Ch 56 - Burying You Under The Prison (1)

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Sekia was in his villain uniform. Wondering through the dark alleys behind the mall. Waiting for a target. He was in the shadows just waiting and waiting. No cameras watching or monitoring. No other civilians walking down this dark abandoned alley. Just Sekia. Until a man that matched the description came wondering down. Sekia looked and checked to make sure he was the right person. Moving around the shadows to get a better view. And it was the target. A notorious serial rapist and murder only known in the underworld. Unable to be caught because of his constantly changing appearance.

Emerging from the shadows Sekia slowly approached the man from behind. The man didn't even notice until it was too late. Sekia stabbed the man in the back as they both fell into a shadow. But what emerged wasn't either of them. But someone in Sekias villain uniform with white hair, yellow eyes and brown skin. Their hair longer and tied back.

It was Sekia.

Sekia looked in a puddle to make sure he had changed and he did. Perfectly into how he wanted. Sekia left as the mall alleys were left how they were found. No body to be seen anywhere. Not a drop of blood on the floor.

Sekia leaving to find out more information.

Time skip

Sekia was flying high above the highway looking for a truck. After visiting an info broker he knew he found what he needed to. It was supposed to look like a normal semi truck but on the inside it was a fortress meant to hold dangerous criminals that held powerful quirks. They were either convicted or yet to be convicted but due to how dangerous they were had to be placed in a secure location.

That location being their final destination. A high security prison supposedly impossible to escape. One of 5 top most high security prisons in the world.

Sekia: Licence plate... licence plate... Bingo.

Sekia saw the truck with the license plate an informant told him about. The truck housing the person he was going to kill. Sekia landed on the truck and his wings turned into spiked claws. Stabbing into the truck roof and ripping it open.


A few guards began to shoot at Sekia but it was useless. The bullets wouldn't penetrate his skin let alone his villain suit. Sekia went down as he knocked all the guards out with light punches or strangling them with blood tentacles.

There were three prisoners on this convoy. One was Overhaul who was restrained with quirk cuffs and heavy metal restraints. Another was one with a mutant quirk, of which Sekia couldn't tell what it was. It looked close to feline but had some differences. And the other was completely normal looking. Really basic hair, body frame. Even some crooked glasses and teeth.

Overhaul: So your here Bloodhound. I assumed when I got to prison you would break in to kill me. I knew you couldn't hold out for long once on
Sekia: And I beat you up badly enough for that. My master didn't want you dead at that time. But I doubt he wants to share a building with the likes of you.

Sekia glared as there was his instinctive growl in his voice.

Overhaul: And why is that? Maybe my current charges hit a soft spot for you? Maybe you actually want to break me out?

Sekia: I'm going to stay here and wait.

Overhaul smiled and laughed loud.


Sekia: I'm serious. We are going to get to prison and I'm going to put you there... well at least somewhere near there.

Overhaul: Your going to regret it.

Sekia: How so?

Sekia asked looking at Overhaul strangely as he had a cocky smile on.

Overhaul: Because... there's one of you...

Sekia then felt another presence.

???: And more of us.

Sekia braced as he got punched into the thick cell bars as they warped under the force of the crash. The truck made a screeching halt as Sekia saw a large man with a plauge mask.

Sekia: You didn't plan on staying in prison.

Overhaul: Why would I? I still need to cleanse this world of filth.

Sekia: Funny. I was here to do the same thing.

A vein bulged out of Overhauls forehead in anger. Sekia punched the large man in the face. Sending him flying out of the truck doors and into the ground. Sekia stepped out and there were a lot more people in masks. Though some didn't have plauge masks and they all had different styles.

???: HAHAHAHAHA! YES! You withstood one of my punches! The hype about you wasn't all talk then!

The larger man laughed as he got up. Looking at Sekia and punching his fists together.

Sekia: {Why do he remind me of someone?} Can you all just leave? Otherwise you're either going to end up dead. Or without large potions of your body.

Some villains from the yakuza flinched back. While others stepped forward.

???: You don't think we are not ready for you Bloodhound.

The man said pointing a gun at him.

???: YEAH! I've been itching to fight you ever since we heard you mercilessly beat up our boss!

Sekia: One last chance or those with nice quirks go to the same place I'm putting your boss in. Hell.


Sekia sighed as he looked behind him. And on the other side of him. Next to the prison. There were a lot of heroes and guards.

Sekia was now literally standing in the middle of a three way. Him, the Heroes and the Yakuza.

Sekia: I offer...


Sekia looked at both groups facing each other. One yakuza and the other heroes. Both in the middle of a still Mexican standoff. Sekia without any sort of team in the middle.

Food Chain
Perfect Body
Predator Claws
Internal Parasite
Body Boost
Minor telekinesis
Shadow movement
Eyes of Inferno
Stamina Enhancer
Learning Curve
Super Regeneration 2x
Squirmy fingers
Metal Manipulation
Muscle Augmentation 2x
Freeze Frame
Demonic Wings
Blood Bondage
Bone matrix
Hand signal
Hyper Active
Makeup: You are able to change your appearance at will. However it does not last more than a day.

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