Ch 61 - Garakis Mission (1)

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Sekia, Eri and Sophia were spending time at home. It was the weekend and Sekia always made trips back home from his dorm room. They were all watching Tv as Eri ate breakfast all while watching with them.

Then Sekias phone vibrated. But not his usual phone that he used everyday. A smaller, older phone Sophia would call him on. But she was right here next to him. So curiously he picked up the phone. A text message on the from screen.

G- Mission.

Sekia saw the message and immediately got up and went to his and Sophia's room. Opening a wardrobe. Full of normal everyday clothes as he moved them to the side. Small roots coming from his fingers as he pressed into a small hole. A well lined back panel falling out revealing his villain uniform. Sekia got changed and began to walk out of the bedroom.

Eri: Who are you?

Sekia looked as Kurogiri arrived right inside their home.

Sekia: It's nice to see you again Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: Thank you master Sekia. I assume this little one is why we haven't heard much of Blood Diamonds villainous activities.

Sophia: I still do some. I just have other priorities now.

Sophia said watching Tv with Eri.

Kurogiri: I understand.

Eri: But who is the misty man?

Kurogiri looked at Eri as his yellow eyes met Eris crimson red eyes.

Kurogiri: {Same eyes. And they seem open about their villainy with her. Wow. They really found the perfect child.} I'm Kurogiri. It's nice to meet you...

Eri: I'm Eri. I like apples and sweets.

Kurogiri: Nice to meet you Eri. If you don't mind could I take Sekia for a bit.

Kurogiri knelt down in front of Eri to look at her at her eye level. Eri put her hand in the mist as she moved it around.

Eri: Cooool. Will it take long?

Kurogiri: It shouldn't take that long.

Kurogiri didn't mind Eri playing with the mist. In fact it reminded him of a younger Sekia and a younger Tomura.

Eri: Do you want to go?

Eri looked at Sekia as he placed his mask on.

Sekia: Kinda need to.

Eri looked at Sekia who was dressed in his villain uniform with his mask on.

Eri: Ok. But please come back.

Sekia: Always will.

Sekia and Kurogiri disappeared in a swirling black and purple mist as Eri looked in amazement.

Eri: Coool. A teleportation quirk! And the mist felt weird.

Eri smiled as she sat back down on the sofa. Leaning on Sophia as they hugged each other watching Tv.

Scene Change

Sekia and Kurogiri appeared in a dark lab with multiple containers. All holding Nomu. But these Nomu were more human shaped than he had ever seen before. They had more human features and faces.

Garaki: It's been a while Sekia. Though I saw what you did on the news at the prison. Might I say nice quirk and impressive performance.

Garaki span around in his chair holding a small disfigured Nomu.

Sekia: Thank you. Though you called me here for something?

Garaki: Ah yes. Well I just sent out a high grade Nomu to do something regarding the new number one but I need your help. With all the police data on villains, their personality profiles and their quirks. Making high end Nomu has been easier than ever. Selecting candidates like picking sweets at a sweet shop. But I need a suitable candidate to test the power of the Nomu. I would have chose Tomura but then I considered your quirk and believed it more advantageous.

Sekia: That's my only job? To kill one high end Nomu?

Sekia looked confused underneath his mask.

Garaki: Oh no. After that I need you to then complete another task but it should be easy for you.

Sekia: Then where's this Nomu?

Then Sekia felt it. A crushing force around his leg as it got contorted and twisted. He couldn't move until it was completely twisted like a wrung towel. But he didn't give whatever was crushing him another chance as he fell into his shadow. His legs quickly regenerating.

As he looked from the dark world within the shadow he saw the Nomu. A metal head, yellow piercing eyes and a purple human like body.

Sekia: {What was that? That crushing feeling. Was it telekinesis? If it was that twisting force was of great control. It will have high strength, durability and super regeneration as a base. I just need to know it's other quirks.}

The nomu was looking everywhere for Sekia. Not knowing where he went.

Sekia: Hey! OVER HERE!

The Nomu looked at Sekia as he ran towards him. His eye getting brighter as a yellow beam went straight through Sekia. Sekia disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Sekia: Your not to smart for an intelligent one are you?

Then Nomu tried to quickly turn around but Sekia grabbed the Nomu up by the face. A crushing force creating squeaks where the metal bent and contorted. The Nomu grabbed Sekias arm trying to break it. But that didn't work. It tried to use its eye beams but Sekia matched it with his own. When it moved its other hand to use another quirk Sekia grabbed it with his other hand and crushed it.

Sekia: I thought you said these were smart Garaki.

Sekia looked over at Garaki watching sitting on his chair.

Garaki: It seems it didn't fully recover from coming out of the vat. I'll get onto that for quicker recovery time.

Nomu: It...

Sekia: Oh? It talks. Well it's too late.

Sekia crushed its head with one hand as its body went limp. Sekia dropping is as it fell dead on the floor. Blood oozing out of the crushed metal skull.

Garaki: I'll use its body for spare parts.

Sekia: So what's next.

Sekia looked over at Garaki as Garaki smiled.

Food Chain
Perfect Body
Predator Claws
Internal Parasite
Body Boost
Minor telekinesis
Shadow movement
Eyes of Inferno
Stamina Enhancer
Learning Curve
Super Regeneration 3x
Metal Manipulation
Muscle Augmentation 2x
Freeze Frame
Demonic Wings
Blood Bondage
Bone matrix
Hyper Active
Energy Suck
Lead Weight
Elemental Master
5 Senses
Smoke and Mirrors
Rip: Able to distort space and able to create a small area with a black hole like effect. Twisting the fabric of space from a distance.
Heated vision: Able to fire lasers from your eyes with high penetrative power.

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