Ch 5 - Treats

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Sekia slowly opened his eyes as he was in a dark room. He was on a bed stained with blood. Poorly wrapped bandages around his body. His body is sore and in pain. He was surprised he didn't die.


The woman hugged Sekia as he extended his claw. But she didn't do anything but hug him. He wasn't crushing him or throwing him. It was just soft. It didn't hurt even with his wounded body.

Sekia: {Is she not trying to fight?}

Sekia was confused on what any of this was.

???: I thought you were dying!

She continued hugging Sekia as he retracted his claws. The hug as a new experience. It felt... nice.

???: Oh you must be hungry. I made you some food since you were unconscious for a while.

The woman brought out a plate of chicken and chips. Sekia looked down at the plate as he looked back up at the woman.

Sekia: What do I have to do?

Sekia said with a serious expression

???: Pardon?

Sekia: Food. What do I need to do? A test? Combat?

???: I'm just giving you food?

The woman looked very confused and a bit worried at Sekia.

Sekia: I... I don't have to do anything for it?

???: {Was only fed as a reward?! So... he isn't a hero?}

The woman placed down the plate as she picked up the fork and knife. Sekia extended his claws again. On guard. But she slowly cut part of the chicken as she stabbed it with the fork. Moving it towards Sekia.

???: Please open your mouth. I promise I won't hurt you.

Sekia looked at the chicken. Smelling it slightly. His mouth watered as it smelled delicious. He couldn't smell any poison from it so Sekia followed the woman's command and opened his mouth. The woman gently placing the food in his mouth as Sekia began to chew it.

???: See. That wasn't so bad. Do you want to try eating on your own now?

Sekia went to grab the whole piece of chicken with his hands as the woman stopped him.

???: Stop stop stop. Just let me do it if your going to use your hands.

Sekia stopped as the woman slowly kept cutting pieces of chicken. Sekia eating them as the woman fed him. Sekia looked into her crimson eyes as she looked into his. The woman smiled as she kept feeding him. It was a soft smile unlike the ones he had seen Garaki or All for One have. When Sekia had finished eating the woman left as he heard water flow. Sekia got out of bed even though his body was in a lot of pain and looked around the room. It wasn't that much different from his room at the compound he had been staying in. Sekia then found his clothes as he went through the pocket. Pulling out pieces of a destroyed button.

Sekia: {Hmmm.}

Sekia put the piece back into the pocket as he walked out of the room. Sneaking around as he saw the layout. A flat, one main bedroom, one guest, a living room, a kitchen and one bathroom.

???: What are you doing?

The woman looked confused as she brought over a glass of water to Sekia. She held out the glass of water as Sekia looked at it and sniffed it. There was nothing suspicious about it from its smell or look. It was just water. Sekia slowly drinking it as the woman guided him to the sofa.

???: So what's your name? I'm Sophia.

Sekia slowly finished the glass of water as he looked at the woman.

Sekia: {I'm supposed to give my alias correct.} Bloodhound.

Sophia: Oh so you're a hero.

Sekia: No.

Sophia: A vigilante?

Sekia: No.

Sophia: {But the only other people that use alias are villains.}

The Sophia looked at Sekias crimson eyes. The look turning into a stare as she was deep in thought.

Sophia: {Well he can't be worse than the other hero's I've dated. Especially that asshole that chased me then ran away.} But what's your real name.

Sekia: Sekia.

Sophia: That's a nice name. If it's ok could I asked what made you into a villain?

The woman looked at Sekia as he was in thought.

Sekia: {All for One told me you become a villain with your first kill so.} Abusive parents.

Sophia: That must have been difficult. I'm really sorry.

Sophia went to hug Sekia again. It was soft again. And even with his sore body it didn't hurt. It was comfortable and she smelt nice. Really nice. The smell dazed Sekia as with his injuries he felt light headed. His eyes slowly dropped as he felt tired.

Sophia: Sekia are you okay?

Sekia didn't realise it but wounds on his body began opening up again causing him to bleed. As he slowly fell onto Sophia.

Sekia: {This... is comfortable. Soft, smells nice. She... seems... nice.}

Sekia fell to sleep on Sophia with a smile. A face that hadn't even moved from its neutral expression for years smiled in the embrace of a woman he had just met.

Sophia however realised that Sekia was bleeding and began to panic. Trying hard to lift Sekia back to bed and use her quirk to stop his bleeding. Reapplying new bandages after washing his body with a wet towel. She enjoyed looking at his muscular body and its tone definition.

Scene change

Kurogiri: I'm sorry master. I can't seem to find master Sekia anywhere. After some blood traces down an alley it's like he disappeared. The button tracker has also not shown signs of working since 5 day, the day of his first mission.

Kurogiri gave a slight bow in front of All for One. All for One in a chair connected to a variety of medical equipment. All in a dark room.

All for One: {He completed the mission so it's unlikely he ran away. There haven't been any updates in the police files so heroes haven't captured him. Neither were their updates in the morgue severs so unless he was killed to the point he was unrecognisable he's not dead. Was he captured by another underground organisation?}

All for One was left in thought for a bit before he addressed Kurogiri.

All for One: Stop looking for him. If he's dead he's dead. If he's captured he should come back home like a well trained dog. I already told him where to go in case something happens. For now your services are for Tomura and to take care of him.

Kurogiri: I understand.

Kurogiri left the room as All for One was left all alone in the dark room.

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