Chapter 42 - 43

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Chapter 42 Xie Shanyiwu [Fifth update in V]

"Regards—Xie Shanyi!"

The high-pitched tone instantly spread to every corner of the venue. Before the village chief could finish the call, some people suddenly walked out of the crowd standing on both sides of the venue. These people have white hair and beards, and are dressed in formal clothes with a blue-gray handkerchief pinned to their lapels. Although their faces are old, their eyes are bright.

These are the old people in charge of Xie Shanyi in Luoshan Village.

I don’t know whether it was because they had been cooperating for a long time or because of the tacit understanding brought by being together for a long time. They found their rightful place without any hesitation and stood neatly in the white square frame with the crowd at an equal distance. In the middle, he walked towards the altar with the same rhythm of steps with a solemn face.

They did not board the altar, but used the pile of firewood as the dividing line, one row on each side, one on the left and the other on the right. There was less than half an arm's distance between them, and they stood with their backs to Su Ziyi and others.

Looking from behind them, Su Ziyi noticed that their broad sleeves were moving, as if they were taking something out from inside. He squinted, but because his vision was too dim, he couldn't see clearly what it was. And just when the old people in the front row stopped moving, the villagers standing in the middle of the field like Su Ziyi started to move.

"Get up!" the village chief standing on the high platform shouted loudly.

Following the village chief's words, the villagers standing in front of the table opened the fire breakers in their hands, then used their free hand to cover the wick of the candle that had been placed on the table, and put the fire breakers close to them. Su Ziyi, who was always paying attention to the movements of the people next door, reacted quickly and lit the candles together, even faster than some of the villagers in the back row.

In an instant, dots of orange light ignited under the originally dark banyan tree. Seen from a distance, they look like fireflies on a summer night.


the village chief shouted again. This time not only the villagers moved, but also the old people standing in front like logs. The villagers held three incense sticks and three incense candles in their hands, and lit them with the flame of the candles. They inserted the incense sticks into the incense burner, and then respectfully held the incense sticks in front of their heads with both hands, while the old people in front also used the fire to Oriko lit the incense sticks he had brought and raised them above his head.


After saying this, the village chief quickly retreated to the side of the altar, but the old people standing under the altar moved. They turned left or right, one left and one right, forming a pair. As a pair, they walked around the open space, climbed the steps and walked towards the altar. But during this process, Su Ziyi and other villagers remained motionless underneath, lowering their heads slightly and piously raising the incense candles in their hands higher.

At this time, the first pair of old people were already standing face to face on both sides of the altar. They kept walking and kept moving forward. They did not stop until they stood in front of the long table incense burner, and the pair of old people following them He also stopped at the edge of the stairs and the altar. The hand holding the incense remained motionless and very upright.

"Qiyu of Luoshan Village——"

"Wang Yue of Luoshan Village——"

With their backs to the audience, the two old men standing on the stage suddenly spoke loudly. Their voices had the hoarseness that an old man should have, but their attitudes were not at all Unambiguously, they used the greatest strength and the greatest humility they could use to say word for word: "Respect - thank the mountain - Yi!"

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