The Oreburgh city's living fossils

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After catching both Turtwig and Chimchar, Ash and the gang continued their journey through the Sinnoh region. While on the way to Oreburgh city, the location of the first Sinnoh gym leader, Dawn managed to catch a female Buneary, which has a crush on Pikachu, much to the electric type's annoyance. Brock also caught a Pokémon as well, called Croagunk, which was a fighting/poison type that likes to use Poison Jab on Brock whenever he flirts with a girl. Not to mention that, Starly evolved into Staravia, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Staravia is the evolved form of Starly, and it flies over forests and fields, and it normally travels in large flocks.] Now, they made it to Oreburgh city, where Ash finally gets to challenge the gym leader. But before they do that, they went to do a little training to help out the new teammates. Buneary: [Wow... Pikachu looks so cute and strong was he's training...] said Buneary, while having hearts for eyes as she stares at Pikachu. Ash: "Hey Buneary, shouldn't you be training with Dawn for a Pokémon contest?" Buneary: [What?, am I not allowed to admire Pikachu?] Ash: "No, I'm just saying you can't let yourself be distracted so easily." Buneary: [What in... oh right, I forgot that you can talk to Pokémon, which I still find it strange... as humans don't normally able to pull that off.] said Buneary, before Pikachu came over to her. Pikachu: [I know what you mean, but maybe we might find out someday... right now though, let's focus on getting stronger as I heard the gym leader here uses rock types... and those are hard for me...] Buneary: [Huh?, oh right, electric types are weak against rock types... but Pikachu, don't you have Iron Tail?] Pikachu: [Yeah, but I doubt that move alone will be enough for me to take down the gym leader's rock types so easily.] Ash: "Don't worry, I'm sure we can pull it off, and we got our new teammates to help out too." suddenly, a man with a helmet, named Roark (voiced by Craig Blair), who happens to be the Oreburgh city gym leader, came to the scene. Roark: "Excuse me, but have you seen some with a large machine?" Ash: "No, we haven't seen anyone here other than you Mr..." Roark: "Oh sorry, I'm Roark, gym leader of Oreburgh city." Ash: "You're the gym leader?, I was just training my Pokémon to get ready to challenge you." Roark: "So I can see, but now's not the time, I have to find the thieves and get the machine back." Brock: "What does this stolen machine do?" Roark: "I'm glad you asked, it can revive fossil Pokémon." Dawn: "Really?!" Ash: "Wow, that's so cool!" Roark: "Yes, but it got stolen by a trio of thieves, and there was a fossil in the process of being revived... if it gets loose... there's no telling what damage it could cause..." Dawn: "What do the thieves look like?" Roark: "Well one was a woman with purple hair, a man with icy blue hair, and a Meowth that can talk." Ash: "Team Rocket!" Dawn: "Those guys again?" Roark: "Wait, you know them?" Ash: "Yeah, they're bad guys that cause trouble wherever they go, don't worry, we'll help you get the machine back." Roark: "Thanks, but are you sure?, this could be dangerous." Ash: "I went through worse." Brock: "It's true, he did." Roark: "Well... I guess having someone who knows the thieves would help... but just be careful." Ash: "Sure thing." said Ash, before he and the others went to begin their search for Team Rocket, and it wasn't long before they did, and just in time for the fossil inside the machine to be revived as an Aerodactyl. Roark sends out a Pokémon called Cranidos that was also a fossil Pokémon, and it was tough. However, the Team Rocket trio fired a really tough net that caught Cranidos, and the living fossil was unable to get out. Jessie: "Looks like we'll get two fossil Pokémon for the boss it seems." James: "Yeah, all we have to do now is capture Aerodactyl and we'll have a big pay day." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "We're not gonna let that happen!" shouted Ash, before Cranidos started to glow, and evolved into a much bigger version of itself, called Rampardos, and it was now strong enough to break through the net. Roark: "Alright Rampardos!, now use Zen Headbutt!" called out Roark, before Rampardos used Zen Headbutt to send the Team Rocket trio flying out the scene. With the trio gone, all that was left to take care of was the Aerodactyl, which was currently going on a rampage. The flying/rock type nearly got to attack the city if Rampardos and Pikachu didn't stopped it in time, and one of the Oreburgh city scientists caught the Aerodactyl with a Pokéball. As the scientists bright the machine back to their lab, Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about Roark's newly evolved Pokémon fossil. Pokédex: [Rampardos is the evolved form of Cranidos and a fossil Pokémon of Sinnoh, with it's really tough dome shape skull, it can launch a powerful headbutt that can break stone.] Once the danger was over, Ash asked Roark if he could battle him, and the gym leader accepted the challenge as he liked to see more of the boy's skills as a trainer. Soon, the group went to the gym building, and Bock noticed that Dawn was in a cheerleader outfit. Brock: "Um... Dawn, may I ask why are you dressed like a cheerleader?" Dawn: "Oh I thought it would help Ash win if my Pokémon and I cheer for him." Buneary: [And maybe Pikachu would notice me.] Piplup: [Um... you do know that Ash is the only one who can understand us... right?] Buneary: [I know that, but it can't hurt to say it anyway.] said Buneary, unaware that both Ash and Pikachu heard them, and they had sweat drops on the sides of their heads. Ash: "Looks like you have a fan girl out of Buneary now..." Pikachu: [Why was I cursed to be born so cute...?] soon, the battle between Ash and Roark began, and it was tough for Ash, but he was able to pull through, and thanks to his team, Roark was left to use Rampardos, which was his strongest Pokémon. With the help of Turtwig, Rampardos was defeated and Ash won the battle. Roark comes up to Ash, before handing over the Coal badge to him. Roark: "You've done well Ash, I'm sure you'll give the other gym leaders a battle to remember like how you did for me." Ash: "Thanks Roark... alright!, I got the Coal badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] and so Ash has helped Roark get the fossil restoring machine back and earned himself the Coal badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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