Ch 16 - A Preparation (2)

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Sekia and Sophia appeared out of the shadows as Sophia breathed in and out heavily. Outside the back entrance of a restaurant.

Sophia: How do you breathe like that?!

Sophia seemed completely out of breath when she came out of the shadow.

Sekia: I don't know. I just don't have a problem with it.

Sophia: I'll catch up behind. Just... give me a minute.

Sekia: All good Blood Diamond.

Sekia kicked down the door and grabbed it by the handle, lasers shot through the door as they narrowly missed Sekias head. Sekia let go of the handle as he kicked the centre of the door. The door flew as a man with lasers coming out of his eyes was crushed against the wall. He screamed and struggled but as Sekia punched hard in the metal door he heard a crunch as blood poured onto the floor.

A large man covered in plated scales tried to punch Sekia in the head but Sekia leaned back as he grabbed his arm. Running up the door as he twisted around the mans arm. Breaking his wrist and dislocating it. The armoured scales twisting and warping. Sekia pulled the arm as the man fell toward Sekia. Sekia delivered a solid rising elbow to the mans jaw. Knocking him out on the floor.

Sekia progressed as he walked into a basement. Seeing all sorts of chemicals, equipment and machinery. A drug lab.


Sekia grabbed a knife that was on the table next to him. Throwing it the mans shoulder. As he screamed Sekia jumped and wrapped his legs around the neck. Strangling him unconscious.

All the cooks looked at Sekia as they threw their hands up. All too terrified to move. None of them were actual fighters. They were just hired to make the drug.

Sekia: {Were there only three guards here?}

A body rolled down the stairs as a red spike in its head hit the floor and went straight through to the other side. A pool of blood dibbling on the floor.

Sophia: You left 3 guys up stairs. They were in the front part of the building.

Sekia: SORRY!

Sekia heard screams from upstairs as he walked among the cooks.

Sekia: Quirk?

Sekia looked deeply into the mans eyes.

Cook 1: W...What?

Sekia: What is your quirk and what does it do?

Cook 1: I... I can slowly change the temperature of inanimate objects through touch.

Sekia: Does that have any type of resistance to the heat or cold?

Cook 1: N... N... No.

Sekia walked to the next cook.

Sekia: Quirk?

Cook 2: I have improved vision and can see perfectly fine in the dark.

Sekia: Did you see this coming?

Cook 2: See wh...

Sekia stabbed two claws deep in the cooks eyes as he dropped dead on the floor. The cooks screamed in fear.

Sekia: If any of you move you all die.

Sekia looked around. His vision definitely improved but not all that significantly. He grabbed a glass vial and threw it at the light switch. It was completely dark as the vial shattered on impact. Sekia however had his red eyes slightly glow as his pupil widened to form a red rim around them. He could see everything like the complete darkness was day. But it was all in a red hue. He walked next to the next cook.

Sekia: Quirk?

The cook jumped in fright. Unable to see in the darkness Sekia had created.

Cook 3: Please don't kill me!

Sekia: Quirk?

Sekia said again.

Cook 3: I have fur that covers my body.

Sekia: Is that all?

Cook 3: I can secrete some chemicals from it but that's all! It's just a mutant quirk I swear!

Sekia pulled up the mans sleeve as he saw the fur. There was a chemical smell to him. As he left the man he heard him breathe a sigh of relief. Sekia went through all the other cooks as he only killed one other.

He then pinched his nose as he walked upstairs. Sophia was there waiting as he left with her. Sophia lighting a match as he closed the door.

Flames immediately spread quickly as they walked away. The building behind them burning with screams. Sekia travelling through the shadows as with Sophia as they went back home.

Scene change

Sekia and Sophia arrived home as they turned on the TV loud.

"After the fire at a Chinese restaurant in Mufassa burned it was found that multiple people suspected of criminal ties to..."

Sekia could no longer hear the news as Sophia was all over him. Pushing him down as he fell. Sitting on the bathroom floor.

Sophia: Are you ready for your treat. My puppy~.

Sophia could tell he was ready as he had a small blush, was breathing heavily and she saw something growing in his trousers.

Food Chain
Perfect Body
Predator Claws
Internal Parasite
Body Boost
Minor telekinesis
Shadow movement
Eyes of Inferno: A quirk that can shoot super hot lasers out of the users eyes. This laser can easily cut through steel and the hardest of metal. However, during the use of the quirk it is significantly harder to see. Overuse can cause temporary blindness.

Lens: A quirk that slightly improves vision by increasing the receptors in a users eyes. This also gives them the ability to see in the dark. Blinding of bright lights is prevented by the mutation of the eyes, forming a taptum lucidum in them.

Reaction: A quirk that naturally helps the body fight off diseases and poisons through a mutation in the brain which analyses them better and better prepares the body. White blood cells are strengthened and the cells within the body can better metabolise poison.

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