Ch 35 - Teacher Battle (1)

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Sekia was bored. Today was a fight between student and teacher. A final test to see if we could go to the training camp. He was one of the last matches between the students and teachers. Though he wasn't to unhappy about his match up. He was just glad he didn't have to go up against All Might. That was Bakugou and Midoriyas problem now. Sekia was up against Ectoplasm and Aizawa. Usually that would have been an unfair match up for anyone. But when Nezu considered Sekias skills even without his quirk he considered this a fair fight.

The fights Sekia were watching were interesting though. He got to see how the students improved. What emerging threats he may have to face?

What quirks he could take?

But it was all mostly boring. Sekia had grown tired of watching. Most of them he didn't see any relevant growth in any areas. Though he could see some had grown in experience more than power or utility of their quirk.

5 Hour Earlier

Inside a meeting room all the teachers were deciding what teachers were going up against what students for the test.

Aizawa: Next is the matter or Midoriya and Bakugou... Whom I'll entrust All Might with.

Mic: Aren't grouping those two together factoring in their abilities...

Midnight: What he's trying to say is they're on horrible terms.

Midnight gave an observation everyone in the room had.

Aizawa: That's what will make this a better teaching moment for the both of them. Now... shall we address the issue we've been ignoring?

Nezu: If you're talking about Sekia then it would be a good idea to.

Midnight: Then what will we do? Based on Aizawas account he's an incredible student with a great quirk. Even without it he's a monster in hand to hand combat and he backs that up with his smarts in planning as seen in the entrance test?

Nezu: He is someone that's difficult to match up. While I don't believe he's at the level of All Might so we can't just put them in a one on one. He could single handedly take the rest of us on in a one on one fight. Most likely easily beating us.

Nezu sighed. They never had such a student before where matching them up was hard.

Mic: Then let's do a two on one. If we combine the right teachers he'll be easy to take down. Like me and Aizawa. If he can't go into the shadows I can just take him out even if he's fast.

Nezu: That's not the point of this thought. This is supposed to be a teaching moment as well as a test.

Mic: Then... no me and Aizawa team up?

Nezu: No.

Nezu said bluntly.

Midnight: What about me and Ectoplasm?

Nezu: I see that going to well in his favour.

Snipe: Me and Aizawa?

Nezu: Hmmm. That sounds like a good idea but I was thinking more of Aizawa and Ectoplasm. Both are good at close combat so they will keep up with him at least. Aizawa can uses his quirk while Ectoplasm tries to overwhelm him with numbers. We've seen him in one on ones. But what about a fight against multiple enemies?

Ectoplasm: It seems like a good idea. Though I'll need a break between Tokoyamis team and Sekia to recover.

Ectoplasm looked like this was going to be exhausting.


Sekia was outside a large wall. Its doors slowly opened as Sekia looked. It was entirely rocky. No buildings, no roads. Just rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. But no teachers. At least that's what it looked like. Sekia was already told the lay out as all students were. And Sekia knew.

Sekia could smell it. He could smell the rancid stench of Aizawas capture weapon. A strong axe body spray he previously smelt from Ectoplasm. They were waiting. Behind the walls, hidden by the doors.

Sekia: {Are they trying to jump me? Though their match up is pretty good for those reliant on quirks. I feel like Mic and Aizawa would have been more challenging though.}

Sekia burst through the open doors as he felt his quirk become inaccessible. But that didn't last for long as Sekia was much faster than them. He ran and ran until he saw many Ectoplasm clones at the exit.

Sekia stopped dead in his tracks as he let the rest catch up.

Ectoplasm: He's... alot... faster... than we thought.

Aizawa: {Was he holding back all this time? That wasn't speed he displayed in the work experience with me.} Why did you stop? You could have got through them and left.

Sekia: I was going to do that. Buutttt... I had to sit and watch everyone else fight. Then I had to wait more so Ectoplasm could make his usual amount of clone. It would be a waste not to see what they can do.

Sekia said strutting around looking at those around him.

Ectoplasm: Don't you think you're looking down on us too much.

Sekia: Then get on my level. {Now that I say that. Sophia was right it does sound cool! Maybe mortal combat openings and ending lines are good. Should I start doing lines before I fight and after? But usually everyone's dead after my fights.}

Sekia felt proud of himself as Ectoplasms clones and Aizawa got ready to fight Sekia. Sekia just thinking of how he should use his new found power. Opening lines and ending lines.

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