The bells of the Tin tower

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After earning his third gym badge, Ash travels to Ecruteak city, the location of Ash's forth Johto gym battle, and hopefully his forth Johto gym badge. Once he got to the gym, Ash learned that the gym leader, named Morty (voiced by Andrew Rannells), uses ghost types, and they tough to beat. But thanks to his Noctowl teamwork of his other Pokémon, Ash was able to earn the Fog badge, much to the boy's joy. Now Ash and his friends were at the Pokémon center to heal up their Pokémon. Suddenly, the sound of bells were heard and they were coming from a building called the Tin tower, much to Nurse Joy's surprise. Nurse Joy: "The Tin tower?!, how could that be?" Brock: "What's wrong?" Nurse Joy: "The bells in that tower have never been able to rung for centuries... no wind or anything was able... legend say that they would only ring when... Ho-oh is coming..." Ash: "Ho-oh?, the legendary Rainbow bird Pokémon?" Nurse Joy: "That's right..." Misty: "Whoa... does this mean we'll get to see Ho-oh for real?" Brock: "Maybe..." Ash: "I have to see her... maybe she can answer me why she gave me one of her feathers..." meanwhile, Morty, and another man named Eusine (voiced by Ted Lewis), came to the top of the tower and saw something that shocked them. Morty: "The crystal bells!, they're gone!" Eusine: "Somebody must have come up here and stolen the crystal bells." Morty: "Then I guess the other bells were ringing to alert us." Eusine: "We better find them fast... for if the legends about them were true... then the harmony between Pokémon and humans could be in jeopardy..." elsewhere, the thieves of the crystal bells, who turned out to be the Team Rocket trio, tried to make the bells ring to summon Ho-oh, but no sound came out of them. Jessie tried to swing them really hard and fast, only for one of them to fall out of her grip and it got smashed into a million pieces. Once that happened, a lot of of the wild Pokémon appeared and they were very angry. Once Ash and his friends got close to the Tin Tower, the Rainbow feather under the boy's glow started to glow, like it was trying to tell him something. Morty and Eusine came out just in time to see Ash holding out the feather, and they were shocked. Eusine: "That's... a Rainbow feather..." Morty: "Ash... where did you get that?" Ash: "Oh... uh... it's not from Ho-oh... it's probably... uh..." Misty: "Ash, you might as well tell them, they might know something about it." Morty: "So... where did you get it?" Ash: "Well... on the day I left Pallet to start my journey... I saw a Pokémon that was like a rainbow bird... and she dropped one of her feathers to me... Professor Oak told me that it might have been Ho-oh... but he also told me to keep it secret." Morty: "Yes... if the wrong people found out about your connection with it... they might try to use you to get Ho-oh." Eusine: "But why would Ho-oh show itself to this kid, let alone give one of it's feathers to him?" Morty: "Well if I had to guess... it must be his kind heart for Pokémon, of course I'm only guessing." Ash: "To be honest, I like to know why myself, espeically after what Celebi told me..." Eusine: "Celebi?!" Ash: "Yeah, I met her after she came out of a Pokéball, called a GS ball, that was made from a Silver feather and a Rainbow feather." Morty: "Hmm... interesting..." Ash: "So... what happened?" Morty: "Well..." soon, Morty began to explain about a legend that long ago, Ho-oh used to come to the Tin tower to give her blessings to the people. However, many thieves attempted to capture Ho-oh and use her power for evil, as a result, a huge fire burned down the old Tin Tower, and three Pokémon were killed in the process. Ho-oh then used her flames to give new life to the Pokémon, and turned them into legendaries, Suicune, Entei and Raikou. As for the Tin tower, while a new one was built, the original remained untouched as a reminder to all about what happens if any let greed get the better of them. The bells were moved to the new Tin tower, but have not rung since the last time Ho-oh or her legendaries visited, which was hundreds of years ago. Misty: "So the bells have not been able to ring..." Brock: "Until now?" Eusine: "Yes, they all rang today as a signal to us that the legendary Crystal bells were stolen." Ash: "But who would do that?" Morty: "Most likely someone who believes they can summon Ho-oh through them... though Ho-oh would never show itself to someone with a greedy heart..." said Morty, before he shows the group a book that had pictures of the bells, Ho-oh and the legendary guardians of Johto. Then when Ash got a look at one of the guardians, he gasped. Ash: "Wait... I think I seen this Pokémon before..." Eusine: "What?!, Suicune?!" Ash: "Yeah... on the day me and my friends first arrived in Johto... I didn't get a good look, but I recognized that shape." Morty: "You managed to see not only Ho-oh... and Celebi, but Suicune too?, you're lucky." Eusine: "That's not possible!" Ash: "I know it sounds crazy... but it's true." Eusine: "I am the greatest Suicune expert!, and you're lying!, Suicune would only show itself to the most skilled trainers!, so prove yourself!" Ash: "A Pokémon battle?" Morty: "Hold on Eusine, the bells are..." Eusine: "Forget those bells!, Suicune's honor is more important, and I will not let some foolish boy dishonor it!" Misty: "Wait a minute!, Ash might be an idiot sometimes, but he would never dishonor any Pokémon!" Brock: "That's right, and you saw the Rainbow feather, right?, so there must be a reason why Ho-oh gave it to him!" suddenly, a group of wild bug type Pokémon appeared and started to attack the people of Ecruteak city, much to the group's surprise. Then Ash heard one of the bug