The Kanto Pokémon league.

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A week or two after getting the eighth gym badge, the Pokémon league of Kanto is about to begin, and Ash was really excited for it. Ash: "I can't believe that I'm finally gonna enter the Pokémon league... this is gonna be so fun..." Misty: "Just remember Ash, this your first time in a Pokémon league, don't expect you'll win it." Ash: "Oh come on, I'm strong, and so are my Pokémon." Brock: "Maybe Ash, but there will be a lot of trainers with strong Pokémon too." Ash: "I know, which is why I'm excited." said Ash, as he and his friends arrived to the area where the Pokémon league's taking place. But there was trouble, the Team Rocket were causing trouble again, and this time, they were trying to steal the torch that's supposed to start the league, because the fire is from the legendary fire bird Pokémon, Moltres. Jessie: "This torch should be give a good price." James: "Yeah, after all, a flame from a legendary Pokémon should be worth a few big bucks." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Stop!, give back that torch!" Jessie: "Oh great, it's that twerp again!" James: "He always tend to show up when we don't want him around." Misty: "We can say the same about you." Brock: "Give back that torch!, the Pokémon league can't start without it!" Meowth: "Which is why we're stealing it, I'm sure people would pay us anything to get it back." Misty: "Well that's not gonna happen!, Gyarados, go!" Brock: "You too Onix!" called out Misty and Brock, before they send out Gyarados and Onix to battle, and the sight of the giant serpent like Pokémon made the Team Rocket trio gulp in fear. James: "Uh... I think we might be in trouble..." Jessie: "You think?!" Meowth: "Uh oh..." said the trio, before Onix and Gyarados used their tails to swat the trio out into the sky and out of the scene, while Ash managed to catch the torch just in the nick of time. Ash: "Whoa... that was too close..." said Ash, before a short old man, named President Goodshow (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), came to the scene with Officer Jenny. Goodshow: "Nice catch my boy." Ash: "Santa Claus?" Goodshow: "Ah, ha, ha!, Santa Claus?, me?... well I guess I do look a little like him." Officer Jenny: "This is President Goodshow, president of the Pokémon leagues." Goodshow: "But my friends call me Charlie." Ash: "Nice to meet you sir, and nice you see you again Officer Jenny." Goodshow: "You met her?" Ash: "Yeah, on my first visit to Viridian city." Officer Jenny: "Actually that was my cousin." Ash: "Your cousin?" Officer Jenny: "Yes, like Nurse Joy, I have a lot of sisters and cousins that look alike and all named Jenny." Misty: "Wow... first Nurse Joy, and now Officer Jenny..." Ash: "At least we can remember their faces and names too..." Goodshow: "Tell me my boy, how about as thanks for saving the torch, you can run it to the league." Ash: "Really?, that would be a real honor sir." said Ash, before the scene changes to show Ash running the torch to where the flame should be in a big bowl on top of the side of the stadium, allowing the Pokémon league to begin. Ash learned from the Nurse Joy there that he must win 4 different battlefields before getting to the top 16, and if he beats that round, he'll go to the top 8, then the top 4, and then the runner up, and if he wins that, he would be the winner of the Pokémon league. The first of the 4 different battlefields was a water battlefield, and Ash's opponent was a magician named Mandi. The Pokémon sent out to battle first was Kingler, who managed to beat all of the other trainer's Pokémon easily. The next round was a rock field, and it was tougher than the first one, but Ash was able to pull through. The 3rd was an ice field, and just like the last one, it was tougher, but Ash was able to win. As for Gary, he was facing a trainer with a Golem while he used Nidoking. Unfortunately, Gary lost, meaning he was out of the league. It wasn't long before Ash got to Gary. Ash: "Hey Gary, sorry about your loss." Gary: "Yeah... it was a real shame, I was hoping to battle ya... but I guess that wasn't meant to be... maybe next time..." Ash: "What will you do now?" Gary: "I'm gonna go back to Pallet to train some more, good luck in your battles." said Gary, before he left the scene. Now that Gary was out of the league, everyone of Pallet town is rooting for Ash, who was now in the 4th battlefield, which is grass this time. Ash's opponent was a girl named Jennet, who had a powerful Bellsprout. But thanks to Muk, Ash was able to beat the Bellsprout and was able to continue to the top 16. it wasn't long before Ash learned that his next opponent was a boy named Ritchie, who has some of the same Pokémon that he has, like a Pikachu, Butterfree and a Charmander. The battle was intense, but it seems that Ritchie had the upper hand and won the battle, meaning Ash had lost the league too, much to his dismay. When the next day came, Ash was in a room, still feeling down about losing in the top 16. Pikachu: [I'm sorry Ash... for failing you... if only I was a lot stronger...] Ash: "Don't blame yourself little buddy... it was my fault for underestimating Ritchie... he was a lot tougher than I thought he'd be..." Pikachu: [No kidding, his Pokémon might have been small, but they were really strong...] Ash: "Yeah... guess we should have learned that from the battle with that Bellsprout, huh?" Pikachu: [Yeah... so what now?] Ash: "Well... we can sit with the audience and see who gets to win the league... it's better than sitting here and do nothing I guess..." said Ash, before he and Pikachu went outside and see that Misty, Brock, Delia and Professor Oak were there, waiting for him. Delia: "Ash... are you feeling okay sweetie?" Ash: "Hey mom... sorry about losing the match..." Delia: "It's okay honey, not a lot of trainers could win their first league, I learned that the hard way back when I was a trainer." Professor Oak: "She's right, you still have a long way to go before you can win the whole league, and to become a Pokémon master as well." Misty: "Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll go further next time." Brock: "We'll be rooting for ya too." Ash: "Thanks everyone... that means a lot from you." and so after that, Ash joins the others with the audience, and saw that Ritchie lost to a female trainer with an Ivysaur, which was the evolved form of Bulbasaur, meaning that Ritchie too was out of the league. Soon, at long last, a trainer named Red, who happens to be a boy from Pallet Town like Ash, who picked out a Charmander as his starter, which is now a powerful Charizard, was able to win the league, meaning he was the new league champion and gets to challenge the Elite 4. Misty: "I don't know why... but that Red character reminds me of Ash for some reason..." Brock: "Yeah... he kind of does." Ash: "And that Charizard of his was really strong too..." Pikachu: [And did you see his Pikachu?, he was much stronger than me, that's for sure...] Ash: "Yeah... and he was from the same town as me... he did something I failed in..." Professor Oak: "Don't worry Ash, you might not have won the league, but I doubt your journey is over... in fact I would say it's just beginning." Ash: "Yeah... you might be right, and I will become a Pokémon master someday." and so Ash entered the Pokémon league of Kanto, although he had lost, his journey is far from over. Who knows what's next for Ash as the journey continues in the next adventure.

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