Ch 48 - Well Trained

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Sekia: I didn't say that Mei. It's probably because you're limited by your accessibility to equipment and materials that you create such... things. But I definitely didn't not ask for these.

Sekia held a pair of robot metallic gloves with rockets on the sides of them.


Sekia: And what did you say when I asked you for my initial design.

Mei: Ermmm. I... I can't seem to recall.

Mei turned around to avoid Sekias gaze.

Sekia: Really? Because I can. What was it? Sekia, that is way too complicated for the likes of my peanut sized mind. I don't even know what half of these materials are.


Sekia: I thought you said you didn't remember?

Sekia looked at her while she was steaming.


Sekia took his gloves from Mei as he left. Fingerless gloves that were made of leather but had metallic fragments laced around it and metal knuckles.

Sekia walked into a large hall with Aizawa watching the students. They were all coming up with SPECIAL MOVES!!!

Aizawa: Sekia. Well done on making your special move so early. But just because you're ahead doesn't mean I can let you have a break this time. Begin practicing it.

Sekia got into an open area.

Sekia: {It was a nice discovery. Often use of the quirk enhancement device with often use and practice of your quirk can push you to another level. Like my body naturally became more and more adapted to using the quirk at the higher power. If I do this for all of my quirks I would get a lot stronger.}

Sekia breathed out as in a near instant moment he appeared in multiple detached shadows across the training arena. When it the shadow he could sense where other shadows were. He could move in between them now. But this was limited to a small 150 meter radius. So Sekia practiced in this lesson and in the 4 other lessons they had training their SPECIAL MOVES! Outside Sekia trained his other quirks in his room if he could. Making sure they got the attention they deserved.

Though his own training didn't stop him from observing the others from coming up with special moves. And he was impressed. They were finally showing some potential. But the most interesting one. Midoriya. It was a rookie fighting style but it was interesting. Close to boxing mixed with taekwondo. MMA fighting. Some moves almost seemed inspired. Some from Ida others from Ojiro. It was what Sekia did. Copy others techniques and add them to his own style. Thought unlike Midoriya he didn't name his style.

Others from class B were training with them. But none of them had anything interesting to Sekia. So he acted like they didn't exist. That was unless they went to talk to them. But that hardly happened.

So Sekia continued training his quirk.

Time Skip

Sekia and everyone from class 1A had just got off the bus in front of a large building. Its shape unique compared to the surrounding structures.

Sekia: {So this is the hero exam site. Knowing the current political state of Japan the bars probably going to be significantly lower. They need more heroes after all. Though I wonder if the Japanese government is going to try and reform the police force. Maybe they'll let the hero association take over in terms of public safety. It would probably be the first country to do that. Though that would be a bad idea considering the amount of corruption inside the association.}

Tsu: Sekia are you excited to see if we can get our hero license?

Sekia: I guess so. Though I want to ask. Why are you holding onto me?

Tsu had been getting a lot closer to Sekia after watching Tv together. He didn't mind it. Actually having a friend to just talk to was nice. But it felt weird to have someone clinging to him constantly. Maybe weird wasn't the right word. Different. Tsu had being trying to spend more time with Sekia. Eating breakfast with him when she could, asking to do work together. She got A LOT closer to him than anyone in their class.

Tsu: Am I not allowed to?

Sekia: No you are.

Tsu: Then I'm going to. *Ribbit*

Sekia: Ok. {Hmmm. I guess she like a "best friend" I've read about then. But what do guy and girl best friends do? I've only read about guy and guy or girl and girl best friend. This is unknown territory. I wonder if there's a book I can read for this?}

Tsu: Why do you always seem deep in thought?

Sekia: Huh? What?

Tsu gave a slight giggle as she wrapped her arm around Sekias arm more. Clinging onto him.

Tsu: Your a very weird person Sekia. But that's a good thing.

Sekia: Thanks. {Doesn't that mean I'm failing as a spy though? The plan was to blend in. What should I...}

Tsu just looked up at Sekia as he was in deep thought again. Tsu smiled as she rested her head on Sekia. Both walking into the exam site with their bags and hero gear. When they got into a large hall Tsu was latched onto Sekia again. Sekia made sure to pay attention this time to what was happening as he watched the man upfront explain the test. He had a lot less resources since master was locked up. So he had to make sure he absorbed everything. Getting stronger and smarter without the help of others.

Out of the 1540 examines taking the test only 300 would get through. The first test was to place three targets over your own body in exposed areas. If you get hit by a ball in all 3 areas your out. Anyone that gets the last strike will get a takedown point. The pass requirement was two takedown points. Sekia was certain he would get through with ease. Then he looked at Tsu who seemed a bit nervous. Leaning down and whipping to Tsu.

Sekia: Do you want to do it with me?

Tsu: W... W... WHAT?!

Tsu shouted out as everyone looked at them. She relentlessly apologised they turned back around. Her face was completely red.

Sekia: If you didn't want help you could have just said.

Tsu: Wait? You meant the test?

Sekia: What else would I have been talking about?

Tsu somehow became more red as she looked at Sekia. Innocently confused on what Tsu was thinking.

Tsu: I... I... I...

Sekia: Tsu are you ok?

Tsu had to try and calm herself down. She didn't want to avoid Sekia again because of how nervous she would get around him.

Tsu: I... I'm... I'm good.

Sekia: Are you sure?

Tsu: Y... Yeah.

Sekia: Ok then.

Sekia and Tsu walked into the testing ground and they parted ways. Sekia took the 6 balls they were given and he stood in a shadow.

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