Ch 81 - A Cult (2)

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Everyone was flying high above the city in the carriers. Everyone with their groups and partners most optimised for performance and speed. Those with surveillance quirks most often partnered up with those that could fly or move fast so the whole building could be searched quick. Others that had no ability to fly or land safely having parachutes.

Everyone had an earpiece in and were listening in to a quick debriefing given by the hero association while flying above Otheon. As the debriefing finished the carrier had its large cargo hold open where all the heroes were seated. Everyone stood up in one motion and ran out. Jumping out of the plane. Sekia turning on his communication device.

Sekia: Follow the plan. Team A split into your groups and go to the designated areas in the building and wait for Clair to tell you the location of the Trigger Bomb. Team B head straight to the location where Flect is and subdue him. Understood?

Everyone: Understood.


Sekia sped up his decent diving head first into a shadow. Quickly disappearing and reappearing, dragging two guards in front of the door into their shadows as he opened the door quietly. No other cultists currently in the hall.

Every hero entered fast but quiet. The cultists didn't even realise the heroes broke in until they were further attacked within their base. Sekia was rapidly popping in and out of shadows searching the entire building. But he couldn't find it. No matter what room he went to or what underground tunnel he explored he couldn't find the bomb.


The earpiece in Sekias ear said.

Sekia: I know. The bombs not here and neither is Flect.

Clair: How do you...

The door burst open as Izuku, Bakugou, Todoroki and a few over heroes flew in. Seeing Sekia on the chair in the end of the room. Sitting behind the desk.

Sekia: I've checked every room in the building. Nothing important is here. Everyone arrest the cultists and bring them outside to be taken by this areas law enforcement. They'll be questioned there.

Sekia span around on the chair and looked at the Humarise flag.

Sekia: {This... is annoying.}

Sekia and the rest of the heroes rounded up and the cultists as the police were prepared to take in a large amount. Many police vans and cars flooding the grounds of the Humarise base.

The heroes after going to a temporary residence which was a hotel. Given to them while the operation was happening.

Time skip

Sekia was wondering around the hotel when he heard Endeavours shouting. He also saw Todoroki and Bakugou. Curious he went over to see what was happening. He didn't want any trouble to occur while he was in charge.

Sekia: What's the shouting about?

Endeavour looked over to Sekia. Moving out of the way to show Todoroki in front of him.

Endeavour: This is your operation. What do you have to say about them going out and doing hero work while we are in an important operation?

Sekia: Todoroki what happened?

Todoroki: While we were going shopping for food we came across a robbery. All we did was stop it and let the police arrest the criminals.

Sekia looked over at Endeavour considering what had happened.

Sekia: I see nothing wrong with that Endeavour. I'm surprised you're not out there as Japans number 1 hero. We can contact each other through our ear pieces. While we're on standby we should use our time wisely. I was talking to the police and it seems the cultists didn't know where the trigger bombs were, let alone of their existence. These two were shopping and arrested criminals. What were you doing? Are you not supposed to be assessing me instead of having a family quarrel?

Endeavour looked at Sekia with a glare, but the glare lightened as he took a deep breath.

Endeavour: I... I understand.

Sekia: Well done you two.

Todoroki: Actually Midoriya was with us and went to chase the person that had taken the stolen item but he isn't answering his phone.

*Ring Ring*

Todoroki looked down at his phone. It was Izuku calling. Which Sekia thought was awfully convenient timing. He had suspicions about the call, but Todoroki answered the phone.

Todoroki: Midoriya do you have the suspect in custody?

Sekia heard Izuku through the phone. As Todoroki talked to Izuku further the worse the situation got. The Tv turned on and branded Izuku a mass murder killing 12 people. Sekia looked at it with a deadpan expression. Not only that but what Izuku told Todoroki made everything worse. People chasing them and the kid trying to kill them along with the police.

Sekia: Tell him to take the battery out of his phone and lay low with this kid he's with. {This confirms my suspicions. This is some damn Tv show! No... maybe it's a anime. It's too long to be a movie. Unless it's a trilogy. What the hell! How else could you explain the whole world following one kid! A poor young boy getting his idols quirk and fighting the big bad with this power designed to take him down. I bet you something stupids about to happen. Like... that kid is important to Humarise or some connection or... the stolen item got switched out and that's important to Humarise... PROBABLY SO SUPER SECRET BOMB DISARMING DEVICE... OR... SOME OTHER BIG SECRET RUBISH! *Sigh* What's my role in this then? Side character? Support? Extra? No... I'm probably leaning more towards the antagonist side. I don't want to be the antagonist though... they always lose. Maybe I can change that.}

Endeavour: Stop spacing out and be a leader!

Sekia looked at Endeavour.

Sekia: I was actually in deep thought... Endeavour you and me will go to see the police commissioner to understand more of what's happened. Todoroki you tell the other heroes to keep investigating Humarise. Try and see if the incident Midoriya is in is linked to them in any way.

Todoroki: I understand.

Sekia: Endeavour, let's go.

Sekia and Endeavour went to Otheons police HQ. Sekia knowing full well so anime bullshit was about to happen.

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