Pokémon Emergency

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It was near sundown when Misty finally returned to where Pikachu and his knocked out trainer were, with a police woman with green hair, named Officer Jenny (voiced by Lee Quick), behind her. Officer Jenny: "My goodness, what happened to him?" Misty: "I'm not sure, but it looks like he was struck by lightning or something." hearing this made Pikachu widen his eyes, realizing that his Thunderbolt attack from earlier not only hit the Spearow flock, but his trainer as well by mistake. Pikachu: "Pika..." Misty: "Don't worry little guy, we'll get you to the Pokémon center... and your trainer's gonna be okay too." said Misty, before she starts petting the electric mouse. Even though Pikachu was still not used to being touched, he was too focus on the knocked out trainer of his. Soon, Ash and Pikachu went into the sidecar of Officer Jenny's motorcycle, with Misty riding behind the policewoman herself. With no time to spare, they drove off to Viridian city, and went into the Pokémon center, where the nurse there, known as Nurse Joy (voiced by Megan Hollingshead), was surprised to see the motorcycle drove into the main lobby. Nurse Joy: "What have I told you about coming in here with that motorcycle of yours?!" Officer Jenny: "Sorry, but this is an emergency, these two need some help." said the policewoman, showing the nurse the boy and his starter. Nurse Joy: "Oh my... the poor things... then we better get them treated right away." said Nurse Joy, before she takes the boy and Pikachu to the emergency room. His vision was dark at first, but at last, Ash finally woke up, and sees that Pikachu was watching over him. Ash: "Oh... Pikachu?, is that you?" Pikachu: [Ash... you're okay... thank goodness..." Ash: "Oh... what happened?" Pikachu: [After what happened with the Spearow attack, you blacked out, and then this nice orange haired girl came with a policewoman and rescued us, and now we're in a Pokémon center.] Ash: "Really... well that was lucky... I'm sorry... really..." Pikachu: [What for?] Ash: "For putting you in danger..." Pikachu: [That's my line you idiot!, I was the one who made the Spearow flock mad... I was the one who got you in such a state... I'm so sorry...] Ash: "It's okay Pikachu... I forgive you... so does this mean we're friends now?" Pikachu: [Well... you did saved my life back there... and you need someone to watch over ya... so yeah... I guess we can be friends.] this made Ash to smile, before finally getting back on his feet, but had a little trouble standing up a bit, which was when Nurse Joy came to the scene. Nurse Joy: "Hold on young man, you're still recovering, you should rest for a bit." Ash: "But I'm fine... really." Nurse Joy: "You might be awake now, but that does not mean you're yet fully recovered, didn't your mother tell you to listen to a nurse's advice?" Ash: "Oh my gosh!, my mom!, she's gonna get worried if I don't call her." Nurse Joy: "There should be a video phone over there." said Nurse Joy, before she helps Ash get to the video phone, and the boy turns it on and makes a call to his mother. Delia: "Ash!, it's good to hear you, but why are you in bandages?" Ash: "It's a long story... but I'm calling ya to let you know I made it to Viridian city." Delia: "That's good to hear, I'm sure your father would be very proud of you." Ash: "Yeah... if he's still alive..." Delia: "Yeah... but never mind that, have you changed your underwear?" Ash: "Mom, my first day's not over yet." Delia: "I know, I just want to make sure, now be a good boy and have a safe journey." Ash: "Sure thing." said Ash, before ending the call, noticing that Pikachu was trying to hide himself behind his trainer. Ash: "Hey?, what's wrong?" Pikachu: [It's just... if your mom found out about what I put you through... she'll no doubt try to kill me...] Ash: "Come on, mom's not like that, sure she might scold ya, but that's the worst of it... she'll never harm a Pokémon, especially a cute one like yourself." Pikachu: [Oh... I don't know...] suddenly, a call came and Ash answered, and the call turned out to be from Professor Oak himself. Ash: "Professor Oak?, is that you?" Professor Oak: "Of course my boy, your mother just told me that you made it to Viridian city, you know Gary was there not long ago and already caught some Pokémon." Ash: "What?!" Professor Oak: "Yes, but I'm sure you caught some too, I did bet Gary on a million dollars that you'll get at least one." Ash: "Well... money isn't everything... right?" said Ash, making the professor realized that he lost the bet. Professor Oak: "Oh... why do I even bother...?" Ash: "But I did managed to get Pikachu to trust me more now... and I saw some Pokémon that was like a rainbow bird." Professor Oak: "Really?" Ash: "Yeah... and before I passed out... it dropped this feather into my hand." said Ash, before showing the feather to the Professor, who gasped in shock. Professor Oak: "My goodness... that's a rainbow feather... belonging to Ho-oh itself!" Ash: "Really?, is that a special Pokémon?" Professor Oak: "Yes, while there are many kinds of Pokémon in the world, there are some that are known to be legends or myths... either called legendary or mythical Pokémon, which are supposed to be the rarest and most powerful... there are even stories that some of them were the creators of this world." Ash: "Really?" Professor Oak: "Yes, but I must warn you, there are some people who would do anything to get their hands on those Pokémon, even kidnapping people who have any connection with them, so I would advice you to keep that feather and your encounter with Ho-oh a secret, for the Pokémon's sake and your own." Ash: "Okay... I doubt anyone would believe me anyway..." Professor Oak: "Yes, I suppose so... still, I think it's best you keep that rainbow feather hidden." Ash: "Sure thing." Professor Oak: "Though it's interesting that Ho-oh would drop one of it's feathers to you... let alone showing itself to you at all..." Ash: "What do you mean?" Professor Oak: "No one has ever seen Ho-oh for centuries