Chapter 13 - 14

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Chapter 13 Entering the Mountain Again

As soon as Bian Qing opened the door, he knew that Su Ziyi had broken through to the fifth level of Qi Refining.

Looking at the fence with a big hole, he felt complicated in his heart. The look in his eyes towards Su Ziyi, who was still sitting on the ground, contained a lot, but in the end it turned into nothingness.

No matter what Su Ziyi wants to do, it will be enough to allow him and A Lang to maintain their current stable life.

"I plan to go to the mountains again." At the dinner table, Su Ziyi put down his bowls and chopsticks and said to Bian Qing. He was not asking for the other person's opinion, but just informing the other person: "I want to go deeper this time, and I may come back late. A little." "Yeah." Bian Qing paused with the chopsticks in his hands and responded in a low voice.

He knew that Su Ziyi had reached the fifth level of Qi refining, so he was not too worried about Su Ziyi's trip.

Of course, Su Ziyi almost lost half his life last time because he met a monster, but Bian Qing didn't think Su Ziyi could meet a monster this time. You must know that the number of monsters has always been very small, and the mountains around Luoshan Village are usually full of ordinary animals, so the last time Su Ziyi met Wu Yu was purely an accident. It is impossible to have such an opportunity again and again.

What he didn't know was that Su Ziyi was a little determined to find the monster this time, otherwise he would never be so calm.

After breakfast, Su Ziyi went out with the same equipment as last time. But this time, Bian Qing took the initiative to pack him some dry food and a bamboo tube of water for him to use as lunch. Carrying this thing on his back, Su Ziyi obviously felt that the relationship between him and Bian Qing had improved a lot. At least last time, the other party didn't care what he ate in the mountains.

This made him feel that his efforts during this period were somewhat rewarded, and he was convinced that he had not misjudged the person. Bian Qing was not a white-eyed wolf and was worthy of deep friendship.

Traveling through the mountains, Su Ziyi clearly felt that this time was very different from the last time. He remembered that the last time he came, he saw almost no living creatures in the entire forest. But this time when he walked to the place where he met Karasuba last time, he had already seen one or two waves of pheasants and a few gray rabbits along the way. , which made him realize belatedly that it was probably because of the Karasuba that all these animals disappeared last time.

However, it is difficult for Su Ziyi to distinguish the animals and monsters here just by their appearance. The last time Bian Qing was able to recognize Wu Yu was because he had seen them before. So Su Ziyi would inevitably wonder, is there a book like an encyclopedia on earth that records and describes all the types of monsters on Qingze Continent?

The original owner never cared about this, but he had to.

After splitting another bush with a hatchet, Su Ziyi had drank the last drop of water from the bamboo joints. At this time, the scorching sun was in the sky, showing through the gaps between the leaves. Su Ziyi probably guessed that it was almost noon. Hungry, he looked at the deep forest, his eyes flashed, and then he took the steamed buns that Bian Qing had prepared for him. After taking a few bites, he took a deep breath and walked deeper.

Compared with the outer areas, it is obviously quieter here, and of course there are more types of plants and animals. Su Ziyi saw squirrel-like animals in several tall trees, and also saw the hoof prints of small and medium-sized animals on the forest floor, which looked full of life.

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