A battle against Team Plasma

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After beating Damian again and earning his seventh Unova gym badge, Ash travels to Virbank city, the location of the last Unova gym leader, who uses her poison types. This gym leader gave Ash the hardest challenge he had yet in Unova, but he was able to pull through and not only did Krokorok evolved into Krookodile, but he managed to win and earned the Toxic badge. After the battle, Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more about his ground/dark type's new form. Pokédex: [Krookodile is the evolved form of Krokorok, and it can see faraway objects like it's seeing through binoculars, and it's jaws are strong enough to crush a car.] Ash: "Wow... he sure sounds tough... and he has those glasses to look even cooler too." Iris: "You really think he's cooler with those glasses?" Ash: "Oh come on, they look good on him, and he's not the only Pokémon who wears cool shades, like my Squirtle for example." Cilan: "You have a Squirtle?, the water type starter of Kanto?" Ash: "Yeah, I managed to catch a few starters during my journey in the other regions." suddenly, a big group of wild Pokémon appeared, but their eyes were glowing red and some sort of small devices were on their foreheads. Iris: "Look out!" called out Iris, before the wild Pokémon started attacking the group, who had no choice but to send out their Pokémon to attack. Pikachu's ears twitched, and saw something coming towards him, which was a small device that was the same kind as the ones on the wild Pokémon. Pikachu was able to dodge it, but Axew was not as fortunate, and once the device got on his forehead, his eyes turned red and started attacking his trainer against his will. Iris: "Axew!" Ash: "Who's doing this?!" Iris: "What do you mean?" Ash: "Those devices are what's making the Pokémon go crazy, just like Axew, and they would have to be built by someone!" Cilan: "I think you're right... but who?" suddenly, a large vehicle appeared, and out came some grunts with a 'P' on their uniforms, then out came a man with a lab coat named Colress (voiced by Eli James), who was a scientist behind the mysterious devices. Colress: "So... the famous Ash Ketchum is here... interesting." Ash: "Huh?, me?, famous?" Colress: "Yes, the boy who managed to defeat both Team Aqua and Team Magma in Hoenn, and then Team Galactic in Sinnoh, it's only natural that we get a little info on the one who defeated them." Iris: "Wait... I know you!" Cilan: "So do I!, Team Plasma!" Ash: "Team Plasma?" Iris: "Yeah, they're a group who say they want to liberate Pokémon from trainers... but their true goal is to take control of all Pokémon and be the only ones to have them!" Ash: "Sounds a lot like Team Rocket..." Colress: "We are nothing like the organization in Kanto, we're far more superior, and as soon as we get control of Reshiram and Zekrom, the whole world will kneel before Team Plasma... but before we do anything..." said Colress, before he throws a little ball that lands in front of our heroes, and then some sleeping gas came out of it. Ash: "Sleeping gas... go figure..." said Ash plainly, before he and the others fell to the ground in a deep sleep. By the time they woke up, our heroes find themselves inside a big cage, and the Pokémon were in another cage. Colress: "I see you're finally awake... and just in time too." said Colress, before another man with a staff, named Ghetsis (voiced by Ted Lewis), who happens to be the boss of Team Plasma, came to the scene. Ghetsis: "So this is the famous Ash Ketchum I've heard about... doesn't look much to me..." Colress: "Looks can be deceiving sir, the same could go for the Light and Dark Stones." Ghetsis: "How true..." Ash: "The Light and Dark Stones?" Colress: "Yes, you're familiar with the Red and Blue orbs of Groudon and Kyogre right?, and the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs of Dialga and Palkia?, well the Light and Dark Stones are like them, only they summon and control Reshiram and Zekrom, and once we activate them... we shall soon rule all of Unova... and then... the world." Ash: "There's no way we're gonna let that happen!" Iris: "And give us back our Pokémon or else!" Ghetsis: "Or else what?, you can't do anything to get out of that cage without your Pokémon, and speaking of which..." said Ghetsis, before Colress pushes a button on a remote that activates a machine that fires more of those mind control devices to take control of Pikachu and the