Chapter 235 - 236

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Chapter 235 The auction begins

As soon as he said these words, the whole scene fell silent for an instant.

But it was only for a moment.

The next moment, someone with a sharp mind picked up the conversation, and even complimented the young master of the Cao family in a calm manner. The whole scene was immediately lively, and Tu Liu had already been squeezed to the outside. Su Ziran had a dark face.

Su Ziyi didn't know what was happening over there. At this time, he and Bian Qing were squatting in front of a stall to look at something.

Most of the people who set up stalls in Fangshi were cultivators, so after the stall owner realized that he couldn't see through Su Ziyi's strength at all, he immediately put on a flattering smile on his face and greeted Su Ziyi and the others enthusiastically: "A few of you are just looking at Look, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask." After that, he pushed forward the best-looking spiritual grass on his stall.

There are indeed some good spiritual herbs at this stall.

Unfortunately, they are all seedlings.

Picking up a Zhu Ming Vine seedling, Su Ziyi asked: "Are there no Zhu Ming Vine fruits?"

The stall owner shook his head in embarrassment: "Zhu Ming Vine fruits are very rare. I have been looking for them for so long, but I have only found a few, and just now And it was bought by someone."

In this case, there is nothing we can do.

His eyes swept across the stall, and apart from some seedlings, Su Ziyi couldn't find anything else he wanted. But it's normal. After all, there are so many people in the market. If there is anything good, it will probably have been bought by those who came early.

Therefore, after thinking about this clearly, Su Ziyi felt calm.

He casually picked up some seedlings on the stall, and was about to let the stall owner settle the accounts when he suddenly caught a glimpse of an old wooden box in the corner of the stall. This wooden box was open, and it was full of scars caused by stumbling. It was filled with spiritual grass seeds. They were of different sizes and colors, making it impossible to tell what kind of seeds were inside.

The stall owner naturally noticed Su Ziyi's gaze.

He quickly dragged the box in front of Su Ziyi and said with a smile on his face: "These are some beautiful spiritual grass and flower seeds. They look great when planted in the courtyard. Little Shuang'er generally likes them." He said this At that time, he was looking at Su Yulang, obviously trying to achieve his goal by attracting the children's attention.

It's a pity that Su Yulang has no interest in these flowers and plants.

On the contrary, Su Ziyi stretched out his fingers and stirred inside the box, then inserted his palms in and grabbed a bunch, and then watched the seeds flying down from his fingers: "What kind of spiritual plants, flowers and trees are there in here?" Flowers and trees The spiritual herbs may not always bring positive effects, so he still has to ask clearly before buying.

However, this time, the stall owner was at a loss for words.

Because he couldn't figure out what kind of plant seeds he put in it. Anyway, they were basically seeds. He threw them all in. Now let him say, he really can't tell the reason why it happened.

But he was reluctant to part with this business.

So, he simply gritted his teeth, lowered his eyes and made up some nonsense, and reported the names of all the common spiritual grass and flower seeds. At the end, he added: "I think you want a lot of spiritual grass seedlings. If these You also want seeds, and I can give you a little less money." Anyway, he paid a lot for these seeds.

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