The GS ball at the Orange islands

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After the end of the Pokémon league of Kanto, Ash returned to Pallet, and that was when Professor Oak asked him for a favor. Ash: "You want me to get a special Pokéball from the Orange islands for you?" Professor Oak: "Yes, Professor Ivy tried to get it here, but the transporter does not seem to work on it for some reason, nor can it be opened... at least that's what she told me, and I was hoping you can get it for me." Ash: "Sure thing, where is it?" Professor Oak: "It's currently at the Orange islands, which is south from the Kanto region here, you'll need to travel their by ship." Ash: "Alright." so with that, Ash went off to Vermillion city, along with Misty and Brock, before getting on a ship that takes them to an island where Professor Ivy lives. Misty: "Is this really the place?" Ash: "I don't know, the building has the address that Professor Oak gave me, and it looks like a lab." Brock: "Maybe she's out doing some research." Misty: "Hey... there's a Gyarados at the beach..." Ash: "So?" Misty: "Well... there's somebody riding on it." said Misty, pointing at what looked like a woman riding on the head of a Gyarados. Once they got to the beach to get a closer look, they saw that it was noun other than Professor Ivy (voiced by Kayzie Rogers) herself, and once she got to the sand, she puts on her lab coat. Professor Ivy: "Is one of you named Ash from Pallet town?" Ash: "Yeah, that's me." Professor Ivy: "Professor Oak told me you were coming, I'm Professor Ivy, come with me to the lab." Brock: "Wow... she's hot..." said Brock while blushing a little and had hearts for eyes. Misty: "Snap out of it Romeo, I doubt she's interested in someone she just met." said Misty, before the group went to the lab, and Professor Ivy shows the group what looked like a Pokéball, but the top was gold, and the bottom was silver, and the letters 'G' and 'S' were on it too. Ash: "What kind of Pokéball is that?" Professor Ivy: "Not sure, I discovered it a week ago, washed up on the beach, I tried to open it, but no matter what I used, it wouldn't budge or left a scratch, and when I tried using the transporter, it didn't work either." Misty: "Wow... and it has the letters, 'G' and 'S' on it." Professor Ivy: "Yes, due to that, I decided to call it the GS ball, which is like short for Gold and Silver, cause that's the colors of it." Ash: "That makes sense." Professor Ivy: "Anyway, I hope you can take the GS ball to Professor Oak so he can take a look and see if he can find anything." Ash: "Sure thing, and don't worry, we'll get it to him." Professor Ivy: "Good, I wish you a safe journey back." so with that, Ash and the others were on their way back to the boat, when a little ball rolled over in front of them and released some sort of sleeping gas, knocking them out cold. By the time the group woke up, they see that they were all in a cage, inside a blimp. Misty: "What the?!, where are we?!" Brock: "I think we got captured and taken hostage." Misty: "What gave you that hint?!, the fact we got knocked out by sleeping gas or the fact we're in a cage?!" Ash: "I'm more worried about who did it." asked Ash, before the Team Rocket trio came to the scene with an evil laugh." Meowth: "Got cha now twerps." Ash: "Team Rocket!" Misty: "Not again..." Jessie: "Yes again, and now we're taking you to the boss." said Jessie, before the blimp started to shake up a little, like it has lost power. Meowth went over to the controls and gasped. Meowth: "Guys!, the controls have been destroyed!" Jessie: "What?!, how?!" Meowth: "I don't know... and more importantly, what happened to Pikachu?" James: "What do you mean?" Meowth: "The cage we put Pikachu in was empty and broken." this made Ash and the other feel either puzzled or worried, before Pikachu himself came over to the group. Ash: "Pikachu!, what happened?" Pikachu: [I used my Iron tail to escape... and used it on the blimp's controls to get us down.] Ash: "Uh... but won't that mean we'll crash?" Pikachu: [Yeah... I didn't think the plan all the way through...] said Pikachu, before the blimp starts to fall, who knows what could be next as the journey continues.

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