The Mew of Faraway island

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It was a beautiful day at sea, outside of the Hoenn region, when Ash, Goh, and their friends were on a boat, which is on an expedition to find a wild Mew on Faraway island. The most excited one was Goh, as he was the one who spent his whole life finding Mew and catch it. Goh: "This is it... after all this time, I'm finally gonna find and catch Mew!" Max: "Hold on, Ash has already caught Mew." Goh: "Not Ash's Mew, I mean the one I encountered when I was little years ago." May: "I never thought there would be another Mew... then again, the one Ash caught was originally a living hologram before she became real." Dawn: "And she became real through the feather of Ho-oh, which Ash had since the beginning of his journey... which he never told me by the way." Ash: "Sorry, but it was meant to be a secret so people like Team Rocket won't come after it." Brock: "He's right, we know that they would do anything to get legendary Pokémon, even if it meant harming others." Iris: "Well we don't have to worry about them anymore, we got them behind bars after that battle in the past and saving Arceus." Cilan: "True, but there's a chance that there will be new groups of bad guys who's cooking a dish full of trouble for both people and Pokémon." Lillie: "Yeah... but if that's the case, we'll be around to stop them." Bonnie: "Yeah, no way we're gonna let some bad guys hurt Pokémon and get away with it." Clemont: "Well we could just let the police handle them, but I guess that won't stop us from helping if we can." Serena: "That's right, and with Ash on our side, nothing bad will happen." Misty: "Are you sure about that, seems that a lot of things happen when he's around." Ash: "Hey, I never asked for things to happen, they just came." Pikachu: [Hey Ash... where's Mew?] Ash: "Well Mew should be on Faraway island, which is the reason we're going there." Pikachu: [Not that Mew, your Mew.] Ash: "Uh, she's in... [then noticed that Mew's Pokéball is empty] wait... where's Mew?" Goh: "You lost her?!" Ash: "No, she was in her Pokéball last time I checked." that was when VeeVee came up to her trainer. VeeVee: [I know where she is.] Ash: "You do?" VeeVee: [Yeah, she wanted to check out this wild Mew on Faraway, so she flew over there on her own.] Pikachu: [And you just let her?] VeeVee: [What?, she can take care of herself, right?] Pikachu: [Maybe... but Mew tends to find trouble wherever she goes, takes it after our trainer.] Ash: "Hey!" VeeVee: [He's not wrong.] Misty: "See?, even your Pokémon know you're a trouble magnet." Tracy: "Uh... speaking of trouble... there's a storm up ahead!" called out Tracy, before the boat enters a storm that made the waves very wild, and VeeVee uses her Espeon form to use Psychic to lift the boat up into the air so the waves don't damage it. Soon, the boat got to the island they were searching for, but for some reason, the electronics, including the Pokéballs, were not working. Tracy: "Something on this island is messing with the electronics, otherwise they would be working." Max: "Yeah, we kinda figured that out already after seeing that nothing's working." Brock: "Though I am curious on what's causing it..." Ash: "I hope Mew's okay... I better go find her before something else happens." Goh: "Mind if I tag along?, just in case we find the wild Mew?" Ash: "Sure thing." said Ash, before he heads into the jungle, beginning his search for Mew, and Goh followed behind him. As for the others, they were doing their best to either fix the boat, or try to get the communication back online. Iris: "Any luck?" Clemont: "Well nothing yet, but I'm sure Max and I can get the communication back online... or at least figure out how to get the Pokéballs working again." Max: "Yeah, hey Clemont, what can you tell me about Bonnie?" Clemont: "My sister?, why?" Max: "Uh... no reason..." said Max, before May up with a smirk. May: "You like her~." Max: "Ah!, May!, not funny!" May: "But it's true, you like her." Max: "No way!" May: "Admit that you have a crush on her." Clemont: "Is that true?" Max: "Um... well... maybe..." May: "That is so adorable." Max: "I am not adorable!" Clemont: "Oh boy..." said Clemont as he rolled his eyes in annoyance from the sibling teasing between May and Max. elsewhere on the boat, Brock, Tracy and Cilan were busy getting food and water, and Serena, Lillie, Misty, Iris and Dawn were with them. Brock: "You know, I'm glad to know that you know how to cook, cause I'm gonna need some help making a big enough meal for our big group." Cilan: "Of course, it'll be my pleasure." Dawn: "No need to worry, we'll get more than enough food before the day is over." Misty: "We better, for Ash and May both love to eat." Serena: "Speaking of Ash, I hope he and Goh are okay." Dawn: "No need to worry Serena, I mean Ash is like the world's strongest trainer now, he'll be fine." Serena: "Yeah, but with our Pokéballs not working, Pikachu and VeeVee are the only ones that can aid him." Lillie: "Don't forget that Mew is out of her Pokéball too, and she's on this island somewhere." Serena: "True..." Misty: "You really like Ash, huh?" Serena: "Well of course, he is my boyfriend after all." Misty: "Yeah... which I still find that hard to believe..." Iris: "Jealous?" Misty: "What?!, me jealous that Ash has a girlfriend?, no way, I see him more like a little brother figure." Iris: "Yeah, I just see him as a little kid who gets into trouble a lot." Misty: "I know that feeling..." Tracy: "Well he has shown that he's growing up as a trainer." Misty: "Yeah... I suppose he has... it feels like only yesterday when I first met him..." Serena: "Yeah, speaking of Ash, I wonder he and Goh have found Mew yet..." Tracy: "Which Mew?, Ash's Mew or the wild Mew?" Serena: "Um... both I think..." back in the jungle, Ash and Goh were still looking for Mew, but no