Chapter 161 - 162

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Chapter 161 Tide of Monsters

The moment he dived out of the water, Su Ziyi still looked a little stunned.

After climbing out of the lake and wiping his wet face, he sat down on the ground and took a deep breath without paying any attention to anything. He continued to think about the stone seat in his mind.

If the situation in this stone seat is the same as that in the mysterious valley, will the stone seat appear again next time the moon is full?

Although it was just suspicion, Su Ziyi was already mostly convinced. At the same time, he also realized that there might not be any monsters approaching here for a while, so he might as well leave here to explore elsewhere, consolidate his cultivation, and wait until next month before the full moon to come back here to explore again. Validate what is in your heart.

So, after changing clothes and filling his stomach, Su Ziyi turned around and entered the forest.

The place where the lake is located is already somewhat deep into the inner layer of the Fallen Immortal Forest. If you continue in there, there will definitely be many dangers that he cannot solve. So after he thought about it, Su Ziyi decided to go back. After all, he had not seen anyone from the noble family come to the lake in the past two days. They must have left this area long ago.

But when he just walked out of the distance of the lake, he was stopped in place by what he saw in front of him.

Because of the red line, there are no blood stains around the lake. But here, less than two feet in front of him, blood stains reappeared. It was not blood, but blood that had dried to the point of turning black. They were mixed with the branches and shrubs that had fallen on the ground to create a New battlefield.

If it was just a trace of a battle between monsters and beasts, Su Ziyi wouldn't be too surprised.

But the battlefield in front of us is really too big! Nearly ten feet of trees on both sides of Su Ziyi were damaged to varying degrees. There were blood stains on each tree. The thinner trees even fell directly to the ground, making the entire forest look bare. Various secrets in the forest were directly exposed. The sunlight streaming in is unobstructed.

Su Ziyi frowned smelling the still strong smell of blood. He looked forward, only to find that everywhere he looked, everything was messed up like here.

This is more than just a battlefield where monster beasts fight, this is simply the ruins left by the monster beasts passing through!

Retreating to the lake, Su Ziyi looked in other directions and found that the forests in other places were intact, only the forest leading to the outer layer of the Fallen Fairy Forest was damaged. Put it this way - could it be that the monster beasts that gathered at the edge of the lake that day did not return directly to their lairs, but instead swarmed to the outer layer from this direction?

This thought instantly stopped Su Ziyi's heart.

He no longer stopped and thought, but turned around and ran towards the outside of the forest. He has never read about such an abnormal situation of monsters in any classics, and he doesn't know where these monsters that are rushing towards the outer layer of the Fallen Fairy Forest will go in the end, or whether they will enter the town. ? Will it hurt people in the town? Will Bian Qing and Su Yulang, who are staying at home waiting for him to return, be threatened?

These questions filled his mind and made him anxious.

Stepping into the battlefield left by the monsters, Su Ziyi found more monster remains and several complete monster skeletons. Their flesh had been chewed to bits by other monsters. Only some inedible parts fell to the ground, attracting many mosquitoes and flies buzzing around them.

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