Ch 18 - USJ (1)

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Sekia was sitting in the bus as he had a smile on his face. He knew he had a smile on his face. He tried to get rid of it. Sophia also tried to help while laughing at the fact he couldn't get rid of it. But he couldn't. Sekia and Sophia didn't know why it wouldn't disappear but Sophia definitely knew why it was there. Sekia didn't want to admit it but he also knew why it was there. He was really happy about the treat Sophia gave. But even if he was still happy he couldn't be doing everything with a smile on his face. He it would definitely raise suspicion.

Momo: Why are you so happy Sekia? Did something happen recently?

Momo looked towards Sekia as she giggled at his pure innocent smile.

Sekia: I... I'm just in a generally good mood.

Momo: That's good. I guess everyone's kinda excited about this trip.

Sekia: Yeah. I'm just excited.

Sekia was listening into everyone's conversation. Some was useless stuff to know but then he heard something interesting.

Tsu: Midoriya, your quirk kinda reminds me of All Mights.

Sekia turned to look at them as Izuku had a really shocked look on his face. Sekia looked at Izuku as he began to stutter, shake and sweat.

Sekia: {His quirk has displayed amazing physical powers beyond his bodies capacity. But unlike All Might, Izuku has red lines traveling along the body part he uses it in. He obviously gets the power from some sort of energy inside of him.}

Then Sekia remembered what Izuku said about the power being borrowed.

Sekia: {Maybe All Mights quirk works off energy. If All Might gave this "energy" to Izuku it's easy to assume that his frail body wouldn't be able to handle it. It's like putting too much electricity through a wire. It heats up, glows, then snaps. Izuku experiences pain, glows, then breaks. But how did Izuku get the quirk if All Might still has his? It couldn't have been given as All Might wouldn't have power then. Was it only a small portion? Does Izuku have a quirk that copies others? Then why doesn't he uses other quirks as well? Can he only copy one at a time and decided to keep All Mights? Or was it a one time copy and now that's his quirk? I'll need to find out more.}

The bus stopped as they all got off at the end of his thought. Sekia looked at the large dome building as they all walked inside. Everyone admired the building and it looked like Sekia was too with his smile.

???: Welcome to the USJ. The Ultimate Space for Jams!!

Sekia looked at the hero. They were wearing a big space suit that made them look like a blow up float

Sekia: {She's the one in the files that can turn stuff to dust with a point of her finger. No.13, Black hole. Though Shigirakis plan has already went bad as All Might isn't here. *Sigh* There's no point to this already. All he can do is kill some students and tell them their name. Only putting more targets on our back without achieving anything substantial.}

While Sekia was ignoring the conversation he heard a large shout from Midoriya.

Midoryia: That's amazing! That's the perfect quirk for removing wreckages and saving people injured by disasters!

Sekia: {I was thinking more of disposing of bodies or evidence. Or buildings and crime scenes. But I guess that also works. Though there's no way to kill her here.}

Sekia looked over to the open area of the USJ. He saw a familiar purple mist appear as a hand of someone pulled his way out of a portal.

Sekia: {He looks like someone straight from a scary movie. Maybe that's just his ugly mug.}

Suddenly the portal rapidly expanded as villains flooded out. Running into the open area to make more room for more villains.


Everyone around Sekia froze in fear as they looked at Shigiraki covered in many many hands. Sekia looked at the villians as he still couldn't get rid of his smile.

Then he saw someone. Wearing a familiar uniform and a similar mask to the one All for One gave him.

Sekia: {Is that Sophia?}

Aizawa quickly rushed in as No.13 stood in front of the students. Aizawa started defeating villains left and right. The villains slowly surrounding him. Everyone was amazed at Aizawas skills. Sekia was even impressed. Knowing he must of had some significant experience and training to perfect his unique fighting technique.

Ida: This is no time for group analysis! We've got to evacuate!

Ida said while helping his classmates buy a thick purple mist burst up as it blocked off their entrance.

Kurogiri: I'm afraid I can't allow that. Greetings we are from the league of villains...

Kurogiri looked at Sekia as he discreetly turned his finger around. Really bored of this plan that was ultimately a failure. Sekia knew even with the Nomu it was unlikely to beat All Might.

Kurogiri: *Sigh* We have come here to kill All Might and until he arrives my role it to do this.


Everyone including Sekia fell into a dark void. Kurogiri surrounded them all in his mist as they all disappeared into it.

Sekia landed on his feet as he looked around. He was really high up. At the peak of the mountain zone. He looked down over the edge as further down he saw Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and Jiro.

Sekia: You can come out now.

Sekia said as he smelled a familiar scent. Sophia came running out as she tackled Sekia. Her high tackle caused him to fall back. Sophia sitting on top of him.

Sophia: Your so handsome in that new suit! Do you like my mask?

Sekia: It matches mine.

Sekia said with a smile.

Sophia: I know! They gave me one so I could participate in the raid. They also gave you a few things.

Other men slowly came out as they were bound by ropes. 6 of them all together.

Sophia: All for One said they may have quirks you like.

Sophia smiled as she slightly raised her mask to kiss Sekia.

Sekia: {I feel like she's changed. It's nice.}

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