Chapter 319 - 320

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Chapter 319 Winning the Primary Election

"Boom -"

Even though Guo Xie had been prepared, he was still blasted away by Su Ziyi's move and fell forward several feet.

"Squeak——" In desperation, Guo Xie quickly inserted the tip of his Mo Dao into the ground, drawing a pit more than a foot long on the ring before stopping.

This move completely let everyone see Su Ziyi's strength. This article was compiled by Beig Youyu Dujia.

The second year after Su Ziyi came to Qingze Continent, he obtained the Qing Ling Gui Yi Jue and Zhi Yi Sword Jue from the mines. At the beginning, although he could feel that the two were extraordinary, he couldn't tell what the specific strength was. It was only after he had practiced longer and longer and fought against more and more practitioners that he could He discovered that these two things Zi Yi left for him were truly unique treasures in this world.

Therefore, even if his Zhiyi Sword Technique has not yet broken through to the second level, it is enough for him to overturn Guo Xie with one move by surprise.

Since Su Ziyi had planned to take the lead, he obviously did not intend to give Guo Xie another chance.

Before Guo Xie could stand up, a fierce force struck him in the head, causing him to subconsciously raise his knife to block it. His speed was so fast that he used too much force, causing a big hole in the ring and scattered gravel all over the floor. But no matter how hard he exerted himself, Su Ziyi's move was not easy to bear. It directly pushed his whole body down one layer of the ring again, and the energy and blood in his body surged uncontrollably.

However, in just a few moves, the situation in the arena has changed drastically.

Su Ziyi already had confidence in his heart after this move. Indeed, Guo Xie is quite powerful, but after such a long period of fighting, Su Ziyi has already discovered his shortcomings, that is - his flexibility is too poor. Once all the offensive rhythm is interrupted, the momentum accumulated before will be lost. Like a popped balloon, it leaked out bit by bit.

Even if you can't see it clearly now, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that Guo Xie's rhythm has been disrupted by him.

Therefore, Su Ziyi took advantage of the victory and pursued it.

Guo Xie resisted Su Ziyi's sword moves, knowing that this would definitely not work. Therefore, at this moment, he was kneeling on one knee, with his head lowered and Mo Dao held high in both hands. His whole face turned red, and he let out a low roar in his throat. Then his whole body seemed to be moving forward with a load, slowly carrying it. Su Ziyi stood up under the pressure exerted by him.

The moment he stood up, everyone in the venue almost couldn't hold back the sound in their throats.

But after all, Guo Xie was still affected a bit.

After he stood up, he staggered back a few steps under the attack of Su Ziyi's sword move, and then narrowly avoided another move from Su Ziyi. But when Su Ziyi stood up again, he remained calm and used his starting technique again, appearing behind Guo Xie.

At this time, Guo Xie had fully realized that he could no longer remain passive like this.

He roared angrily, and there was a surge of spiritual power in his body, which collided with Su Ziyi's sword move. He immediately caught the momentum and knocked Su Ziyi back several feet. But Su Ziyi didn't panic when he was pushed away. He turned his steps again and changed his body in another direction, avoiding Guo Xie's subconscious move.

Being dodged by Su Ziyi again, no matter how good Guo Xie's psychological quality was, he still felt a little anxious.

However, Su Ziyi seemed to sense the anxiety in his heart, and stopped confronting him head-on. Instead, he used the starting method, like a ghost, he would come out of a corner that was hard to guard from time to time, and use a slanted move with Guo. Although Guo Xie was also very fast, that speed was only relative, unlike Su Ziyi who was so elusive. Therefore, for a while, he was completely unable to do anything to Su Ziyi, but instead suffered some new wounds on his body.

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