Chapter 397 - 398

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Chapter 397 The Sai Family Father and Son

Very messy.

Seeing all this, Su Ziyi was very upset.

How could he not know that these people were here to find the little fat man who was picked up by Su Yulang? But after experiencing this series of things, when he saw the hostility and defensiveness in these people's eyes, he felt extremely ridiculous, and he didn't want to follow their wishes at all.

Even though everything they experienced had nothing to do with these ordinary villagers.

In just a few words, Ajiu understood the whole story clearly. While he was a little annoyed, he was also a little lucky. After all, compared to the conflict between the villagers and the Su family, it was only a child who broke in here. Come on, it's really much better. And based on his observations in the past few days, the Su family is not that difficult to talk to, and this matter should be easy to solve.

After the villagers dispersed, leaving only the little fat man's father, Ajiu led his men towards Su Ziyi.

Su Ziyi stood at the door like a door god, looking at the two people walking over with an indifferent expression. After listening to Ajiu's words, he was still looking at each other blankly after they finished speaking. The little fat man was so surprised. The father felt uneasy in his heart. How could he forget that the village elders had said that two of the three Dai people who entered the village this time were foundation-building practitioners, and neither of them was something that an ordinary person like him could fight against.

He was living so well in the village that he forgot that most cultivators in this world were cruel and ruthless.

Instantly, his heart dropped.

However, it is impossible to leave his son here like this. He secretly encouraged himself, took a deep breath, and raised his head to look at Su Ziyi. But at this glance, the aura of the other party almost overwhelmed him. The courage he had just summoned up , was exposed at once.

"Master Sudan." At this time, it was Ah Jiu who took over the conversation. Although he was just a qi refiner, he was not afraid of Su Ziyi, the foundation builder at all. In his words and deeds, there was even a faint feeling of wanting to be equals: " This is Cesida, Serge's father. He came to you to take his child back." Su Ziyi narrowed his eyes and looked at him, thinking in his mind, what would happen if he told this group of people that he didn't see the little fat man?

But he wasn't that boring after all.

He compromised so easily, and he said: "Our family has just come here, and we are not familiar with everything here, and we don't know what your customs are like. But we have ears and eyes, so we can see. Whether others have ill intentions towards us, we can tell that the gibbering in that child’s mouth is not a good thing."


As soon as Su Ziyi finished speaking, the atmosphere between the three of them became awkward. Because he does not understand the Miao and Yunnan dialect, Su Ziyi imitated the pronunciation of the three words "山啱山鬼" when he said them, and the tone was a bit weird, It means that he has heard this word many times but does not understand what it means.

Ajiao and Cecida, on the other hand, had no idea that the boy Ser was so clueless and dared to say anything. However, Serge is so young, does he really know what a ghost is?  Isn't what he heard exactly what adults said in his ears on weekdays?  These questions were obviously very important, but they were subconsciously ignored by the two of them, and they just looked at Su Ziyi silently.

It seems that they will not apologize.

Su Ziyi raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what the ghost was. If he knew, he might be even more angry. But now, he doesn't know, so his anger is not that strong. After such a period of time, he has slowly calmed down. He only plans to give the two of them a small lesson and allow them to take the person away.

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