Ch 12 - UA Entrance Test

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Sekia was in a blue uniform as he walked in among the students entering UA. His height much taller than most of them. Looking like he was older. People around guessing early twenties.

Sekia: {I've got to get into the top class.}

Sekia began a written assessment which he found easy. Though Sekia spent a lot less time in education than others that went through their entire lives in the education system. The teaching methods used on Sekia were harder and Sekia learned quicker. He had a natural analytical ability in both combat and written work. So when the papers were collected, Sekia knew he got every question correct. Even the trick one at the end that. He requested a blank piece of paper to correct and write down the answers and correct the question. Sekia knew he was correct.

And after listening to an annoying loud man shout he was finally allowed to move to the combat test.

He knew exactly what was about to happen even if he didn't listen to the explanation. The test had remained the same ever year at UA and All for One knew that. Informing Sekia before hand.

So when the doors started to open, he ran. His speed fast compared to the others in his group. Sekia darted down the dark alleys of the fake city. A testing ground for this combat test.

Than Sekia found his first battle droid, he appeared from the shadows in the floor. Ripping the head off and disappearing. He kept reappearing and disappearing as he acted like an assassin in the shadows. At times he moved out the shadows because of robots that crossed in between two unconnected shadows and not down the dark alleys. Sekia leaping as he appeared more as a blur on cameras than a human. One moment a droid was moving through buildings or across the road. The next a black blur passed between two alleys and the droid was left without a head.

Scene change

Many heroes were sitting in an observation room. Observing all the tests that were happening.

???: This years batch of young heroes is quite promising. Many already know their strengths and weaknesses. Using what suits them to hunt down the droids.

A woman dressed in a less than appropriate attire said watching the monitors.

???: Yes. We've got some using brute force, some using their speed, others using a surveillance approach and others... well others seem to be very well trained.

A small dog, bear, rat type thing said. Sitting in a chair much too big for him.

???: I'm guessing you saw it too.

An unamused man with a scarf around him said. Looking attentively at a few screens.

???: You mean more of what didn't I see. Whats the name of the person taking out those droids? I haven't see him on any of the cameras yet. Like he's avoiding them or moving so fast in front of them all I see is a blur.

???: Hmmm. His name is Sekia Narbu. Quirk: Shadow Demon. It says it gives him a stronger and more developed body while allowing him to travel in shadows.

A yellow haired man said. Looking at a file that was on the desk in front. Every file was of what the teachers deemed as high potential students.

???: Don't we have another strong shadow quirk user somewhere.

???: Ah yes I remember reading his fill. What was his name... Tokoyami and his quirk Dark Shadow.

???: Seems like it's the year of darkness.

The man with yellow hair cackled and laughed.

???: Don't say such ominous things!

???: I was only joking.

???: On another note Sekia also got full marks on the written test. An almost impossible accomplishment. I even put in a trick question which he corrected.


A large muscular man said. His voice booming in the room.

???: {Sekia. He's definitely well trained. But it doesn't seem like the type of training a person would do at home or somewhere isolated.}

The man with the scarf and bags under his eyes looked closely at the next camera that he predicted Sekia would appear in front of. And he was right. A droid moved into position and quickly a black blur passed. Removing the droids head.

???: {He's too well trained. His movements are clean, his spacial awareness is amazing and he plans his routes and targets like a trained professional.}

The man grabbed Sekias file. Reading carefully.

???: {Parents dead. Lived in a now shut down orphanage. Currently living with a girlfriend. Attended a public school. No criminal record. Is this kid just a genius? Or is he something else?}

Sekia was both. Quickly destroying every robot he passed and even some robots that others were running away from or struggling with. Like a computer he traveled through the shadows in the most efficient way possible.


Sekia widened his eyes as a building started collapsing on top of him. He quickly fell into the shadow as it fell. Appearing under some fallen debris as he saw a giant droid above.

Sekia: That should be useful to show off. {I need to prove myself to get in the top class after all.}

Sekia disappeared in the shadows of the debris as he appeared inside of the massive robots foot. He worked up the robot as he ripped at all the wiring. Using telekinesis to rip at some more. He climbed up the robot as it began to malfunction and and heat up. He quickly climbed to its head as he crawled out and looked down. The teachers that were watching were terrified some quickly tried to get out of their seats. But it was too late. Sekia jumped off from a height higher than any building in the testing ground. The robot exploded behind him as he span and summersaulted in the air like he was in a professional diving competition. Falling into a shadow bellow as he disappeared. Emerging from the same shadow with his arms stretched out like he had just done a perfect landing. All cameras turned to look at him.

???: This kid is definitely not normal.

The man with a scarf said in surprise.


A yellow haired man screamed.

???: Stop shouting.


Scene change

Sekia was standing there as he disappeared again in his shadow.

Sekia: {I wonder if that was enough to impress them? Maybe I should ask to have a recording so I can improve and also show Sophia... hopefully she would be impressed... I've done good right?}

Sekia thought as he racked up many more points. The buzzer went as he went back to the entrance for the bus to take him back to UAs main building. Now questioning whether he was doing well or not. Looking at other people around him as some looked really happy with the points they got and others were crying.

Sekia: {Is it normal to cry right now? But what if I do well? Should I be happy? But if I did bad that wouldn't be good.}

Sekia didn't realise he was unintentionally making a face with his raving thoughts. A resting bitch face that made others look at him and stay clear.

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