Chapter 100 - 103 + Link

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Chapter 100 The ninth level of Qi refining

This is a pair of eyes that are both unfamiliar and familiar.

It looked at Su Ziyi extremely intently, as if it wanted to see through a person. But Su Ziyi felt a little creepy because of this. He swallowed secretly and his eyes flickered: "Zi Yi?" Looking at him like this, could he be able to see her?

Oh my God, the other party is already a powerful person in the out-of-body stage. I'm afraid he will just slap me to death as a little bug in the Qi refining stage.

Su Ziyi subconsciously felt bad, but faced with such a powerful momentum from the opponent, he had no idea of ​​​​escape. He could only stand there stupidly and let the opponent slaughter him.

But the next second he realized something was wrong.

The aura of the other party was indeed extremely powerful, like an insurmountable mountain, which made Su Ziyi dare not even think of longing for him. But although this momentum is strong, it does not oppress him at all. It is like a rich man who puts his treasure there just to show how rich he is, not to make others feel how useless he is. .

Su Ziyi moved his arms and found that they were indeed not restricted, which made him relieved.

But before he could finish this breath, Zi Yi flew towards him without even trembling his eyelashes and bumped straight into him! And because Zi Yi was so fast, Su Ziyi had no time to react and was passed right through his body! The moment he passed through, Su Ziyi felt as if he was suddenly immersed in ice water. All his pores could not help but shiver, and fine goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Um? ?

His whole body trembled, and Su Ziyi calmed down a little. He turned around and his eyes immediately caught up with Zi Yi's trace, but he saw that the other person was like a wisp of smoke, wandering around without any trace, and seemed quite abrupt in such a pure white space. It was also at this time that Su Ziyi realized that the place he was in had changed again.

Fortunately, he has already adapted. He stepped hard with his toes and found that his feet were on the ground, with a hard touch. This made him a little puzzled. He took a tentative step forward, and then a group of green immediately appeared in his field of vision. It spread from his feet and turned into Use green grass and wild flowers to instantly bring the entire space to life.

The chirping of birds could be heard in his ears, butterflies were dancing on the green ground under his feet, and the cloudless blue sky was above his head. A breeze blew by, making Su Ziyi mistakenly think that he had entered a paradise.

As soon as he was stunned, his mind turned uncontrollably to Zi Yi, and Zi Yi over there stopped floating and just floated in mid-air blankly.

Su Ziyi walked around a few times and made sure there were no other threats before he boldly walked towards Ziyi. As he walked around, he found that there was no problem with his spiritual power, and felt a little relieved. But when he saw Zi Yi staring blankly into the distance like a puppet, his heart was somewhat complicated.

What were those things I saw before?

No matter how ignorant he is, he knows that it will definitely not be the illusion like before, but more like...a person's memory fragments. If he thinks so, then what he sees will be Zi Yi's. Memories?

If so, then Zi Yi is already dead?

So if Zi Yi dies, what happens to Zi Xi and others?

It obviously had nothing to do with him, but Su Ziyi inexplicably took these things seriously. He didn't know if those things really happened, where they happened, and when they happened. But when I think of those scenes, the heart in my chest will beat violently, and the blood in my veins will begin to boil.

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