A not so high flying start

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After earning his fifth Kalos gym badge, Ash heads off to Laverre city, the location of the sixth Kalos gym leader, who uses fairy types. When Ash got there, he learned that the gym leader was also a famous fashion designer and her fairy types are stronger than they look. The battle between the two was tough, but Ash was able to pull through and managed to beat her, allowing him to earn the Fairy badge. Right now, the boy and his friends were having a little lunch break, before Hawlucha discovered a Pokémon egg. Hawlucha: [Poor thing... it seems to have been abandoned...] Ash: "Are you sure?" Pikachu: [I think so too... there's no sign of it's parent or anyone guarding it...] Ash: "Oh man... poor thing..." Bonnie: "What kind of Pokémon is inside it?" Clemont: "We won't know until it hatches." Serena: "Which won't be long... look!" said Serena, before the egg starts to glow, then started to crack up until the baby Pokémon came out, which looked like a little bat called a Noibat. Once the little one opened his eyes, Ash was the first thing he saw. Ash: "Hi there little guy." said Ash, before Noibat blink a few times, and then noticed that there were others around him, and he got scared a bit before letting out some loud screeches that hurt everyone's ears. Ash began petting Noibat in hopes to calm him down, and it seemed to have worked. Serena: "Noibat seems more relaxed around Ash..." Clemont: "Noibat must sees Ash as his parent due to him being the first he saw after hatching." Ash: "So... I'm a dad again?" Bonnie: "Looks like it... wait... did you say... again?" Ash: "Yeah, this isn't the first time I hatched a baby Pokémon." Serena: "Really?" Ash: "Yeah, There was also Phanpy who is now Donphan, and there's also Larvitar... I wonder how they're doing..." Noibat: [D..da... daddy!] Ash: "Whoa!, you said your first word!" Bonnie: "He only said his name." Clemont: "Don't forget that Ash can talk to Pokémon, so to his ears, it's words." Bonnie: "Oh yeah, what did he say?" Ash: "He said daddy." that was when Noibat looked at Serena, and tilted his head a little. Noibat: [Mama?] this made Ash to blush this time, he didn't expect for the little one to see someone other than him be his parent figure. Serena: "What did he say?" Ash: "Um... he just asked you if you're his mama..." now was Serena's time to gasp and blush a little. Bonnie: "If you ask me, I think Serena would make a great mama for Noibat, and perhaps a good wife for Ash." Serena: "What?!, wait a second!, this is all too sudden!, we're just friends!" Ash: "Yeah... not into that sort of relationship... just friends." Bonnie: "Then why are you two blushing?" Ash: "Well... um..." Pikachu: [Hey Ash, I think Noibat is trying to fly.] said Pikachu, before Ash noticed that Noibat was out of his hands and was trying to flap his wings, but couldn't get off the ground. Ash: "Easy there, I can tell you want to fly, but I don't think you're ready for that yet." Bonnie: "Hey Ash, what does your Pokédex say about Noibat?" Ash: "Hmm... let's find out." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the little one. Pokédex: [Noibat is the Sound Wave Pokémon, and it cause damage as well as hearing problems for it's opponents by emitting different sound wave frequencies.] Clemont: "I'll bet the little one's screeching is for defense against enemies, and must have gotten scared of us at first." Serena: "Oh the poor thing..." Ash: "There's no need to worry Noibat, these people are my friends, you can trust them." Noibat: [... Friends?] Ash: "Yeah, they're those who will help you in your moment of need, someone you can count on." Noibat: [Daddy's friends?] Ash: "Yeah, and we're all gonna help you learn how to fly." said Ash, before he and the others begin teaching the little Noibat on how to fly, like how to to flap his wings first, and to help make them strong enough to lift him up into the air. Unfortunately, trouble brewed when the Team Rocket trio showed up, and they were trying to steal the poor little Noibat in their balloon. Jessie: "Looks like we caught a Noibat." James: "Yes, and it's supposed to evolved into Noivern, which are strong Pokémon." Meowth: "That's right, and now that got ourselves a Noibat, we can... uh..." Jessie: "What is it?" Meowth: "The twerp's glowing..." said Meowth, looking at Ash below, who was glowing blue and looked very angry. Ash: "UNHAND HIM OR ELSE!!!" shouted Ash in anger, before he jumps up and throws a powerful Aura Sphere from his palm and sends the Team Rocket trio flying out of the scene. As for the little Noibat, Ash managed to catch him in his arms just in the nick of time, while Serena and the siblings looked in shock. Bonnie: "Ash... how did you just do that?" Ash: "Huh?, what do you mean?" Clemont: "You just used an Aura Sphere like a Lucario... how did you do it?" Ash: "Oh... it's something I was born with... I can use Aura, which is what gave me the ability to talk to Pokémon... but every time it awakens... which occurs when I get extremely upset... I have no memory of it happening..." Serena: "Um... you didn't hurt anyone, right?" Ash: "No... thankfully..." Clemont: "Have you tries learning on how to control it?" Ash: "It's not that simple, I would need an Aura partner, and noun of my Pokémon can use it like a Lucario, and I don't have one." Noibat: [Daddy... are the bad people gone?] Ash: "Yeah, they're gone for now, you're safe now." said Ash, before he went to hug Noibat to help him feel better, and Serena couldn't help but feel like her heart would melt by the sight of Ash being so kind to the baby Pokémon. Some time later, when the sun began to set, Noibat asked if Ash can be his trainer so he can be with him, and the boy was happy to let him join. Serena: "Hey Ash, with Noibat in your team now, you now got a full team of six." Ash: "Yeah, I guess I do." Bonnie: "And once Noibat evolves into Noivern, you'll have a powerful team." Ash: "Maybe, I just hope they'll be strong enough for the Pokémon league here in Kalos." Clemont: "I'm sure they will be." and so Ash has earned his sixth Kalos gym badge and caught a baby Noibat, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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