Pewter city gym battle

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It was close to sunset when Ash and Misty finally made it to Pewter city, which is supposed to be the home of the Pewter city gym leader. Ash: "Alright, Pewter city, the place where I'll get my first gym badge." Misty: "So you know about the gym leaders?" Ash: "Well yeah, everyone knows that if you want to prove everyone that you're a great trainer, you have to show it in the Pokémon league, and in order to enter I have to earn 8 gym badges after beating the gym leaders of Kanto, right?" Misty: "Right... I'm surprised that you knew that." Ash: "Oh come on, I'm not that stupid, my mom told me about it on the day before I became a trainer, though I don't really know much about the gym leaders themselves, just the towns or cities their gym is." Misty: "I see... well just to let you know, I've heard that the gym leader here uses rock types... and those can be really hard for the current team you have." Ash: "Really?" Misty: "Yeah, unless you have a water type, it's gonna be too hard, so maybe if you barrow some of my water types..." Ash: "No way!, if I used your Pokémon instead of my own... that would be cheating in a way... and I don't want to get my badges through cheating..." Misty: "I understand that, but noun of the Pokémon you have now are a good match at all against rock types." Ash: "Well... uh... I'll think of something..." that was when a teenage boy, named Brock (voiced by Eric Stuart), came to the scene. Brock: "So you're planning to face the gym leader here?" Ash: "Uh... yeah, I was planning to use either Pikachu or my other two newly caught Butterfree and Pidgeotto." Brock: "Well sorry to tell you this, but those aren't a good match against the gym leader's... unless..." Ash: "Unless what?" Brock: "Unless you can teach them attacks that are super effective against rock types." Ash: "I can do that?" Brock: "Yes, as on what attacks, that depends on what Pokémon you currently have... in the case of Pikachu, you can teach it Iron Tail, which is a steel type move, or in Butterfree and Pidgeotto, Steel Wing, another steel type attack." Ash: "Huh... that makes sense... can I really do that?" Brock: "That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself... and also... even if you lose, that's okay, cause what's important is how much you love your Pokémon, not the wins or loses." said Brock, before he left the scene, leaving Ash and Misty speechless. At the Pewter city's Pokémon center, Ash and Misty gave their Pokémon to the nurse there, who had a very familiar face. Ash: "Nurse Joy?, what are you doing here in Pewter city?, I thought you work at the Pokémon center in Viridian city." Nurse Joy: "Oh you must mean my sister." Ash: "Sister?" Nurse Joy: "Yes, I have a very huge family that all look the same and all named Joy." Misty: "Wow... I've never heard of such a family..." Ash: "Yeah... but at least we can remember their names and faces..." Misty: "That's for sure." Nurse Joy: "By the way, I noticed your current team and... I'm afraid that they'll be a bad match against the gym leader's rock types." Ash: "Yeah, so I've heard... but I'm planning on teaching them steel type moves." Nurse Joy: "Good idea, but do you know how to teach them?" Ash: "Uh... well..." Nurse Joy: "I think you should teach Pikachu the move Iron Tail first, and I believe the best way to learn it is by strengthening the tail." Ash: "Okay... I guess that makes sense..." after the check up, Ash begins to train Pikachu on learning the move Iron Tail, which was started with getting Pikachu to lift some small bags with little rocks with his tail. It was a lot of hard work, but at last, Pikachu was able to get his tail be covered in steel, showing signs that Pikachu has learned the move. Pikachu: [Alright!, those rock types better watch out now!" Ash: "Yeah, so are you ready to face the gym leader?" Pikachu: [Sure, it's not like we can lose easily now.] Ash: "Yeah, that's for sure." soon, when morning came, after eating some breakfast, it was finally time for Ash to enter the gym building. But once he entered, he was surprised to see that the gym leader, who was standing on the other side of the battlefield, was Brock himself. Ash: "Huh?, you're the gym leader?" Brock: "That's right, surprised huh?" Ash: "Yeah, wait... why didn't you tell me?" Brock: "Well you never asked, and I had a feeling you were gonna challenge me the moment you knew, but I doubt you were quite ready yet, so I let you train your Pokémon a bit until the right moment came." Ash: "Uh... I guess that makes sense... so will you accept my challenge?" Brock: "Indeed, but let me warn you, even though you taught your Pikachu a steel type move, my rock types won't be beaten quite so easily." Ash: "Fine by me, I love a good challenge." and so with that, Ash sends out Pikachu to the battlefield, while Brock sends out a Pokémon that looked like a rock with arms and a face called Geodude, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Geodude is a rock type with a face and two arms, it can roll like a mini avalanche.] the battle was indeed tough, Geodude was able to roll around fast, but Pikachu was fast too, and thanks to his new Iron Tail attack, the rock type was beaten. Ash: "Alright!, we did it!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Brock: "Don't cheer just yet, I still got one more ace in my sleeve... go Onix!" called out Brock, before he threw out his Pokéball and out came a large rock snake like Pokémon, which scared Pikachu out of his wits while Ash pulls out his Pokédex again to find out what he's up against this time. Pokédex: [Onix is the Rock snake Pokémon, it can burrow underground using dig and once it pops out of the ground, it can cause a lot of damage to the opponent, along with wrapping the opponent with it's rocky tail like a real snake.] Pikachu: [I can't beat something like that!] Ash: "Don't give up Pikachu, remember, never give up until the end, alright?" Pikachu: [Well... okay...] and so the battle continues on, and it was intense as Onix was indeed a powerful Pokémon, as it's rocky body was tough to break, and only Iron Tail was able to do some damage. With one final attack, Pikachu was able to take down Onix, meaning that Ash won the match. Ash: "We did it!, we really won!" Pikachu: [Yeah... I guess we did...] that was when Brock came up to Ash, giving him the Boulder badge. Brock: "This here is proof that you beaten me, and I hope you'll do well in your future battles." Ash: "Thanks Brock... alright!, I got the Boulder badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] said Ash and Pikachu in joy, happy to win their first gym badge. Soon, Ash was ready to leave, with Misty following behind him, but then to their surprise, Brock was following them too. Misty: "Hey it's Brock." Ash: "What brings you here?" Brock: "Well you see, I was hoping if you don't mind me tagging along." Ash: "Really?, but what about the gym?" Brock: "Well you see, my dad's the real gym leader, I was just filling in his shoes until he came back from a trip he had, and now I'm free to travel, and I thought maybe I can be some help." Ash: "Sure thing, the more the merrier." Misty: "Nice to have ya." Brock: "Well... let's head out." Ash: "Yeah." and so Ash has won his first gym badge and got a new traveling companion out of Brock, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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