Chapter 44 - 45

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Chapter 44: Distress in the Mountains

When Su Ziyi carried all the square tables home, Bian Qing and Su Yulang had just gotten up.

"Father——" It was still early, and the sun had just fully exposed his body, so Su Yulang, who was tired yesterday, was still drowsy when he saw Su Ziyi enter the house. He stood blankly by the well, holding his hands He held the face washcloth that Bian Qing stuffed into him and let the water drip on the shoe.

"You haven't woken up yet?" Su Ziyi smiled when she saw him like this.

"Where's your mother-in-law?" Su Ziyi put the table in the utility room and walked into the courtyard carrying the collected sacrifices. At this time, Su Yulang finally washed his face. With his head clear, he looked at the slightly moist shoe uppers and pursed his lips, "Emma is in the kitchen." As soon as he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived

. When Bian Qing opened the door this morning, he didn't see Su Ziyi. He thought that the other person had probably gone to the entrance of the village. Then he entered the kitchen and saw the warm porridge on the stove. He shook his head and decided to make more in the morning. After all, after being busy these past few days, the family didn't eat well, and when he finished his work, Su Ziyi just came back.

"You're back."

"Well, I just took a look. The meat is still relatively fresh and can be eaten." The temperature at night is relatively low, and before being served to the table, it is actually cooked in boiling water. , so the taste did not change: "Let's have these for lunch." After saying that, Su Ziyi didn't bother Bian Qing, and carried the things into the kitchen. Bian Qing asked Su Yulang to wash his face and come in to eat.

"By the way, are you talking about last night?" While eating, Su Ziyi suddenly remembered what Bian Qing was mysteriously refusing to say the night before, and asked immediately. "Huh?" Bian Qing didn't react at first and was stunned for a moment. Then he smiled and rolled his eyes: "Yes, does it work for you?" "Yes, is it big?

" It worked! I have reached the sixth level of Qi refining now!" Speaking of this, Su Ziyi was full of emotion.

Bian Qing was stunned for a moment. Although he had some ideas yesterday, he did not think of going to this level. After all, Luoshan Village had poor resources. Under such an environment, Su Ziyi was able to go from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the fifth level in a few months. It was quite difficult to be promoted to the sixth level of Qi Refining, but I didn't expect Su Ziyi to actually achieve it.

When he thought of this, he felt a little happy and a little sad in his heart, but there was no strange color on his face: "There are no cultivators in Luoshan Village, and cultivators from outside will not come in, so no one else has discovered Xie Shanyi until now." Secret." The corner of his mouth curled up: "Most of the villagers only felt better in spirit and strength after the ceremony, so they only thought it was a gift from the mountain god, and never thought it was the effect of spiritual energy." After he said this, Su Ziyi looked

at His eyes changed. Su Ziyi always knew that Bian Qing was quite smart, but he didn't expect that a person who couldn't practice could be so smart.

"Of course, it may also be because the amount of this spiritual energy is not very large." Bian Qing continued to eat, as if he had no desire to talk anymore. Su Ziyi nodded and agreed with his point of view: "Indeed, I was only one step away from the sixth level of Qi refining, but this spiritual energy is extremely pure, so it can be effective." Bian Qing

hummed , means I understand. Su Yulang, who had been listening to their conversation, didn't understand anything from beginning to end. He scratched his head with the hand holding the chopsticks. When he saw Eminem's expressionless face, he subconsciously swallowed the question in his mouth.

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