now... and legends say it would show itself to only those with pure hearts... which means... it must have deemed you worthy of showing itself to you." Ash: "Deemed me worthy?, pure heart?, me?" Professor Oak: "Apparently so... now I better be going, my pizza's ready." said the professor, before the call ended, while Ash puts the feather into his glove. That was when Misty came to the scene. Misty: "I see you're awake." Ash: "Huh?, are you the girl who helped me and Pikachu?" Misty: "That's right, but how did you knew that?" Ash: "Uh... lucky guess... I'm Ash by the way." Misty: "I'm Misty, and even though I'm glad you're okay, I'm still a little mad..." Ash: "Huh?, why's that?" Misty: "Because you stole my bike earlier!, and destroyed it too!" said Misty, before Ash widened his eyes in realization, remembering the bike he took to help him and Pikachu escape from the Spearow flock. Ash: "Oh... sorry about that, but we need a way to escape from that Spearow flock." Misty: "Spearow... I see... those Pokémon can be real nasty... especially towards humans... and now that you mentioned it, I noticed some marks that looked like beak marks on your body when I found you." Ash: "Yeah... and Pikachu used Thunderbolt to send them away... which I guess hit me and the bike in the process as well..." Misty: "I see... but at least you're okay now." Ash: "Again... sorry about that, I promise to pay you back." suddenly, an explosion burst through the walls, and once the smoke cleared up, a man and woman with white uniforms with big red 'R's came to the scene, with what looked like a cat like Pokémon with no nose. They were Jessie (voiced by Rachael Lillis), James (voiced by Eric Stuart) and Meowth (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), and together they were known as the Team Rocket trio. Ash: "Who are they?!" Jessie: "Prepare for trouble, little boy." James: "And make it double as we introduce ourselves." Jessie: "To protect the world from devastation." James: "To unite all people within our nation." Jessie: "To denounce the evils of truth and love." James: "To extend our reach to the stars above." Jessie: "Jessie..." James: "James..." Jessie: "Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light." James: "Surrender now or prepare to fight." Meowth: "Meowth, that's right!" Misty: "A talking Meowth?!" Ash: "You mean he's speaking in human speak?" Misty: "Of course he is!, how dumb are you to not notice that fact?!" shouted Misty, before Ash takes out his Pokédex to see what it says about the cat with no nose. Pokédex: [Meowth: The Cat Scratch Pokémon, it can see well in the dark and the only one that can use the move, Pay Day.] Jessie: "Unfortunately this one can't..." Meowth: "It's not my fault, it took so much energy for me to learn how to talk, I can't use Pay Day." that was when Nurse Joy came to the scene. Nurse Joy: "Team Rocket... I heard of you people... you're known to steal Pokémon from other trainers, but why are you here?" Jessie: "We came to find and steal any rare and powerful Pokémon here of course." James: "There must be a least one here that's worth stealing." Ash: "You're not taking my Pikachu!" Jessie: "Oh please, like we want to steal a little rat like that." Meowth: "Yeah, the only thing that thing's worth is a meal." said Meowth with a hiss, before getting ready to pounce on Pikachu. Ash: "Pikachu!, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu lets out a Thunderbolt that zaps Meowth like a light bulb, leaving the cat to be covered in smoke. Jessie: "Alright then, Ekans!, go!" James: "You too Koffing!" called out Jessie and James, before they send out a purple snake and a purple floating ball with a face called Ekans and Koffing, and Ash takes out his Pokédex again to check them out. Pokédex: Ekans is a snake Pokémon of a poison type that hides in tall grass to hunt down rodent Pokémon like Rattata.] [Koffing is a poison type that's commonly found in polluted areas and lets out some smog that makes you cough.] Misty: "Be careful, those are both dangerous poison types!" Ash: "Yeah, I can see that..." Ekans: [Prepare to be my dinner, mouse... this-s-s, I promise.] Koffing: [Must obey master James, must poison stupid mouse.] Ash: "Hey!, Pikachu is not stupid or your dinner!" called out Ash, before covering his mouth as he realized he was talking to the Pokémon, confusing the humans in the room, while Meowth finally got up. Meowth: "Uh... how did you knew what Ekans and Koffing said?" Ash: "Uh... lucky guess..." said Ash, while Misty looked at the boy with suspicion. Ash: "Never mind that, Pikachu, used Thunderbolt at full power!" called out Ash, before Pikachu lets out another Thunderbolt that was more powerful than the last, shocking the Team Rocket trio and their Pokémon like house lights, before an explosion happened and sent them out of the building and into the sky. Nurse Joy: "Wow... that was some Thunderbolt..." Misty: "Yeah... but they overdid it!" said Misty, looking at the now big hole on the building's roof. Ash: "Oops... sorry..." Nurse Joy: "Don't worry, it can be repaired, all that matters is that the Pokémon are safe now." Ash: "Yeah... hey Pikachu... we just won our first battle!, we did it!" Pikachu: [Alright!] after defeating the Team Rocket trio, everyone went to bed to get some rest, and when morning came, it was time for Ash to continue he journey and head off to the Viridian forest, which made Nurse Joy a little worried. Nurse Joy: "Oh... I hope that boy will be alright, I mean with the bug type Pokémon in the Viridian forest and all that..." that was when Officer Jenny came up to her. Officer Jenny: "I wouldn't be too worried about him, if he was able to take on those grunts of Team Rocket, then I'm sure he'll be fine, and I heard that the girl who helped me get him here is following him." Nurse Joy: "I see..." and so Ash has won his first battle against the Team Rocket trio, and now he's off to continue his quest to become a Pokémon master, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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