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Chapter 43 (Girlfriend, open your mouth...)

"White Pigeon 8276, the approach radar saw it, raised it to 14, corrected the sea pressure to 1024, it's relative."

The tower's voice came from the communication in the cockpit.

Wen Zhi: "Shanghai 14, corrected sea pressure 1024, relative, Baige 8276."

As the co-pilot, Wen Zhi was having a radio conversation, and the captain in the left seat was concentrating on controlling the plane. This was the last flight of the day.

During the approach procedure, she and the captain were concentrating on preparing for landing, and there was no small talk.

Until the plane lands and stops on the runway.

A few minutes later, the plane connected to the corridor next to the airport, and Wen Zhi let out a breath.

But then she and today's Captain Liu began to execute the off-camera procedure.

Passengers in the cabin began to disembark one after another.

"This day is finally over," Captain Liu next to him stretched.

Wen Zhi nodded: "Yes, four sections a day, thank you for your hard work."

Captain Liu said helplessly: "I am still getting older. When I was as young as you, I flew six sections a day in the province, not to mention four sections a day."

"You're not that old," Wen Zhi replied while checking.

After the passengers had finished leaving, Wen Zhi followed Captain Liu and left the cockpit.

After leaving the cockpit, Wen Zhi turned on her phone.

Sure enough, every time she turn off and on again, there is always a bunch of information.

There was also a message from Jiang Lan, asking her to rush there as soon as she got off the plane.

"Share your address with me. I'm off the plane," Wen Zhi replied directly.

Jiang Lan immediately replied: "I'm just waiting for you."

It turns out that today is Jiang Lan's birthday. She invited a group of friends to celebrate her birthday. Wen Zhi has a flight and can't make it for dinner. But Jiang Lan said that there would be a second stall tonight, so just ask her to get off the plane and come over.

It happened that one of the flight attendants on the same flight as Wen Zhi was named Deng Ying Ying, and she also wanted to go together.

"Co-pilot Wen, are you looking for Jiang Lan later? Let's go there together," Deng Ying Ying came over.

Wen Zhi smiled and said, "Okay, let's change clothes first and then go find her afterward."

Twenty minutes later, Wen Zhi's car drove out of the airport parking lot.

Deng Ying Ying looked at her phone and said happily: "I heard that Jiang Lan has a live party tonight, but I haven't been there yet."

"Me neither, this is my first time going," Wen Zhi smiled.

The two of them were chatting and laughing along the way, and when they were approaching the city, there was a traffic jam on the road.

"It's almost nine o'clock, and there's still traffic jam in the city," Deng Ying Ying sighed, "We live in the suburbs all day long, and we feel like we're almost derailed from the city."

Many pilots and flight attendants rent houses near their companies or airports for the convenience of going to work.

Or the dormitories arranged by the company are also nearby.

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