Enter Alola and the Alolan Pokémon egg

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It was a beautiful day in the Alola region, when a plane landed in the airport, and out of it came Ash and Pikachu, who were very confused. Ash: "Hey... this isn't Kanto... where are we?" Pikachu: [Uh... Ash... I think we got on the wrong plane...] Ash: "I think you might be right..." Pikachu: [Great... not only did we got on the wrong plane, but we're now in a region we've never been to before...] Ash: "Well at least we still have each other, and we can go look for a professor and ask him if we can make a call with Professor Oak, but while we're here, we might as well check it out." said Ash, before he and Pikachu began to explore the region, which they soon learned that it's more like a group of islands, known as the Alola region. Suddenly, the pair heard the sound of a girl screaming, and rushed to see a pale blonde girl named Lillie (voiced by Laurie Hymes), holding a Pokémon egg, was surrounded by the Team Rocket trio, who were now in Alola too. Jessie: "Hand over the egg, little girl." James: "Yes, that's all we want." Lillie: "You're out of your minds!, Professor Kukui gave me this egg to help me be responsible!, there's no way I'll let him down!" Meowth: "That wasn't a request, that's an order." Lillie: "What the?!, a talking Meowth?!, wait... you don't look like a normal Meowth..." Jessie: "What does that mean?" James: "Beats me." Ash: "Team Rocket!, leave her alone!" called out Ash, before he runs up to the scene and came in between the trio and Lillie, who was surprised by the boy's sudden appearance. Jessie: "Oh great, it's the twerp." James: "No surprise he's here, we were on the same plane he was." Meowth: "Though I can't believe that he mistook the plane to this place for the on to Kanto." Ash: "I was in a hurry!, and another thing, don't you have anything better to do than just ganging up on a girl?" Jessie: "Yes, and that's to steal Pikachu at long last." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Not happening..." Jessie: "Why so relaxed?" asked Jessie, before Ash pulls out his Pokéballs, and out of them came his Kalos team, which made the trio gulp. Ash: "This is why... guys... you know what to do." said Ash with a smirk, before his team used their attacks to hit and send the Team Rocket trio flying out into the sky and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Ash recalls his team, and went over to the girl. Lillie: "Uh... thank you..." Ash: "No problem, I'm Ash by the way." Lillie: "I'm Lillie, it's a pleasure to meet you... I must say that I never saw Pokémon like the ones you just used before..." Ash: "Yeah, I caught them in Kalos, funny story... I was supposed to be on my way to Kanto... but it seems that I went on the wrong plane and ended up here, is there a professor I can talk to?" Lillie: "Well there's Professor Kukui, I can take you right to him, as a way to thank you for helping me." Ash: "Thanks, that means a lot." so with that, the trainers went to a lab, which belonged to Professor Kukui (voiced by Abe Goldfarb), who was talking to Professor Oak through a video phone. Professor Oak: "Ash?, is that you?, what are you doing in Alola?" Ash: "I uh... got on the wrong plane by mistake..." that was when Delia, Ash's mom, came next to Professor Oak, and she was relieved. Delia: "Ash!, thank goodness... I was beginning to worry about you." Ash: "Sorry about that, I'm okay, and I think I found where I should go for my journey next..." Professor Oak: "Well I'm happy to hear that, but you do know that you already have a full team, so if you want to catch and train the Pokémon of the Alola region, you'll need to send me your Kalos team." Ash: "Sure thing." said Ash, before he puts the Pokéballs into a machine that transports them back to Professor Oak, who was eager to study them. Delia: "Ash, I want you to make sure to get on the right plane the next time you go on a flight, so something like this doesn't happen again." Ash: "Sure thing mom, I promise." Delia: "And another thing, you better be changing your underwear." Ash: "Mom!" this made both Pikachu and Lillie laugh a little, causing Ash to feel more embarrassed. Delia: "Come on Ash, I'm not trying to embarrass you, I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself, then maybe one day you might get a girlfriend." Pikachu: [Funny that she mentioned that as you already got one.] whispered Pikachu to Ash, who only him can understand what the electric type said. Ash: "Uh..." Delia: "Oh what am I saying, it's still a little early to think about that, but please try to be more careful, okay?" Ash: "Sure mom, and I'll send my Kalos gym badges home through mail, that way I can have room to get new badges here." Delia: "Sure thing, see ya sweetie." said Delia, before the call ended. Professor Kukui: "Uh... did you said that you're planning to earn gym badges here in Alola?" Ash: "That's right." Lillie: "Um... Alola doesn't have gym leaders..." Ash: "What?!, then how do I enter the Pokémon league here?" Professor Kukui: "Actually... Alola doesn't have a league either..." Ash: "What?!" Lillie: "Sorry Ash, Alola is a little different from the other regions... like it doesn't have gym leaders or a league..." Ash: "Oh man... then what am I supposed to do here...?" Professor Kukui: "Well... while Alola doesn't have gym leaders or a league... we do have Trail Captains, which are kind of like gym leaders, if you beat them in a challenge, they give you a Z crystal." Ash: "A what crystal?" Professor Kukui: "They're a type of crystal that allows a trainer's Pokémon to use a special move, but only if the bond between them is strong and the right kind for a certain type or Pokémon... you might say they're like gym badges of Alola that can give your Pokémon a special move." Ash: "Wow... that sounds really cool..." Professor Kukui: "Yes, and it might make you feel happy that we're working on having Alola a Pokémon league of it's own." Ash: "That's great, I hope it'll be fun." Professor Kukui: "That's what I'm hoping too." Ash: "Well in the meantime... I should start getting those Z crystals." Professor Kukui: "Well before you do that, you would need a Z-Power ring, in order for the Z crystals to work." said the professor, before he gives Ash what looked like some sort of wrist watch that had a crystal shaped hole on top, which is where the Z crystal is supposed to be placed. Ash: "Is this it?" Professor Kukui: "Correct, and I managed to update your Pokédex to have the info of the Pokémon here." suddenly, the Pokémon egg that Lillie was holding started to glow, and started to crack up until a baby Pokémon hatched out. The baby looked a little like a Vulpix, but it was white instead of red, and the first thing she saw was Lillie, and which made her believe Lillie is her mother. Ash: "What is that?, it looks like a Vulpix... but different..." Professor Kukui: "That's an Alolan Vulpix, there are some Pokémon here that you might have seen before here, but they not only have a different look, but different type as well to live in the habitat of this region." Ash: "Wow... that is so cool..." Lillie: "It's all white like snow..." Ash: "Actually, she's a girl." Lillie: "Hmm?, how do you know?" Ash: "Uh... lucky guess..." Lillie: "Hmm... I think a nickname should do..." Professor Kukui: "Okay, what will you call her?" Lillie: "I like to call her... Snowy." Ash: "I like it, it fits her well." and so Ash has begun the next chapter of his journey to be a Pokémon master in the Alola region, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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