types saying 'we shall make humans pay for their greedy hearts!, stealing and destroying the crystal bells was the last straw!', and he gasped. Ash: "One of the bells got destroyed?!" Morty: "What?!" Misty: "Where did you get that idea?" Ash: "One of the bug types said so." Morty: "You mean... you can talk to Pokémon?!" Ash: "Yeah... but it's supposed to be a secret... and to be honest... I don't know how I do it either..." Eusine: "But if what he said is true..." Morty: "Yes... then there's no doubt that the Pokémon here want revenge on the greed from us humans... and will not stop until we're finished... believing a world without humans would be a better place for Pokémon..." Ash: "But it can't!, Ho-oh wanted the world to have both humans and Pokémon live together!, we gotta find those bells and stop this!" said Ash, before he runs off into the forest and begins his search for the crystal bells, while the others followed not far behind. Soon, the boy finally found the bells, but he also found the Team Rocket trio trapped in some webs. Jessie: "Oh great... you again..." Ash: "Team Rocket?!, you were the ones who stole the bells?!" Meowth: "Were you expecting Cassidy and Butch?" Misty: "And you smashed the bells?!, do you have any idea what you done?!, now the Pokémon here want to get rid of all humans!" Brock: "Speaking of which..." said Brock, before the wild Pokémon showed up and getting ready to attack. Pikachu tried to reason with them, but the wild Pokémon won't listen to reason, especially a trainer's Pokémon. Ash tried to use himself as a shield for Pikachu from the wild Pokémon, when suddenly, a loud and majestic roar was heard, and came to the scene was Suicune herself, along with Entei and Raikou as well. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Suicune is said to be the legendary Pokémon of the North Wind, and guardian of Ho-oh and Johto, and can purify even the most polluted water.] [Entei is the legendary Pokémon of the Volcano, and it's supposed to be the guardian of both Ho-oh and the region of Johto.] [Raikou is said to be the legendary Pokémon of Thunder, and the guardian of both Ho-oh and the region of Johto.] Ash: "Whoa... Suicune... Entei... and Raikou..." Suicune: [You... the boy with the Pikachu... come here.] Ash: "Uh... me?" Entei: [Yes, she means you.] Raikou: [Come here so we can see you ourselves.] Ash: "Uh... okay..." Pikachu: [If you're mad about the bells, it wasn't his fault, so don't you dare harm him...] Suicune: [Do not fear little one, we're not here to harm the boy... in fact, we came to meet him... and to thank him as well.] Ash: "Thank me... for what?" Entei: [For showing us that this world still has kind people in it...] Raikou: [Otherwise she wouldn't be here now.] Ash: "Who?" before the legendaries could answer, the sound the crystal bells began to ring, much to everyone's surprise. Suddenly, a loud screech was heard, and everyone gasped in awe as they Ho-oh herself came to the scene, and landed in front of Ash and Pikachu. Ho-oh: [Greetings boy... I see you're still the kind person you are when I saw you in Kanto.] Ash: "So... it really was you... the Pokémon that gave me the feather... but why?, I mean I was told that you showed yourself to me because of my pure heart... but is that true?" Ho-oh: [Yes, but there's more to it... you are the one human that was chosen to help us legendaries to keep the world in balance... fear not though, it won't stop your journey, in fact, your journey is needed for helping us legendaries.] Ash: "Really?" Ho-oh: [Yes... and if you're lucky... some of us legendaries or mythical Pokémon could join your team for their upcoming battles.] Ash: "Wow... that's so cool... but am I really worthy of such an honor?" Ho-oh: [That's something you'll have to find out and prove for yourself and the others... as for the bells, while one of them smashed, the others will do just fine... and I'm sure the wild Pokémon here see now that there is still hope for the harmony between us and humans... I hope we meet again...] Ash: "Before you go... can I check what my Pokédex says about you?" Ho-oh: [Be my guest.] said Ho-oh, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the rainbow bird. Pokédex: [Ho-oh is the Rainbow bird Pokémon that is the legendary of Johto, legend has it that it give anyone who sees it eternal happiness and that flames from it's feathers can give new life to both humans and Pokémon.] Ash: Wow..." Ho-oh: [I hope we meet again someday... farewell.] said Ho-oh, before she flew away while the legendary guardians left the scene. As for the wild Pokémon, they all finally calmed down and went back to their normal selves and head off to who knows where. Misty: "Wow... that was amazing..." Brock: "Yeah... I'm not 100% sure... but I think Ash just became friends with Ho-oh and her guardians..." Morty: "Wow... never in my life that I would see Ho-oh in the flesh..." Eusine: "Or Suicune for me... incredible..." sometime later, Ash and the others placed the crystal bells back into the Tin tower where they belonged, while the Team Rocket trio were sent flying by Pikachu's Thunderbolt, causing them to blast off once again. Ash: "Well this has been a very eventful day..." Misty: "No kidding... we not only got the crystal bells back..." Brock: "But we get to meet not only the legendary guardians of Johto... but Ho-oh herself..." Ash: "Yeah... ah man!" Misty: "What is it?" Ash: "I forgot to ask Ho-oh about if she knows anything on how I can talk to Pokémon..." Brock: "Don't worry Ash, maybe you'll find out some day." Ash: "Yeah... maybe..." and so our heroes have rescued the crystal bells and get to meet Ho-oh herself, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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