Chapter 125 - 126

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Chapter 125 Settled in Qixia

Compared with Tianyi Town, the conditions of the inn in Qixia Town are much better.

They went to the room empty-handed, and the waiter did everything for them. As soon as you open the window of the room, you can still overlook a street scene, and you can see the lights at night connecting one after another until the end of the night, so bustling.

Afterwards, they went to the hall below to have dinner and inquired about some things from the shopkeeper.

As soon as the shopkeeper heard that they were cultivators, his originally polite attitude became even better. As long as Su Ziyi asked, he would definitely answer everything. During the process of questioning, Su Ziyi noticed that his attitude was different from that of the guards at the town gate, and guessed that the innkeeper's backstage was quite large, and he might even be related to aristocratic families.

Unexpectedly, he guessed it correctly!

From the shopkeeper's account, Su Ziyi learned that there are currently four forces in Qixia Town: one is the government-led government office, which is responsible for the daily affairs of the entire Qixia Town and serves as a mediator when disputes arise between other forces. The practitioner was mediating among them, and a practitioner in the late stage of foundation building was sitting here.

The second is the power of the major aristocratic families. Unlike other large towns, because of the rich resources of the Fallen Fairy Forest, no one wants to let others monopolize it, so there are at least thirteen members of the aristocratic families in such a town. They usually form separate teams and go into the mountains to hunt for resources, but when facing other forces, they will unite and deal with the outside world.

The third is the "Big Yue" formed by the casual cultivators. It is an alliance led by a casual cultivator in the early stage of foundation building. The number of people is small, but it is also an existence that other forces dare not underestimate. Moreover, due to the special nature of casual cultivators, when the government and the aristocratic families encounter something difficult to handle, the first partner they cooperate with is the "Da Yue". Who says the government and the aristocratic families do not trust each other?

The existence of the last force was somewhat beyond Su Ziyi's expectation. It was actually a business alliance composed of ordinary people!

Just listening to the shopkeeper's words, Su Ziyi couldn't help but feel a little respect for this "merchant alliance". After all, not everyone can do both, integrating ordinary people's labor and creativity, relying on cheap production costs, and making money from aristocratic families and the government! And judging from the tone of the shopkeeper, there are probably practitioners in this business alliance.

"Most of the industries in Qixia Town are backed by these four major forces, so sir, you must be careful when walking in Qixia Town." Looking at the attitude of the shopkeeper, Su Ziyi couldn't help but guess who was standing behind the inn. who is it? But compared to this matter, Su Ziyi had more things to care about, so he changed the topic.

"Okay, thank you, shopkeeper, for reminding me."

"By the way, shopkeeper, our family is new here and we are not familiar with the place. So I want to ask you shamelessly. Are there any good people around here?" Su Ziyi's attitude has always

been It's quite good, and it's not as condescending as ordinary cultivators. So after a conversation, the shopkeeper had a pretty good impression of Su Ziyi. When giving Su Ziyi an idea, he also put a lot of thought into it: "I don't know, sir, whether you plan to rent it or not." Buy a property?" "Let's look at the price first. If it's feasible, I still want to buy a property directly." Originally, he thought he had enough money, but when he saw the prosperous scene of Qixia Town today, he thought about the little money. I'm afraid it's not enough.

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