Ch 60 - UA School Festival

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Today was the UA School Featival. Sekia, Eri and Sophia were all there. Sekia had helped set up the band and test all the kit so the rest could quickly see the other stalls but now Sekia was waiting. He wasn't participating as he was going to see everything with Eri and Sophia. But he couldn't leave. He grew tired of Izuku running late. The rest of his class was there and ready and Sekia really didn't want to come in as the backup. Sekia being the backup for everyone in case something happened.

Mina: Sekia I'm sorry but you may need to sub in for Izuku if he doesn't arrive.

Sekia: {Izuku... I'm going to kill you.} Do I have to?

Uraraka: The line up will be wrong if we have one person missing.

Sekia: {One? But I'm not in it either?}

Izuku: I'M BACK!

Sekia looked at Izuku who barged through the doors. His clothes slightly torn and dirt on his face.

Sekia: {Was be in a fight?}

Izuku also had bruises on his arms. His clothes also slightly dirty.

Izuku: I'm really sorry Sekia!

Sekia: Don't worry about it. {You get to live Izuku.}

Sekia got up and left. Leaving and finding Eri and Sophia right outside the door. Surprised that they were here.

Sekia: Why are you all here?

Eri: This is the next thing!

Eri sounded happy.

Sekia: But I'm...

Aizawa: Taking part.

Aizawa grabbed Sekias collar and slowly but surly dragged him.

Sekia: WAIT WHAT?!

Sophia: Sorry. Eri wanted to see you in it.

Sophia smiled as she waved bye. Sekia felt betrayed. But he looked at Eri and saw something. A slight smile on her face. She was about to laugh.

Sekia: {IT... ITS... ITS A TRAP!!!}

The doors closed as Sekia was dragged away. Though it wasn't to bad. At least he got to see a small, very small smile on Eri's face.

When he got in everyone already had his stuff ready. It was all planned. He was the only one thinking he wouldn't take part in the performance. Sekia was forced to wear the embarrassing yellow costume and dance. It killed his pride dead. But again. It wasn't all bad. The show seemed to be and absolute hit and he even got to see Eri smile. A smile that made an already bright room glow even brighter. Sophia holding Eri up as she made a big wave over at Sekia. She didn't have a small smile on, but a really big smile of joy. And as the show went on Sekia embraced the position he was in. Dancing as the show ended.

Sekia: I'm done. {Finally. Now I...}

Just as Sekia was about to get up and leave Aizawa pulled the back of his collar again.

Aizawa: You still have the later performance.

Sekia: The what?

Aizawa: The other show. There's the one that you just finished and the next one for those that come later.

Sekia slowly closed his eyes and rubbed them with the thumb and finger of his right hand.

Sekia: {I... I really need to rethink this whole student thing.}

And so Sekia did it again. Performing the same concert. The concert at the same level of amazement among everyone that came. The class trying hard to maintain the same original wow factor as the first performance. It was all so painful for Sekia. The yellow costumes, the loud music constantly blaring in his ears with his enhanced hearing. It was so annoying. But when he saw Eris smile as she came again. Amazement and laughter on her face for some weird reason. Everything was ok. Sekia could put up with it. The little annoyance didn't matter to him anymore.

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