Chapter 119 - 120

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Chapter 119 Arguing with the Government

Xiang Zuo had been busy all day and finally took a breather when a servant came to report that the master of the house was here.

So he didn't even have time to finish the bowl of tea, so he hurriedly rolled up his sleeves and hurried out the door. Finally, he met the owner of the house in the main hall, who was covered in dust. Next to the owner, stood the third elder and the third elder. The elder’s grandson——Xiang Zhihuan.

They were talking about the investigation results of the incident in the mine. Seeing this, Xiang Zuo did not dare to say anything. He only bowed and stood aside, bowing his head and waiting.

Generally speaking, the secret affairs of aristocratic families are not allowed to be observed by servants, but because of the special situation of Butler Xiang, both Xiang Nanyu and the third elder trust him very much. So when she saw him walking in, she didn't call him back. Instead, she nodded to him and allowed him to wait aside and ask him something later.

Xiang Nanyu must have encountered something along the way, as the anger between his brows has not completely dissipated. After hearing the third elder say that nothing strange was found in the mine, his brows became even more frightened: "What about the man from the government? I remember that he is a person under Qiu Ziqi. If there is no explanation , I'm afraid that I won't get good things in front of Qiu Ziqi..." "

Indeed, Brother Wang Qingdao has been worried about this matter for the past two days." Hearing the name "Qiu Ziqi", the third elder couldn't help but frowned: "We went deep into the mine. Under the mine, we found that there was nothing but a huge pothole. And -" At this point, there was some confusion in his eyes: "After we entered the ruins of the mine, we found that all the Void Spirit Stones and The spirit stone fragments have lost their aura and become like ordinary stones."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Xiang Nanyu couldn't help but change his color.

"You told me before that the Void Spirit Stones in this mine can support at least ten years of mining. But now they have all turned into waste rocks overnight. I took a closer look and found that they seemed to have been It looks like something was forcibly extracted." This is what the third elder couldn't figure out: "It's just that Brother Wang Qing and I searched the whole place and couldn't find the root cause." "This is quite abnormal. After all, the entire mine has been destroyed

. All the spiritual energy of the field was drained away in an instant, and it is impossible not to leave traces." "

Indeed, I'm afraid there is something that we don't know about that is causing trouble." Xiang Nanyu said, a pair of hands unconsciously wrapped around He said to his chest: "Spiritual energy cannot evaporate out of thin air."

At this moment, Xiang Zuo, who had listened for a while, suddenly remembered the gravel statue he saw that day. Although it broke into several sections, there were no carvings on it. No wonder. Just because the earthquake hit at that time, the steward holding it was so frightened that he threw the thing in his hand and didn't know where it went. Even when he was too busy and thought about it later, he couldn't find the thing.

So, could it be the problem with the stone statue?

For a moment, Xiang Zuo couldn't make up his mind. However, all the hesitation on his face was caught by Xiang Nanyu, who was facing him. Xiang Nanyu asked casually: "Xiang Zuo, do you have something to say?" Things in the mine are too strange. , I can’t figure out the reason for the moment, so I might as well listen to Xiang Zuo and tell him what’s wrong with him.

Unfortunately, Xiang Zuo didn't come to interfere with them because of some chores in the house. He gritted his teeth and stood forward. Although there was hesitation in his tone, his words were quite neat, and he directly told the story about the weird stone statue. Before he could finish speaking, he was greeted by Xiang Xiang. Nanyu angrily scolded: "Why didn't you report this kind of thing earlier!"

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