Chapter 29 - 30

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Chapter 29 Yulang’s Conjecture [Enter for Zhizhi]

Su Yulang felt that something was wrong with Eminem recently.

To be precise, something has been wrong with Eminem since he came out of that beautiful big house last time. Eminem became dazed and always stared at his father, but once he was discovered by his father, he immediately woke up and turned his head as if nothing happened.

Something must have happened between Eminem and his father!

Su Yulang's little head was filled with stories that Su Ziyi had told him. Comparing his parents' condition, he couldn't help but become a little worried. Did his mother eat some fairy grass? When he opened his eyes, he found that his father had bad things. The thing was sealed by the immortal, and now you are wondering whether to tell your father the truth?

No, Su Yulang wrinkled her little nose and thought.

He likes his current father, he doesn't want his previous father, and he doesn't want those bad things to appear and take away his father!

Therefore, he must stop Eminem from waking up the bad things! Su Yulang clenched his little fists, and there was determination on his little face that was not suitable for his age, and then he ran towards the vegetable field in his little cloth shoes. He knew that Eminem would water the vegetable field in the evening every day, so Eminem can definitely be found there.

"Amu!" With the sun's rays and the summer wind blowing, even if the fertile pit was next to the vegetable field, there was no particularly strong smell, so Su Yulang didn't feel any discomfort when he ran into the vegetable field, he just stepped on it. He almost fell when he reached a few lumps of soil, which startled Bian Qing who was watching him running over.

"What's wrong, A Lang?" Bian Qing's hands didn't stop, and he still used the long ladle to water the pepper leaves. It was a bit hot this year, so if he didn't water more, the vegetable leaves would wilt immediately. He looked out of the corner of his eye. He frowned at Su Yulang's forehead and said, "It's so hot. Why don't you stay at home? You're sweating all over from running." "I don't feel very hot."

Su Yulang always had a good hand at dealing with Bian Qing. His face He said innocently and coquettishly, then he came forward and grabbed the hem of Bian Qing's robe and shook it: "Amu——" "Okay, okay, stop being coquettish." Bian Qing was a little helpless, and he put the long ladle in his hand. On the ground, he looked down at Su Yulang: "What's the matter with running over?"

"Well -" No matter how many assumptions he made in his mind at the beginning, Su Yulang became a little hesitant when it came time to say it, but he tried his best He wanted to make it clear to Eminem, but the feeling of wanting to say it but not being able to say it made him feel anxious. His eyes turned red again in a hurry, and there was a cry in his tone. Finally, he hugged Bian Qing's thigh, feeling depressed. He said dullly: "Eminem, don't let the bad guy come back!"

What? What bad guy?

Bian Qing felt a little confused: "What? A Lang, what are you talking about? What bad guy?" As soon as Su Yulang heard what Bian Qing said, he immediately raised his watery eyes and looked at Bian Qing accusingly, nose Li also hummed: "That's my father! I know that the bad things in my father were sealed by the immortals. Eminem, please don't wake up the bad guys!"


Bian Qing was confused by Su Yulang and didn't say anything for a long time. Su Yulang thought that Bian Qing didn't agree, so he felt even more aggrieved. He hugged Bian Qing's thigh tightly again and hummed: "The bad guy before was good The bad ones always beat A-Lang. A-Lang hates him and likes his current father, so Eminem shouldn’t replace the bad guy." "I - why do you think so?" Bian Qing felt very complicated

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