Ch 87 - My Plan (3)

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Shigiraki: It's echoing in my head... Somethings telling me...

Sekia appeared as Shigiraki disappeared with him. As the heroes arrived in the sky, avoiding the destruction that was happening on the ground, they were confused. Where was Shigiraki? The destruction around had completely stopped.

Then somewhere else suddenly Kurogiri appeared next to Izuku. Before Izuku could even react he was grabbed and disappeared. Appearing on a random island in the middle of nowhere. Kurogiri taking out Izuku earpiece.

Izuku: Where... WHERE AM I?!

Suddenly an impact was heard as Sekia landed on the floor. Kurogiri disappearing again.


Izuku rushed over to Sekia.

Sekia: Izuku! I thought that mist villain took you!

Izuku: Yeah he did. But he chucked me here and left. Taking my earpiece.

Sekia: He took mine too. Where are we?

Izuku: I don't know.

They both looked around but there wasn't much to look at. A few patches of grass. They were on a small piece of land with a large body of water surrounding them.

Sekia: It seems like a small island in the middle of nowhere.

Suddenly there was a loud boom. Both Sekia and Izuku looked into the skies.

Shigiraki: NO! I... I WONT GO OUT LIKE THIS!!!

Shigiraki was being held by his face. His arms were cut off and slowly regenerating.

All for One: You did well Tomura. But this was always the plan.

There were bright black sparks around both All for Ones body and Shigirakis. Both bodies dropped from the sky. Bloodhound appeared in the sky as he slowly landing on the floor. Placing his hand on All for One's body. Turning it into nothing but a puddle of blood. Shigirakis body started shaking as it stood up. He looked at his hands as he smiled widely.

Bloodhound: Congratulations Dad.

A thick bloodlust filled the atmosphere as both Sekia and Izuku choked. Then a small chuckle was heard. Turning into full blown laughter.

All for One: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And I had my worries that you would betray me. Freeing Kurogiri and your other disappointments. But you made this easier than expected. Well done... Bloodhound.

All for One had now taken over Shigirakis body as he looked at Midoriya and Sekia.

All for One: Now just time for one more thing.

Izuku and Sekia calmed themselves and got into fighting stances.

All for One: I assume you want to take on Sekia.

Bloodhound: Of course.


Izuku was shaking a bit but gripped his hands tightly.

Izuku: I'LL TRY!

Bloodhound: Don't make this hard for me Sekia and just die.

Large wings appeared from Bloodhounds back as they deformed and turned into tentacles with spikes. Vines coming from his finger tips.

All for One: Let me take One for All Midroiya and let me finish this. I grow bored of this chase for what is rightfully mine.


Black whips came from Izukus wrist gauntlet. All for one smiled as he scratched the rash under his eye.

All for One: A demon lord cannot be beaten by a child. And you're no hero. A quirkless nobody just like your master. The whole lineage of One for All is truly pathetic. I will be the one to rectify that.

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