Ch 64 - Joint Training Battle (3)

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Both classes entered the construction site as Jiro started stabbing her earphones jacks into the floor and pipes. Looking for any off sounds. Sounds that didn't belong in a construction area. And when she stabbed into one particular pipe she heard something. Pacing. Movements back and forth.

Jiro: This pipe here leads somewhere in the direction where Sekia is.

Momo: Ok has everyone formed their groups!

Everyone nodded as they were all in specific groups created before the match began. Each having a specific purpose as they all began to take small balls Momo made and placed on goggles.

As they followed a pipe it stopped. Merged into a large gathering of them forming a complex wall. No gap to enter.


Monoma: NO IT ME!


Both looked at Kendo as they scoffed. Turning towards the large gathering of pipes as their palms sparked. Massive explosions ensued.

Momo: Does everyone remember the plan?

They all nodded. Momo understood as she left with her team. Going away to prepare. Her team significantly larger than the other.

Scene change

Sekia was just standing there as all the pipes shook and heated up. He knew what was behind as he could hear it.

Sekia: They have a plan right? They're not just going to brute force me are they?

Sekia watched as the explosions got closer.

Sekia: {It sounds like two people are firing explosions. Most likely Bakugou and Monoma. I'm surprised that they could work together.}

The explosions got closer and closer until they stopped. Sekia tilted his head confused why they lost momentum. Until the wall suddenly broke down and balls were thrown in various directions. The balls exploded as massive flashes of light flooded the room. It would have blinked Sekia... If he didn't have Lens that prevented blinding from bright lights. This allowed Sekia to see vines form around the pipe formed room. But with no shadow to move around in Sekia decided to just stand there waiting. As the vines surround him they formed a shadow to disappear in.

Sekia: {Their prepared to neutralise the shadow "part" of my quirk. I should aim for the ones with the flash grenades first. Then see if they have a back up plan.}

Sekia appeared under Kendo as he was about to grab her. But the shadow he was about to exit moved. Expanding in front of her as he appeared in the wrong place. Sekia grabbed onto a pipe above as he swang towards her. Ida coming in and trying to kick Sekia. But Sekia used his momentum to spin around as he kicked Ida in the side of his torso. His armour cracking as he was sent crashing into the pipe wall.

Horns tried to spear Sekia but he grabbed and jumped off of them. Grabbing a ball from Kendos large hands and pressing a red button. Throwing it at Bakugous face as a lens on his goggles broke. Blinding him as it exploded.


Bakugou fired random explosions around in defence as some hit his own teammates. But Sekia weaved under his arms as he began to choke Bakugou out. His arm wrapped around Bakugous neck. The floor turned to quicksand as Sekia pushed Bakugou in to get himself out. Flipping over as he punched Tetsutetsu in his face. Even completely steeled he felt the hard impact as it knocked him out.

But as Sekia was regaining his footing he was slammed into the pipes by a large furry beast. A small person came up and punched him in the side. He looked at the small kid with a scouter and stomped them person away. The impact causing the kid to smack into a wall and pass out. Monoma turned and picked up the scouter looking device.


Jiro shouted. Her ear jacks pointing outside. Listening into something. Suddenly everyone but a large beast, Sato and a tall man with yellow skin, his face full of holes left.

Sekia: {Somethings ready? Actually a lot of people weren't here. Did they need time to make something. They must have another plan. Maybe their main attack. I wonder what it is?}

Liquid cement was fired at Sekia as he blocked it with his hand. It quickly dried as concrete formed around his hand. The beast and Sato attacked Sekia. Punching him as Sekia blocked with his new concrete hand. Sekia punching Sato as he crashed through the pipes and was buried in them.

More concrete was fired but Sekia blocked it with the same hand. More concrete forming around it. The beast charged but Sekia smacked him on the top of his head with his now large concrete hammer hand. The beast acted dazed as it fell to the ground shrinking back to its regular size.

Sekia looked at the yellow man as he shook.

???: P... Pl... Please don't... hurt me.

Sekia flicked his arm hard as the concrete broke and shattered.

Sekia: Turn around then.

The student turned around as Sekia taped him up. Taping everyone he had defeated so far. All being captured.

Sekia: Damn. They ruined my suit.

Sekia said walking out of the dark maze of pipes. Leaving the captured students inside. His suit covered in flakes of concrete.

Scene change

Momo: What's happening so far?

Momo asked to the group running towards them.

Monoma: The scouter shows that he moved around a bit. Defeating the others and he's now walking out. Most likely trying to find us.


Momo turned around as everything was set up.

Uraraka: I'm ready.

Izuku: Prepared.

???: Ready.

Everyone began replying as they were all prepared for Sekia. Quickly going to their positions.

Scene change

In the observation room Aizawa and Vlad watched closely as the students were waiting for Sekia.

Aizawa: It seems Sekias doing well holding back.

Vlad: You mean they have a good plan to beat him.

Aizawa: They came up with a good plan yes. In fact if it was anyone besides Sekia. Even a teacher or a pro hero they may have already won and would definitely win with such a plan. But not Sekia. If he went all out this would already be near its end.

Vlad: What? How? They're doing well using his weakness against him.

Aizawa: The first group would have all drowned in his shadow by now. Before those flash grenades were thrown or before they broke the wall. I may have added weight to him but he's still exceedingly fast moving in his shadow. He could have pulled them in before the shadow was manipulated and moved.


Vlad looked at Aizawa in shock. It wasn't often he was amazed by a student.

Aizawa: He's that fast.

Vlad: But... That's nearly All Might level fast.

Aizawa: In a shadow. Without the weights. Sekia is All Might level fast. Probably faster. The only reason we didn't put him up against All Might in the previous fights is because he lacked the physical power and he didn't have the ability to move through shadows like he can now.

Vlad: That's so unfair.

Aizawa: As I told them on their first day. Being a hero isn't fair.

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