sign of her or the wild Mew. Goh: "Man... this jungle is full of Pokémon, but no sign of Mew..." Ash: "Or mine... I hope she's okay..." suddenly, both Kyogre and Groudon came out of nowhere, surprising both Ash and Goh to the very core. Goh: "What the?!" Pikachu: [Kyogre and Groudon?!, what are they doing here?!] Ash: "I don't know... Groudon, Kyogre, do you know where Mew is?, my Mew I mean." Goh: "Or the one that lives here." asked Ash and Goh, before Groudon and Kyogre started to make a familiar giggle. Suddenly, the two legendaries glowed and transformed into Mew, and one of them was Ash's Mew, while the other was the wild one. Ash's Mew: [Hi Ash!, I see you made it.] Ash: "Mew!, there you are, you shouldn't flown off on your own like that, I was worried." Ash's Mew: [Sorry... I didn't mean to... but I sensed the psychic energy of the Mew here and we became fast friends.] Wild Mew: [Yeah, I never played with someone that was like me before, it's so cool!] Goh: "Hey... do you remember me?" Wild Mew: [Hmm?] Goh: "We met before when I was little, a few years ago, I saw you battled a Nidoking and won, it was the coolest thing I've ever seen, and since then... I wanted to be your friend." Wild Mew: [Oh right, you're that human who wanted to catch me, but you don't need to catch me to become friends, I mean if you want to be my friend, you have to show you have a good heart.] VeeVee: [Look out!] shouted VeeVee, before a net came down from above and caught both Mews, and once Ash and the others looked up, they see that the net belonged to the Team Rocket trio. Jessie: "Well this must be our lucky day." James: "Yes, two rare Pokémon for the price of one." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket?!" Goh: "What are you doing here?!" Jessie: "Isn't it obvious?, we're here to capture rare Pokémon." Ash: "But what's the point?, I mean Team Rocket is finished, remember?" James: "For now, but it's only a matter of time before the boss gets out and we'll be back in business." Meowth: "In the meantime, we have to collect some Pokémon, starting with these Mew." Ash: "Not on my watch!" Goh: "Nor mine!" yelled both Ash and Goh, before they jumped up and tried to break the net, attempting to free the Mews. Pikachu and VeeVee used either Iron Tail or Bite to break the net, freeing both the Mews. Ash catches his Mew in his arms, while the wild Mew landed in Goh's arms, and Goh begins to pet her on the head, which she seems to enjoy a lot. Jessie: "No!, we can't lose again!" James: "Well... don't look now... but we just did..." Meowth: "We just can't get a break... can we?" that was when Pikachu used a powerful Thunderbolt to hit the Team Rocket trio, sending them flying out into the sky and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Ash and Goh went back to the beach, where they find the others finally repairing the boat, but the communications were still down. Ash: "Hey guys, how were the repairs?" Clemont: "The repairs are complete, but the communications won't work." Wild Mew: [Of course not, this island has crystals that emit energy waves that scrabbles all communications in this island, so people can't reveal this place.] Serena: "Really?, you know... now that I think about it... I did noticed some large crystals around the island..." Bonnie: "Hey... is it just me... or am I seeing double?" Max: "Double what?" Bonnie: "Mews..." said Bonnie, as she points at the Mew in Ash's arms, while Goh has a Mew in his arms. Brock: "Is that... the Mew of this island?" Goh: "Yeah, while we were searching for Ash's Mew, we found the one I've met long ago." Dawn: "So you're gonna catch her now?" Goh: "Actually... I decided not to." Wild Mew: [What?] Ash: "Why not?" Goh: "Well... I thought that if I tried to catch Mew... then I wouldn't be different from people like Team Rocket... and I don't think I'm good enough for her... and I want to make Mew happy... but I think Mew would be much happier being free." Wild Mew: [Now wait a minute, I never said you weren't good enough, did I?, a Pokémon like me would only have a trainer if they have a good heart... and since you freed me from Team Rocket and cared about my well being before yours... I think you're the right trainer for me.] Goh: "Really?" Wild Mew: [Yeah, and besides, I love the way you petted me, and once you leave, I won't have them anymore.] Goh: "But what about this island?" Wild Mew: [What about it?, it's not like I'm it's guardian, I just stayed here cause it's a fun place to hang out in, but I want to see the world... and if I have you as my trainer... I could see more of what humans can give.] Goh: "You really mean it... oh thank you Mew!, I promise to take good care of you!, and play with you as much as I can!, I'll..." Wild Mew: [Whoa there, being hyper is normally my thing, and you won't be my trainer if you don't catch me already.] Goh: "Right, sorry." said Goh, before he uses a Pokéball to catch the wild Mew, making her the boy's newest catch. Ash: "You did it." Goh: "Yes!, I finally caught Mew!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] VeeVee: [Hooray!] after that, Goh let his new Mew out, and soon she and Ash's Mew create pink bubbles to bounce on, and it wasn't long before Pikachu joins in on the fun. Pikachu: [Wow, this is why more fun than a trampoline!] Ash's Mew: [Yeah!, that's for sure!] Goh's Mew: [You said it, and I must say, you're really lucky to have a friend like Pikachu and a great trainer like Ash over there with my trainer.] Ash's Mew: [Yeah, he and Pikachu are the best friends I could ever ask for.] that was when Tracy came to the scene. Tracy: "Hey guys, the boat's ready, now let's get back home." Ash: "You got it." and so Ash and Goh have met the wild Mew of Faraway island, and Goh has finally caught her, who knows what could be next as the journey continues.

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