Chapter 54 - 55

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Chapter 54 Give him freedom

It was almost midnight at night, and the laughter was very sudden.

"Who!" Bian Qing, who had always been confused by square characters, jumped up as if he had been stabbed when he heard the laughter. He slapped the brush in his hand on the table and rushed out like a gust of wind. , the door of the room was knocked, and he looked across at Su Ziyi aggressively, and then his whole body froze instantly, and a blush quickly appeared on his face.

"Who is it?" At this time, Su Yulang, who was a little short in steps, also ran over. He squeezed his head out from behind Bian Qing. After seeing the person clearly, he was still a little embarrassed. His face became lively: "Father!" Before Su Ziyi could smile at him, he heard him yell again in a fuss: "Father, aren't you going to practice tonight?" After hearing his words, the two adults present suddenly stopped

. Embarrassed.

But children don't understand adults' difficulties. Su Yulang got very excited from behind Bian Qing and grabbed Su Ziyi's hand: "Emma said you want to meditate, so you have to go back to the room very late at night." He muttered like a small complaint: "Father, you haven't given me a lecture book for a long time." After saying that, he pulled Su Ziyi towards the room, and Su Ziyi also followed his strength. However, when they passed by Bian Qing and faced each other, they both looked away unnaturally.

Su Yulang happily pulled Su Ziyi into the room. He had even planned in his mind which storybook his father would read tonight. However, his joy immediately disappeared when they stepped into the room and faced the table of ghost paintings. The smoke disappeared.

He instantly let go of Su Ziyi's hand, the smile on his face disappeared, and he rushed towards the table in a panic. While hurriedly cleaning up, he explained firmly: "This is my homework. I haven't finished what I did during the day..." He didn't look at Su Ziyi when he spoke, as if escaping like this would make Su Ziyi pretend that he couldn't see it.

And Su Ziyi did as he wished. She didn't say anything to tease him and waited quietly for him to finish cleaning up. When Su Yulang saw that his father really didn't say anything, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his hand movements were no longer so panicked. He even quietly exchanged a look with Eminem, but Eminem's eyes were too complicated, and his face was full of confusion. It was a little red, which he didn't quite understand.

But it’s okay if you don’t understand. "Okay." He happily put the things on the corner of the table, pressed the white paper with the book, and then ran back to Su Ziyi and took him to the bed: "Father, I want to be obedient today." He was obedient. He climbed into bed smoothly, then took out a book from under the pillow with familiarity, and handed the storybook to Su Ziyi with watery eyes: "Listen to this." Su Ziyi took the storybook with a smile,

In addition to the shoes, he also climbed onto the bed. At Su Yulang's greeting, he lay down outside the bed. He raised the pillow and opened the book to start talking. However, before he could speak, Su Yulang happily called up his mother: "Eminem, you come too." After saying that, he patted the inside of the bed.

At this time, Su Ziyi, who was holding the storybook and raising his head, also became stiff along with Bian Qing.

"Come on, Eminem." Su Yulang didn't pay so much attention. At this time, he was going crazy with joy. You know, he has been teaching Eminem how to read during this period, and he hasn't read a storybook for a long time. But tonight, not only can he relax, but his favorite father can read to him. It's so happy! He slipped into the thick quilt, hugged Su Ziyi's waist tightly, and gave Su Ziyi a toothy smile when he looked over.

Bian Qing, who had been frozen in place, now moved his feet. He tensed up his whole body, took off his outer robe in front of Su Ziyi, and then slowly climbed onto the bed following Su Yulang's wishes, and got into the bed. In the innermost part, I didn't worry about being stuffy, so I just covered my head with the quilt. The little heartless Su Yulang immediately happily clung to Su Ziyi after seeing his mother in bed. Su Ziyi did not live up to his expectations. With the expectant eyes in his eyes, he opened the pages of the book and started reading. .

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