Ch 69 - An Argument

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Nezu: So let's hear it Sekia. Why did you go so far?

Sekia was in a room with all the teachers present during the incident. After the incident Sekia had to stay in the nurses office for extensive checkups with Izuku. And while Izuku woke up he couldn't remember anything that happened. But that didn't stop him from feeling the pain of his whole body being broken. Izuku in a full body cast while Recovery Girl helped him heal.

Sekia sustained no damage which surprised everyone. And now he was in a meeting room answering for what he had just done. Though he was a bit less angry getting to pummel Izuku and a bit less worried now Izuku didn't remember anything. Whether that was because Sekia gave him memory loss or Izuku was just unconscious that entire time.

Sekia: I hate Izuku Midoriya. I despise his past and his present.

Sekia bluntly stated to all the teachers that were at the incident and Nezu.


Nezu: All Might indoor voices. Sorry Sekia but what do you mean by that?

Sekia: I tried to be Izukus friend and taught him at All Mights request. But the more time I spent around him the more my anger and hate grew for him. He told me about his past, Bakugou everything! Even what you said to him on that roof All Might! He never left a single detail out! And the more I grew to know him the more I despise him.

All Might remembered what he first told Izuku and felt a mild bit of regret.

Nezu: So you're jealous. From what Tsukauchi told me I know the type of life you've had. And in comparison to Midoriyas I know how you would see that as unfair. But what you did was too far.

Nezu said looking at Sekia from the end of the table.

Aizawa: What do you mean type of life?

Aizawa looked at Nezu and Sekia in confusion.

Nezu: Do you mind Sekia?

Sekia: Do the honours.

Sekia gestured his hand in an open motion.

Nezu: Before Sekia lived in an orphanage he had parents. He admitted to Tsukauchi that his parents starved and abused him for several years because he showed no signs of having a quirk. And after having enough of the pain and abuse Sekia killed his father.

Everyone turned to look at Sekia as he sat there without an ounce of emotion on his face.

Nezu: His mother then died because she accidentally stabbed herself running away after seeing what Sekia did to his father. I can only assume that Sekia hates Midoriya because while Midoriya was bullied for being quirkless. He could be considered the luckiest child in the world.

Vlad: How so?

Nezu: He's never had to worry about surviving the next day due to hunger. He has a kind mother and has never been hurt by his parents. He receives one of the most powerful quirks in existence from his idol now mentor. And he's got so far with only minimal training.


Nezu & Aizawa: Then you don't know a lot of people.

Both said looking at All Might.

All Might: Who trains harder? Izuku had to train hard to stop destroying his body!

Aizawa: While I believe I could name multiple people in the class that train harder than Izuku. I believe Sekia should tell you All Might.

All Might looked at Sekia as he sighed.

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