Chapter 141 -142

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Chapter 141 The sudden change inside

The miasma in the surrounding area is getting thicker and thicker, and it is almost impossible to see the road clearly.

The ground was a little soft, and when he stepped on it, another shallow layer of water came out of the ground. Su Ziyi subconsciously took a step back, lowered his head and frowned at the footprints he had made.

I'm afraid there may be some danger ahead.

Because of this wetland and the miasma, Su Ziyi was very nervous and didn't dare to be as reckless as before. He could only rely on the mud prints that were crushed by the huge body of the golden horned anaconda to find the direction of the other party's departure. . He carefully stepped into the wetland, used his spiritual consciousness to explore the path, and held the sword in his hand, just in case.

The surroundings were quiet, with no sound of running water or the chirping of insects. There was only the sound of Su Ziyi's soles walking on the wet mud, which made most people feel very depressed.

Just step by step, after walking in this wetland for about a cup of tea, Su Ziyi suddenly noticed that the pressure of the miasma around him rose sharply, so he stopped and took out a Miasma Suppression Powder from his arms to swallow it. But at this moment, a black shadow silently rushed from behind him, extending its tongue to lick Su Ziyi's neck!

But Su Ziyi seemed to have eyes behind his back. He still stood there, looking back with his sword and cutting off the long black tongue with lightning speed. The severed tongue was mixed with blood. The mucus fell directly into the mud, and then was directly broken into several pieces by another sword energy sent by Su Ziyi!

And the target of this sword energy was not it, but the monster that wanted to sneak attack Su Ziyi but was plotted by him instead! The monster was so numb from the pain that it still hadn't woken up yet. When Su Ziyi's sword energy sliced ​​its forehead open, it didn't understand why it failed like this?


The monster beast was not that big, and it didn't make much sound after it was smashed to the ground after being split into two halves. But Su Ziyi did not take it lightly. He turned around completely and looked at the corpse of the monster with great solemnity. Then there was an inexplicable "rustling" sound around him, which was the sound of a living creature brushing against the water and grass. The sound made when crossing water.

After a while, dots of black shadows appeared in the surrounding miasma, completely surrounding Su Ziyi. Su Ziyi didn't wait for them to take action first, and took the lead in attacking the shadows in front with a fireball technique. A high-temperature fireball as big as a washbasin suddenly appeared in the moist area, and was immediately shocked that the black shadows fled in all directions, and screamed: "Cock! Gua!”

Yes, that’s right. The monster that attacked Su Ziyi this time was a frog monster.

Such monsters often appear in wetlands and swamps, and the miasma-rich terrain like the Meteor Fairy Forest has directly become a paradise for second-order frog-like monsters. When Su Ziyi noticed a slight movement in his consciousness, he immediately guessed its identity. It was a gregarious poisonous frog known for its poison - the Nightmare Swamp Frog.

Although it is a second-level monster, for Su Ziyi, the role of the Nightmare Swamp Frog is quite useless.

Because the Nightmare Swamp Frog's skin, blood, bones, and internal organs are all soaked by a toxin it was born with. This toxin can quickly make a person's limbs become weak and the body weak. If the dose is larger, it can even kill a low-level practitioner! It can be said that except for some cultivators who study toxicology, people on the sidelines generally will not touch it.

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