Ch 2 - Homeless Living

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Sekia had been living on the streets for a year. Without a proper education or any social skills Sekia was only left to copy people.

When he saw people sleeping in a box he slept in a box. When he saw people eating from the trash he ate from the trash. When a dog tried to take his food and grow at him he learned to grow back. When cats clawed at him he learned to scratch back.

Parks, back alleys, near rivers and by the docks. Sekia leaned to sleep anywhere and everywhere.

So what was Sekia doing right now? Right now he was outside a Chinese restaurant as he was eating in their bins. Prawns, chow main, left over rib bones. He was eating anything he could. At least that was until a van pulled up put a bag over his head and pulled him in.


Sekia growled and scratches around. Clawing at anything.



Sekia felt someone kick his back as he scratched at someone's eye.


Sekia pulled off the bag as he saw two people with black wool masks at the back with him and another in the driver seat.

Sekia continued to scratch as one of them looked at Sekia. They're other still in pain with his eye.


The man grew small claws as he plunged them into Sekias chest. But they weren't long enough to do any internal damage. Only inflict pain. And Sekia had experienced enough of that not to notice. As he pounced on the man like a dog. Reenacting the scene that pushed him to fight back. Sekia opened his jaw wide as he bit hard into the mans throat. He felt the blood flowing through the neck as he pulled and pulled. The man tried to scream but blood blocked his throat. Sekia continued pulling and pulling until he ripped out a massive chunk of the mans throat.

The other man watched as Sekia chewed and swallowed the chunk of flesh. Covered in the blood that sprayed from the man's throat. His crimson eyes looking into the man's. Sekia looked at his hands as small eagle like claws came from his fingers. Curved and sharp, but short.


The driver looked back as he saw Sekia covered in blood and a man dead in the floor.


The man crashed into a metal barrier as both the man and Sekia flew to the front. Sekia grabbed onto the mans throat as he clawed to stay on but he flew out the front window of the van. Hitting the concrete and rolling on the floor into a harbour.

Sekia fell into the water but he couldn't move. His body hurt too much. Glass shards stabbed his body and his skin was ripped off from the concrete. He looked up as he slowly sank in the water. The sun glaring in the ripples of the water surface.

Sekia: {I... don't want to die.}

Sekia had his eyes slowly close as he drowned in the harbour.

Scene change

Sekia opened his eyes as a bright glare shone in them. He rolled off the metal table he was on as he clawed himself along the concrete floor. His body felt so heavy. It was painful. He was hungry.

???: Oh? You're still alive? Though a live subject is better than a dead one when creating Nomu.

A large door opened as someone in a suit walked in. Standing in front of Sekia. His black oxfords directly in front of his face.

???: What are you doing with this... thing?

???: I was just about to start making a Nomu when he came back to life again. I was pretty sure he was dead. No pulse and I found him floating in the sea. Though it seems he's still alive but badly hurt.

Sekia started biting at the shoe of the man. His teeth scratching at the leather. The man picked up Sekia by his hair. Sekia looked at the man's face and was surprised to see no eyes on the man. Sekia growled and scratched at his suit with his claws.

The man then smiled with his eyeless face.

???: This one won't be used as a Nomu. Instead I think he'd be more useful for Tomuru.

???: Young Shigiraki? If that's what you desire I will heal him master.

Sekia was placed and clamped down on the table.

???: Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Though you will be of use to me. Won't you... Bloodhound.

Sekia tired to bite as the man as his neck was clamped down. Sekia kept pushing into the clamp trying to bite until he passed out strangling himself on the clamp. The eyeless man smiled as he looked down at Sekia.

???: I have high hopes for you. Dr Garaki. Heal the child and give him some proper clothes. Then put him in Tomuras old room. No experiments on him.

Garaki: Yes master All for One.

All for One walked out of the room as Garaki looked at Sekia.

Garaki: Quite lucky you are.

Sekia woke up as he again started struggling and biting.

Garaki: And feisty.

Food Chain
Perfect Body
Predator Claws: Claws that resemble an eagles that retract into the fingers.

Internal Parasite: As long as the brain and parasites living inside of you remain alive your parasites will keep you alive. It slowly heals wounds as supplements injured organs until they heal. Parasite slowly improves body functions over time.

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