Chapter 333 - 334

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Chapter 333 Danby begins

Don't be angry and be proud.

Just standing in front of it makes people feel powerless.

If someone were to be his enemy, his legs and feet would probably be trembling at this time, let alone resistance in his heart.

Is this the power of the golden elixir stage?

After just one distant glance, Su Ziyi became extremely vigilant. He followed Cui Yu and saluted the man, and then he heard Cui Yu say: "Sect Master." Then he suddenly knew the identity of this man.

Sect Leader Xuan Cang nodded, and with a slight wave of his robe, an invisible force lifted the two people who were bowing slightly in salute, and stood up straight, looking directly at him, as if they were between each other. They are all looking at each other carefully. But in fact, the only people who really made eye contact were him and Su Ziyi. Cui Yu had already lowered his eyelids at the first opportunity.

After all, that is the sect leader.

The aura of the Xuan Cang sect leader was not deliberately released, so after a while, Su Ziyi had adapted to it. Facing the other party's eyes that seemed to want to understand him, he no longer had any timidity in his heart, but looked at him openly. Looking at each other. And the other party continued to stare at him until the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He stepped forward with his right foot, and the next moment he appeared in front of Su Ziyi and Cui Yu. The speed was so fast that Su Ziyi had no time to react. By the time he blinked and came back to his senses and saw the other person standing in front of him, a thin layer of sweat had already formed on his back.

This is the golden elixir period.

Cui Yu clasped his fists and said, "Sect Master." He had never felt any displeasure from the Sect Master, and presumably he was also satisfied with Su Ziyi. This made him sigh in relief, and then he was able to continue introducing: "This is Senior Su Ziyisu." He didn't need to say anything else, because he had already reported it before.

Sect Master Xuan Cang nodded, indicating that he understood, and then turned his unfocused eyes towards Su Ziyi.

Su Ziyi was slightly startled when he saw the other party looking at him, and then nodded and said hello: "Sect Master Xuan Cang." Even though their eyes only met for a few short moments, Su Ziyi was keenly aware that this Master Xuan Cang was different from other people he knew. The Xuancang sect is completely different. He doesn't have the arrogance of Xia Zheng, nor the easy-goingness of Zhu Lian, nor the cheerfulness of Cui Yu, nor the playfulness of Chen Qiuci. He stands there completely, giving people the impression of silence. And stability.

He doesn't need to say anything or make any expression. When others look at him, they will subconsciously think that he is reliable.

Such people made Su Ziyi feel terrible, but he still wanted to remain calm on his face.

Facing Su Ziyi's greetings, Xuan Cang Sect Master nodded first, and then said: "I heard that fellow Taoist is an alchemist?" His voice sounded like others, with a coldness that penetrated his bones, but he was surprisingly not willing to let it go. When people feel fear, it will only cause a little alienation and awe because of the identity gap between them, so that the person standing in front of him will always remember the identity of the other person.

Su Ziyi didn't know what other Jindan stage cultivators were like, but the Xuan Cang Sect Master in front of him made him feel okay. He hummed softly and said, "It's just a mediocre skill." In response to his words, Master Xuan Cang didn't say anything else. He only glanced at him lightly and nodded as if he agreed with him.

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