other Pokémon. The sight of them screaming in pain, including Pikachu, was making Ash so mad that his eyes began to glow as his Aura was activating, and soon the boy fired an Aura sphere that broke the bars down, much to everyone's surprise. Colress: "What in the world?!" Iris: "Whoa!, when did Ash learn to do that?!" Cilan: "Um... I'm a little more worried about the glow around him..." said Cilan, as he can see the Aura glowing around Ash's body, which made Iris to look a little nervous too. Ash then fired another Aura Sphere that hits the cage with the Pokémon inside, and damaging the mind control devices, freeing them from Team Plasma's control. It wasn't long before Pikachu, who managed to break free from his cage and the mind control device, ran up to his trainer. Pikachu: [Ash!, can you hear me?, calm down, I'm okay now, and so are the others!] called out Pikachu, before Ash's eyes returned to normal, and the glow around the boy's body was no more. Ash: "Pikachu... what happened?" Iris: "You don't remember?" Ash: "Not really..." Colress: "So... the rumors turned out to be true... you're an Aura user... I've heard stories about them... but this is the first time I've ever seen one..." Iris: "Aura user?" Ash: "Yeah... it's something I discovered while traveling in Sinnoh... but never mind that, we gotta stop Team Plasma!" Cilan: "He's right, we better stop them first." Iris: "Good idea." Ghetsis: "Oh please, you really think a bunch of kids have what it takes to stop us?" Ash: "You should know the answer to that, for you know I managed to stop a few evil organizations before in the past." Colress: "True, but this time's different." said Colress, before he pulls a lever, and a machine fires a beam on a pair of stones, one white and one black, and they both started to glow. Ghetsis: "As you can see, we're already summoning the two ultimate legendaries of Unova, and once they come, we'll use our mind control devices to take total control over them." said Ghetsis, before both Reshiram and Zekrom appeared, and then Colress was getting ready to fire the mind control devices, but Pikachu used Iron Tail to knock them away. Ash: "We're not letting you take control over Pokémon!, this isn't liberation!, not even close to it!, this has gotta stop!" Ghetsis: "Stay out of our way boy!, or it's the end for you!" Iris: "If you want to end Ash, you'll have to get through me first!" Cilan: "That goes for me too!" Ghetsis: "Fine by me, I know my plans will be ruined if I let you live... Team Plasma... finish them." said Ghetsis, before a lot of grunts came and began to charge towards our heroes. Of course that was when Zekrom and Reshiram came in between our heroes and Team Plasma, and fired a Flamethrower or Thunderbolt at the grunts, sending them away from the kids. That was when the sound of some police sirens were heard, and it wasn't long before the police showed up, much to Team Plasma's surprise. It was then that a Team Plasma grunt revealed to be Looker in disguise, who informed the police of Team Plasma's whereabouts and plans. Ash: "Wow Looker, it's been a while." Looker: "Indeed it has, last time was when we stopped Team Galactic in Sinnoh." Cilan: "You know a member of the international police?" Ash: "You would know a lot of people if you have traveled as much as I have." Looker: "Well one thing's for sure, Team Plasma won't cause any more trouble after today." said Looker, as Ghetsis, Colress, and the rest of the grunts, were being arrested and taken away in a police prisoner van, which soon drove away from the scene. Back with Ash, he went over to Zekrom and Reshiram, who were both looking at the boy. Ash: "You two okay?" Zekrom: [Yes, thanks to you and your friends.] Reshiram: [So you're Ash... the chosen one... I can see why Arceus thinks highly of you..." Ash: "Um... thanks I guess... though I was only just trying to help a Pokémon in need... not a real big deal..." Zekrom: [A modest type... how noble... well... we best be off now.] Reshiram: [We both wish you good luck in the Unova league.] said Zekrom and Reshiram, before they flew away from the scene. Iris: "Oh nuts!, I forgot to challenge Zekrom!" Cilan: "I might be for the best, I don't think you're quite there yet." Iris: "Yeah... but I will get strong enough someday..." Ash: "Yeah... just don't give up." and so Ash and his friends stopped Team Plasma and saved the Unova region, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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