Ch 34 - Returning Back To School

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After returning to UA everything was the same. People were talking about how good their work experience was. Except Midoriya. He had been more quiet than usual. Still talking to some people moderately. But something changed. And that wasn't just the yellow cape he had on his hero suit. Even All Might had a darker look to his eyes. But he still maintained his heroic smile around his students.


Sekia stepped forwards. Bakugou, Uraraka, Tokoyami and Tsu also stepped up from different locations around Gamma area. A massive construction site that looked like a complex labyrinth. Their task today was a race to a specific location within the maze.

Sekia: {That round just now. Midoriya didn't break his bones. And those sparks. He has control of All Mights quirk. But it's too weak and slow to be compared to All Might. He must have found a way to lower the amount of energy he uses from the quirk.}

All Might: START!

Sekia immediately jumped. But this jump was so much further. His muscles so much stronger. Completely unexpected from his tone body and his impossibly regular weight. Of only 100kg.

Sekia parkoured across the construction site as he slipped through gaps and jumped off walls. Staying above the site. Only using the shadow movement quirk when needed.


Sekia had much more explosive power in is muscles now and with his quirk that maintained his lean body and one that maintained his flexibility. He didn't have to worry about any his agility being impaired. Sekia making it first to a high platform where All Might was standing. Sekia walked towards All Might.

Sekia: I'm sorry for your loss.

Sekia bowed.

All Might: How did you know?

All Might looked shocked. He believed he had been hiding his pain well.

Sekia: I can tell with the look on your face. If you want to hid it. I recommend losing the darkness from your eyes. Sekia began to walk off the high platform. Leaving.

All Might: I'm sorry for your loss too and what you had to go through.

Sekia: {It seems Tsukauchi told people. As expected.} Don't be. I'm not sorry for it.

Sekia dropped off and walked back to the changing room.

Scene change

School had ended and Sekia was face to face with All for One. In the dark damp place where All for One resided.

All for One: So Sekia. How is everything?

Sekia: Well I have a test coming up at school. We also have a summer camp.

All for One: Yes. The spy I had told me about that. Tomura has been planning something. A plan to attack the students while isolated in the forest.

Sekia: {It's unlikely to do anything. The students are all getting stronger. And masters unlikely to give him much considering his last screw up. And this "Vanguard Action Squad" doesn't look all that competent. One is literally just a high school girl.} If possible could I initiate a plan during his?

All for One: {Oh? This is new.} And what would you need for this plan?

All for One seemed curious about this plan. It was the first one Sekia actually voiced to All for One.

Sekia: There was one person on the Vanguard Action Squad that seemed a bit useful. I want him to make a clone of me to attend the camp. Then I need Kurogiri to aid me during my plan.

All for One: And what would this plan be? {Impress me Sekia. I have high hopes for you.}

Sekia: The world keeps spinning even if UA is the centre of Tomuras attention. So I plan on showing Villainy isn't some cliche movie that focuses on the main character. I'm going to topple The National Police Agency.

All for One had a wide smile as he looked at Sekia. He felt something he hadn't felt in a long time even for himself. Proud.

All for One: I give you permission to use anyone you need from the Vanguard action squad and Kurogiri. However, if you disappoint me this will be the last time you gain such an opportunity to lead.

Sekia: I will make sure not to disappoint you master.

Sekia disappeared into the shadows leaving All for One.

All for One: {He reminds me of when I was young. *Haha* Though I never had this much loyalty to anyone. I don't know whether that's better or not. I wonder what the results will be? He use to be so predictable. But he's changing. Was he ever a dog to begin with? Hmmm. I wonder what he will turn into. Maybe a villain far surpassing what I could have ever hoped for.}

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