Chapter 72 - 73

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Chapter 72 Going into the mountains together

Su Yulang has been a little troubled recently.

Ever since Eminem told him that day that he really wanted to "eat" his father, his little mind was filled with worries, and even his sleep was a little restless. He didn't know whether he should tell his father. If he told his father, Eminem would definitely be angry, but if he told his father, his father might be angry with Eminem again.

No matter which one it is, he doesn't want it.

Hey, when you think about it, this is really weird. My father is not a monster, so why would Eminem want to eat his father? This troubled him for a long time. In order to prevent Eminem from quarreling with his father, he finally decided to keep a close eye on Eminem and never give Eminem any chance to eat his father. But I didn't expect that after he followed him for so long, Eminem didn't see him doing anything else except staying with his father for a longer time every day.

This made him wonder if he had misheard what Eminem said that day.

Su Ziyi and Bian Qing didn't know what their well-behaved son was thinking. They had been practicing spells recently. In order to improve Bian Qing's fighting ability, Su Ziyi took Bian Qing to the training ground he opened in the mountains, and acted as a training opponent for spell combat practice with Bian Qing every day.

In addition, Su Ziyi thought that the physical strength of two people was still a bit weak, so he tried every means to improve this. But he couldn't afford more expensive methods now, so he could only pay a special visit to the Xiang Mansion and copy some common medicinal recipes from Dr. Wu to improve their physical condition. After all, they had lived a difficult life for more than ten years. , leaving some serious problems in their bodies.


In the clearing in the mountain, Bian Qing rubbed his feet hard, holding a wooden sword and shooting at Su Ziyi. Su Ziyi, on the other hand, was calm, tiptoe, and jumped onto the branch in an instant, and then he heeled As soon as he stepped on it, the tree trunk with a thick wrist under his feet immediately broke apart as if it had been hit by a huge blow. With a "click", the whole dense mass of branches and leaves rushed towards Bian Qing's hood, and Bian Qing had no time to turn around. He had to use his sword to chop down the branches.

Taking advantage of this gap, Su Ziyi's toes touched the tree trunk, and his whole body fell behind Bian Qing like a graceful parabola. Just when Bian Qing had just split the branches in front of him to both sides, the tip of the wooden sword in his hand It has reached Bian Qing's back.

"You lost again." A clear and shallow smile appeared on Su Ziyi's face, not at all proud.

"You are much faster than me." This expected result did not make Bian Qing feel disappointed, but just a little helpless. He turned around and faced Su Ziyi face to face. Su Ziyi retracted the wooden sword and analyzed seriously: "Actually, judging from the monsters I have encountered so far, their magical powers do not necessarily have to be very powerful. They can be avoided as long as they are careful. But they The speed is quite fast, so if we want to maintain the advantage in front of them, we must be faster."

"Well, I know." Bian Qing nodded clearly: "It's just that I feel like my body can't keep up right now. , I always want to avoid it, but my body always slows down."

"It's because you haven't adapted yet." When he first came to this world, Su Ziyi had also encountered this kind of situation, so he knew it very well. Reason: "When you fight the enemy more times, your body will form a reaction ahead of your consciousness, and it will be much better by then. In fact, to put it bluntly, it means you don't have enough experience."

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