Ch 66 - Joint Training Battle (5)

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As the ice cracked and creaked the concrete blocks where the metal wires were attached that were constricting Sekia broke and slowly crumbled. Everyone looked in panic and shock. Izuku was breathing heavily as shock dilated his pupils to pin points.


Momos shouts caused everyone to snap out of their fear and shock. Doing the jobs they needed to. Todoroki kept freezing the pillar of ice, Awase fused the metal wire to the concrete block everyone holding onto the wire. Everyone was doing their job to try and prevent Sekia from escaping. All but Izuku who stood there frozen in fear.

He saw Sekia and felt fear. It coursed through his veins, it devoured his mind. Just looking at the person who he considered a friend drowned him in fear. The ice continued to crack even with Todoroki freezing it more and more. Ice forming over Todorokis own body as he shook. Instead to the concrete blocks cracking they started getting dragged towards the ice pillar. Everyone was trying their best to pull and stop it but they couldn't.

The ice completely shattered and broke. Shards flying as it hit students around. Some getting knocked out because of how hard the shards hit them. Others got slightly injured but nothing serious.

As the frosty air descended Sekia was revealed floating in the sky. Looking down on all the students as they all froze in fear. The tape around Sekia broke and fell to the floor and the mesh was barely kept together.

Even Aizawa and Vlad who were watching through the monitor froze in fear looking at Sekia.

Sekia: What are you all doing? Looking so pathetic.

Every word spoke from Sekia put pressure on the students. A thick bloodlust causing them all to suffer hallucinations of death. They all shook as they looked at Sekia. They couldn't even look him in the eyes as they were so scared. His eyes glaring down at them like judgment from the heavens above.

Sekia: Was this all to your plan? It wasn't very... go beyond... or plus ultra was it? Ha... Ha... hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

All the students wanted to be sick. They couldn't handle the atmosphere Sekia was giving off. It was unbearable. Some students even passed out.

Scene change

Vlad and Aizawa were terrified looking at what just happened. The resemblance it gave off to a fight between two massive forces was all too similar.

Aizawa: This... This...

Aizawa could barely speak. His heart beating out of his chest. His clothes, his capture weapon. It all felt too tight. He could breathe. The scar under his eye felt like it was splitting open.

Vlad: He's... He's a monster!

Vlad backed up in his chair away from the screen as Sekias laughs echoed through the speaker. Resonating in their minds. The sounds of death coming from Sekias mouth. The door to the observation room opened.

All Might: Aizawa, has the class ende...

Then All Might heard it. A terrifying laughter that sent shivers down his spine and caused excruciating pain in an old wound. All Might ran to the monitor and looked at it. He didn't want to believe what he heard. What he was hearing. But when he looked at the monitor his eyes saw it. His eyes widened as his blue eyes dilated.

All Might: ALL FOR ONE!!

All Might went to rush out. After seeing All for One. He couldn't just let the students be with that man. They would all die. But just as he was about to leave Aizawa grabbed All Might by his skinny hand.

Aizawa: That... That isn't... That... Not... That's not All for One.

All Might looked back as he saw Aizawa was struggling. He saw fear in Vlads eyes. All Might quickly went to the monitor and looked again. It wasn't All for One. All Mights eyes tricked him. Everything looked too familiar to their previous fight. But the one difference was that instead of All for One it was Sekia floating above.


All Might saw the students weren't injured badly but passed out from complete terror.

Vlad: I tried. The ice that shattered must have destroyed our speakers. It's not working.

All Might looked in shock as he tried to shout through the speakers but no one could hear.


All Might ran out.

Scene change

Sekias laughing had slowly stopped as he looked down at the students.

Sekia: {I've never had so much fun playing the villain before! There plan was so good! God that was cold! The use of the crystal mirrors was great and the electricity and sound based attacks were amazing. Though they could have done those two at the same time to make the attack more effective.} So what will you do next... Heroes.

Momo looked at everyone as they were so scared they couldn't even utter a sound. Afraid that if they took one breath it would've their last. She was terrified. But as she slapped herself she looked Sekia in his red eyes. It sent fear deep inside of her but she had to persevere.

Momo: EV...

Sekia pulled the chain as the rest of the chains snapped. The force sent him flying towards Momo as he grabbed her by the mouth. Sekia gently whispered in her ear.

Sekia: Good job. The plan was great and you organising them was perfect. Just take a nice rest.

Momo suddenly went from fear to confusion. Then understanding.

Momo: {So he was just playing a part. That... that's kinda relieving. It makes sense as well. Heroes against one powerful villain. It's realistic for this team battle. I thought we just pissed off Sekia. But what does he mean by res...}

Sekia threw Momo into Uraraka as they both passed out. Sekia fell to the ground as he ripped the mesh apart. The ground breaking at his feet.

The smile didn't fade from his face but the bloodlust did. Only a few students still conscious as Izuku and Sekias eyes met. And the word Sekia spoke while he was playing his part resonated with a memory Izuku was seeing.

Sekia & ???: Thank you so much for this comedy.

Izukus quirk activated instinctively as his eyes fogged over. Black wisps coming from his wrists. Izuku slumped over as Sekia looked at him.

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