Chapter 363 - 364

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Chapter 363 Battle against evil cultivators


he took a long breath and emptied the turbid air accumulated in his chest. Only then did Su Ziyi wake up from his trance.

Finally, it’s the middle stage of foundation building.

Eyelashes trembling, Su Ziyi slowly opened his eyes. When he broke through, time passed very quickly and seemed to pass very slowly, so Su Ziyi didn't know how long he had been meditating. He only knew that when he opened his eyes, the remaining three people were still unconscious. He set Outside the magic circle, there were only two or three black ghosts floating over.

Come to think of it, this breakthrough didn't take too long.

It was impossible for Su Ziyi to take three people on the road, so after sorting out his spiritual power, Su Ziyi took out the messenger jade pendant and tried to contact the nearest Xuan Cang Sect disciple. Although Qiao Yun has gone crazy, she is still an elder of Yifeng and cannot be dealt with by him. All crimes and merits must be returned to the sect for further evaluation.

As for the disciple who had lost too much blood and still hadn't woken up, what kind of things he would do when he woke up was beyond what Su Ziyi could do.

In this way, Su Ziyi was meditating and sorting out his cultivation while waiting for the Xuan Cang Sect disciples to contact him, although he was extremely irritable at the moment.

On the other side, Bian Qing and Su Yulang, who were worried about Su Ziyi, ran into some trouble.

In fact, relying on the nameless seal, the two of them lived a comfortable life. Even because Su Ziyi had prepared them so well in advance, their cultivation and skills had been greatly improved. Bian Qing, who was already on the verge of promotion, had successfully entered the twelfth stage of Qi refining with the help of pills and the battles. Layer, theoretically not far from foundation building.

As a result, the two people's self-confidence increased greatly as their strength increased, and they began to try to hunt more powerful black ghosts farther away.

And their movement made others focus on them.

It has been almost three months since the incident occurred outside Adali City. Basically, the forces that heard the news have sent people in, and the number of practitioners is still increasing. And when there are more people, there will be more chaos, especially when everyone discovers that this place is completely different from what they imagined before, which greatly stimulates the evil thoughts in the hearts of the practitioners.

"Amu." Su Yulang was nineteen years old. Standing next to Bian Qing, he was no shorter than Bian Qing. So when he saw the three Qi-refining period practitioners in front of him coming towards them with a ferocious smile, he subconsciously Holding the whip, he stood in front of Bian Qing, looking like a protector. Bian Qing stood behind him, looking over his shoulder at the three embarrassed cultivators, and couldn't help but frowned.

He could faintly smell a foul smell.

It was a fishy smell composed of various objects such as sweat stains, mud stains, and blood stains. It was also mixed with a rancid food smell, which made people feel like vomiting. This desire to vomit became more and more obvious as the three of them got closer, even forming slightly disgusted expressions on the faces of Bian Qing and Su Yulang.

And this expression completely angered the other three.

Unlike Bian Qing and his two friends who were well prepared with elixirs, food and water, many people who entered here came with the idea of ​​​​making a big profit here. In addition to protective magic weapons and elixirs, ordinary food and I didn’t bring much fresh water, I just wanted to use the local materials within the restriction.

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