Chapter 389 - 390

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Chapter 389 One on three

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Tianyuan Sect's headquarters had already changed into a different look.

Standing among the ruins, Luo Yi, who was wearing a gray face, was shaking with anger. He raised his head with a ferocious look, and stared directly at the position of Su Ziyi through the heavy smoke and dust. There was no longer any roughness or honesty on his face.

It seemed that all of them underestimated this alchemist.

The sword was hanging high in the sky. Su Ziyi held the long sword and looked down. His consciousness was firmly locked on the two Xuancang Sect disciples. After seeing them wearing Tianyuan Sect clothes and escaping from Adali City, Su Ziyi felt in his heart. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief and turned all his attention to the battlefield below.

Today, I'm afraid something bad will happen.

The two foundation-building cultivators standing with Luo Yi were also embarrassed, but in their eyes, they were more gloating than angry. After all, although they are in the same camp as the Tianyuan Sect, they are also competing with each other privately, so when they see the Tianyuan Sect being unlucky, even if they don't say anything, they feel better than anyone else.

As for their psychology, Luo Yi knew it without even guessing. After all, if this kind of thing happened to other forces, he would also be happy.

But now -

when he thought of seeing the resident like this after the leader came back, Luo Yi couldn't help but feel chills in his heart, and his eyes became even more fierce. As soon as he moved his hand, a pair of iron rods about two feet long appeared in his hand. The front ends of these iron rods were round and black in color. The color looked extremely pure. When he poured spiritual power into them, there were some tiny white lights flashing like stars, making the iron rods look even more beautiful. It's thicker.

Obviously, the quality of this pair of iron rods is not low.

Luo Yi didn't even look at the two people next to him. He held an iron rod and said coldly: "You can just watch and wait for him to dismantle our Tianyuan Sect. Where do you think he will dismantle next?" " His words instantly made the two people blush. After looking at each other, they whispered: "No way." They could

clearly , there cannot be many magic weapons like that.

But even though they thought so in their hearts, they still took out the magic weapon honestly.

Luo Yi "hummed" and didn't mind giving the two of them a final warning and reminder: "Don't forget that he is the elder of the Xuan Cang Sect, and what is the Xuan Cang Sect best at!" His words, Immediately, the two of them put away their innocent thoughts, but Luo Yi did not forget to finish the attack: "And this Su Ziyi is still a practitioner in the middle stage of foundation construction. Even if he is an alchemist, he is still a real mid-stage foundation construction practitioner. You guys When did it become so big that it can ignore cultivators in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment?" His eyes were sarcastic, and suddenly the faces of the two people burned.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, one of the practitioners who had a black mole as big as a bean under his left eye hurriedly coughed and said, "Then what are we waiting for? Come on." After that, he rushed out of the smoke first. go out.

Although the two disciples had escaped, Su Ziyi had no intention of leaving.

Not to mention that if he retreats now, the disappearance of the two disciples will be exposed immediately, but as these people have information about Bian Qing and Su Yulang, it is impossible for him to retreat! Although he knew that even if he defeated these people, he would not be able to find Bian Qing and Su Yulang immediately, but he had no intention of letting these people go just like this.

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