Chapter 80 - 81

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Chapter 80 Promotion to the Seventh Level

As soon as the sun came up, Su Ziyi rushed to the waterfall.

This time, he was quite careful. Not only did he spread his spiritual consciousness, but he also captured a few rabbits as detection objects, because animals are more sensitive to the pressure of monsters. Once the rabbits become too nervous and scared, Su Ziyi will know that the danger is approaching. , and if this happens, he will choose to retreat temporarily.

In addition, before he came, he used existing herbs to process it into a brown liquid that could mask human smell. Although it was very pungent, after applying it to the body, it could greatly reduce the risk of being discovered by monsters. probability.

Thanks to his caution, he was safe along the way. When he fumbled around the waterfall, he found no trace of the green-gold wolf beast.

"Did you leave?" Standing above the waterfall and looking down, Su Ziyi saw several wild boars drinking water gathered on the river beach below. This made him confirm that the green wolf had been there during the few days he left. The beast did not come back, and no other ferocious monsters appeared. "So, where did it go?"

Su Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief, while subconsciously looking towards the direction of the rushing river above the waterfall. He remembered that the second before he fainted, the green-gold wolf beast seemed to be walking upwards.

After leaving the place, Su Ziyi took a few tentative steps that way, and then stopped in confusion.

He feels very complicated now. On the one hand, it is really out of fear of the strength of the fifth-level monster, and on the other hand, it is because of the sudden appearance of the fifth-level monster. Of course, curiosity is worthless in the face of life. But deep down in Su Ziyi's heart, there is also a desire to go deep into dangerous situations to gain opportunities.

"Sure enough, I'm just a common person." Su Ziyi shook his head with some self-deprecation as he thought about how he had repeatedly warned himself not to be prepared for the worst, but had broken it with his own hands several times. He took a few steps back and came to the edge of the waterfall. Looking down from his angle, the scenery in front of him was extremely shocking. However, Su Ziyi was not in the mood to appreciate it. He jumped up and took advantage of the protruding stones on the cliff. Jump down.

The cliff was not bare, but Su Ziyi casually scanned it and found no herbs or spiritual herbs worthy of his stay, so he fell directly to the ground and jumped on the big black stone where the green-gold wolf beast stood that day. superior. As soon as he appeared, he immediately alarmed the wild boars drinking water on the river beach over there. They screamed "ahhh" and fled deep into the forest in panic.

Su Ziyi didn't chase them because he found something more interesting.

Standing at the front of the stone, there were still many small water droplets splashing on Su Ziyi's face, which showed that the water below was also very fast. And in this river that was so fast that white waves rolled out, there were actually some small red fish as long as the palm of a hand swimming upstream! They swung their tails desperately as if they wanted to rush up to the waterfall that was nearly a hundred feet high.

Of course, if it was just an ordinary fish that spawned in reverse flow, Su Ziyi wouldn't find it so strange. The reason why he was interested was because he felt an extremely pure spiritual energy from the other party. In addition, on the big stone where the green-gold wolf beast stood, there were more than a dozen red and blood-stained bodies. A small fish head or minced meat, you can tell at a glance that it is the residue that was swallowed and spit out by the green gold wolf beast.

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