Chapter 48 - 49

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Chapter 48 Finally Awakening

But three days later, when Doctor Xiangfu came to the door again, Su Ziyi was still unconscious.

This time Bian Qing was completely panicked. In the past few days, he stayed in front of Su Ziyi's bed every day, watching the blood flowing from his fingertips turn from black to black red, and finally turned into a bright red without any shadow at all. This made him excited for the toxins in Su Ziyi's body to be removed. Feeling happy, but also worried that Su Ziyi didn't wake up.

Therefore, when the old doctor of Xiangfu came today, he asked him: "Doctor, my husband, he——" He didn't ask the next words because he was worried about angering him. After all, he was also the exclusive doctor of a wealthy family. If it weren't for the friendship with Director Xiang, there would be no need for them to help them.

"This - let me take a closer look -" Looking at Su Ziyi who was still lying motionless on the bed, the old doctor was actually in trouble. According to his estimation, Su Ziyi should have woken up at this time, so Why didn't he wake up? Could it be that something unexpected happened? He brushed his sleeves, sat in front of the bed, and checked Su Ziyi's pulse again.

The black spider toxin in Su Ziyi's body has indeed been almost eliminated as he expected, but what makes people a little worried is that the spiritual energy in the other party's body is still moving at a very fast speed. The old doctor tried to introduce a bit of his spiritual energy into Su Ziyi's body, then he frowned and his expression became worse.

Bian Qing couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart when he saw the change in his expression.

But he didn't speak, he just looked at the old doctor helplessly. After a long while, the old doctor took back his hand, then raised his somewhat cloudy eyes to look at Bian Qing, with a heavy tone: "The toxins are indeed almost eliminated, but -" He carefully considered his words: "Hey, but the spiritual energy in this little brother's body is still running on its own at an extremely fast speed!" The

old doctor shook his head and looked at Su Ziyi on the bed with some pity in his eyes: "I just took a look, and the spiritual energy in his body is still moving at an extremely fast speed!" The inner walls of the tendons have been severely damaged due to the overload of spiritual energy." As he said that, he took out the acupuncture kit again from his medicine box: "Now I can only borrow the power of acupuncture to help him delay it. The speed of spiritual energy reduces the damage speed of muscles and veins."

"If you want to get better, you must first wake up."

"Then when will my husband wake up?" When saying this, Bian Qingdu was vibrating. But his question did not make the old doctor hesitate, and he answered him casually: "Looking at his pulse, it should be the past few days." After saying that, he held the silver needle and started to apply the acupuncture.

Judging from the situation he had just diagnosed and treated, this guy's pulse was indeed okay. It might have been due to the excessive toxins, so he didn't wake up within the predicted time, but it shouldn't take too long. However, even if you wake up, the muscles and veins in your body have been damaged, and your cultivation talent will also be damaged. Unless you can get the Baijiang Pill that can repair the muscles and veins, you will be stuck at the sixth level of Qi refining in this life, and you may even... fall back.

However, Baijiang Dan is definitely not something that such a small casual cultivator can obtain.

You must know that Baijiang Dan is already a mysterious-level elixir, and the threshold requirements for the alchemist's cultivation level are in the late stage of foundation building. Not to mention that the elixir material itself is relatively rare, and every time it appears, the price remains high. For such a monk who still lives in a small dilapidated mountain village, that is an existence that is simply unimaginable!

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