 21 - 22

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Chapter 21 Yulang Literacy [Enter for Zhizhi]

Su Ziyi's life rhythm remains as usual.

He didn't understand things about the house, so he only took care of the family's two meals a day, morning and evening. Other times, I would just find a quiet place to meditate and practice alone not far from my home, or go to the mountains to get some prey and firewood to go home, and leave all the rest to Bian Qing to direct.

His silent cooperation made Bian Qing feel more at ease. After he relaxed his temper, he looked more confident and looked like a master of the family.

In this way, the entire Su family is moving in a good direction. However, a few times when Su Ziyi came home after practicing, he would always see Bian Qing with a little tail behind him while he was busy. The little tail didn't talk much, and just followed him obediently. Behind his mother, when his mother is too busy, another person will run to the corner and play with stones.

Su Yulang like this is obviously very eye-catching.

Just as Bian Qing thought, Su Yulang was indeed a good boy. And for Su Ziyi, as long as Su Yulang doesn't cry, he still likes this quiet child, especially with his mouth closed and the candy in his cheeks bulging, he looks very cute. Even if he didn't like children, he still had to praise Su Yulang for his cleverness.

But even if he likes it, he doesn't think this kind of "behave" is normal.

This kind of "well-behaved" is abnormal. It was hard for him to imagine what Su Yulang would be like when he grew up if he continued like this. He looked at the busy Bian Qing, shook his head in the direction of Su Yulang, softened his heart, and made a decision.

Even if the child cannot become lively and cheerful immediately, it should be better than now.

"Tomorrow, I will go to town." At the dinner table, Su Ziyi said his plan. At this time, Bian Qing was so tired that he couldn't even lift his arms, so he muttered a vague "hmm" without raising his head. He drank a few mouthfuls of the porridge in the bowl and breathed a sigh of relief. He said: "It seems that the rice noodles at home are running out. You can bring some back tomorrow."

After two or three months of getting along, he gradually understood Su Ziyi's temperament. When instructing Su Ziyi to do these things, he no longer had any psychology. Burdened.

"Okay, I will also bring back some seasonings and meat." Su Ziyi always ate less at night. After putting down the bowl and chopsticks, he turned his head and looked at Su Yulang who was still immersed in fighting the braised pork and said, "I will bring some back tomorrow." Some enlightenment books are back. From the day after tomorrow, Yulang will learn to read with me, so you don’t have to worry about him chewing and touching here. "What?"

Bian Qing was shocked when he heard Su Ziyi's words. He suddenly looked up at Su Ziyi, only to see the man staring at Su Yulang. When Su Yulang heard Su Ziyi call his name, he also looked at his father with a confused look on his face.

"After all, we have to send our children to school." Ignoring the reactions of the children, Su Ziyi tapped the table with the knuckle of his right index finger, with a serious look on his face: "Yu Lang is too shy, that's it. If you send him to a school, he will definitely be bullied by the children. So before you get things done at home, learn how to read and temper your temper with me, and then send him to a school in the town." Isn't he really dreaming

? ?

Bian Qing felt as if the whole world had become illusory. Bian Qing had imagined countless times in his dreams that Su Ziyi would have more father-son affection and care for Su Yulang, but he never thought that such a day would actually come true. Although Su Ziyi had said that he would send Su Yulang to school, Bian Qing could see clearly that Su Ziyi did not show any love for Su Yulang in his eyes, he just felt that he should do so.

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