The lake of Rage

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After getting his fifth Johto gym badge, saving a baby Lugia from Team Rocket, and earning his sixth Johto gym badge, Ash travels to Mahogany town, the location of the seventh Johto gym leader. While on the way, Ash enters a race and won it, with a Pokémon egg as his prize. The egg eventually hatched, and out came what looked like an elephant like Pokémon called Phanpy, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Phanpy is a Pokémon that looks like a little elephant, and it use roll out to move about from place to place really quick.] Phanpy was a happy little Pokémon, and since Ash was the first thing he saw after hatching, he sees Ash as his daddy. While on the way to Mahogany town, our heroes were close to a place called the Lake of Rage, and that was when Pikachu started to feel sick and weak for some unknown reason. Ash: "Pikachu, what's wrong?" Pikachu: [I don't know... all of a sudden I don't feel so good...] Ash: "Looks like you're not the only one." said Ash, as he noticed that all the other wild Pokémon in the area were feeling sick and weak too. Misty: "What could be causing this?" Brock: "I don't know..." suddenly, a Gyarados burst out of the water, which startled the group. But this Gyarados was different, for it wasn't blue like the others of it's kind, it was red, meaning it was shiny Pokémon like Ash's Noctowl in a way. Ash: "It's a Gyarados!" Brock: "But a shiny one, as it's a different color!" Misty: "Wait... I think Gyarados is sick too..." said Misty, as she seems to be right for Gyarados was looking sick too, before it went back into the water. Suddenly, the Team Rocket duo, Cassidy and Butch, came to the scene, with Professor Namba behind them. Cassidy: "Looks like the twerps have come." Butch: "It's like they're trying to follow us." Ash: "Cassidy and Biff!" Butch: "You little twerp!, it's Butch!" Misty: "And look, it's that Professor Jerk again." Professor Namba: "It's Professor Namba you little brat!, you need to remember the names of other people!" Ash: "Like we care!, I'll bet you're the ones making the Pokémon here really sick!" Professor Namba: "As a matter of fact, you are correct, for I invented a device that releases radio waves that controls the evolution of Pokémon, so far only that red Gyarados was able to evolve, but once we catch it and learn it's secrets, we can make any Pokémon evolve and do our bidding!" Misty: "But look what it's doing to the Pokémon!, this has got to stop!" Professor Namba: "The only things that are gonna stop is you kids interfering with our plans." said Professor Namba, before he throws a little ball that releases sleeping gas. Ash: "Ah... not... again..." said Ash, before he and the others fell asleep from the gas. By the time they woke up, our heroes found themselves inside a cage, inside some kind of warehouse, full of Team Rocket grunts. Misty: "Oh man... this whole getting knocked out by Team Rocket's sleeping gas thing is starting to getting really old..." Brock: "No kidding... you would think that we were able to see that coming..." that was when a Team Rocket grunt came over to the cage, and for some reason, unlocked the door and lead the kids outside, before revealing himself to be a man named Lance (voiced by Wayne Grayson), who was disguised as a Team Rocket grunt so he can free the kids. Lance: "Are you okay?" Ash: "Yeah, but who are you?" Misty: "Are you kidding me?!, he's Lance!, a member of the Elite 4!, and the strongest one of them all!" Ash: "Really?!, like Lorelei?" Lance: "Sort of, but I use dragon types, anyway I came to investigate the strange activity going on here, you kids better get out of here." Ash: "Hold on, we can help ya." Lance: "Sorry, but this is adult's work, and besides, how are you gonna help when your Pokémon can't fight back due to the evolution radio waves?" Ash: "Well..." Lance: "I know you wanna help, but this is too dangerous, you kids go that path and you'll be at Mahogany town." said Lance, before he leaves the scene as he went back into his Team Rocket grunt disguise. Ash: "I don't care if it's dangerous... I can't let Team Rocket keep hurting the Pokémon here..." Misty: "Didn't you hear what he said?" Ash: "I did... and I don't care... I'm gonna stop Team Rocket no matter what!" said Ash, before he runs off to who knows where, while Misty and Brock chase after him. Meanwhile, Lance was busy trying to destroy the device that sends out the evolution radio waves, only to get hit by some sleeping gas from a ball that Professor Namba threw behind him. Professor Namba: "Nice try... but you're not gonna foil my plans this time boy." said Professor Namba, before he unmasked Lance. Professor Namba: "Wait... Lance of the Elite 4?!, I thought you were that brat with the Pikachu?!, where is he?!" Ash: "Right here." said Ash simply, before Pikachu used Iron Tail on the device, destroying it for good, much to the evil Professor's surprise. Professor Namba tried to throw another sleeping gas bomb, only to discover that he ran out of them at the moment. Pikachu then used a Thunderbolt to shock the evil Professor and all the Team Rocket grunts, including Cassidy and Butch, which lead an explosion that sends them all flying like the Team Rocket trio does when they blast off out of the scene. It wasn't long Lance finally woke up, and sees that the base was destroyed, and Ash and his friends were there. Ash: "So... still think we couldn't help?" Lance: "Uh... kids... I thought I told ya..." Ash: "Yeah, but I couldn't let Team Rocket get away with hurting all of those Pokémon, including that red Gyarados, and it looked like you needed our help after all." Lance: "Yeah... I guess so... thanks... but don't think this will be a regular event." Brock: "Guys... I don't think we're out of danger just yet..." said Brock, as he noticed that the red Gyarados was now on a rampage, and was heading towards Mahogany town. Misty: "Oh no!, if the red Gyarados reaches the town..." Ash: "We can't let that happen!" Lance: "Hold on, you had your moment to shine when you got rid of Team Rocket... now it's my turn... and besides... I've been wanting to catch a Gyarados for some time now... looks like now's my chance." Ash: "Okay... good luck." so with that, Lance sends out his Dragonite, which goes to battle the red Gyarados. It took some time, but Dragonite was able to defeat the red Gyarados, allowing Lance to catch it with a Pokéball. Lance: "Yes!, I caught the red Gyarados!" Ash: "Wow... you were really amazing out there." Brock: "What did you expect from one of the Elite 4?" Misty: "Yeah, they are the strongest trainers out there, aside the Pokémon league champions..." Lance: "Well... looks like my work here is done, so you kids better get going." Ash: "Right, it was nice meeting you." Lance: "Same here." some time later, Ash gets to meet the Mahogany town gym leader, who uses ice types. The challenge was tough, but thanks to Phanpy and the other Pokémon, Ash was able to beat him and earned himself the Glacier badge. Phanpy: [Did I do a good job, daddy?] Ash: "You sure did, I'm very proud of ya." Phanpy: [Making my daddy happy makes me happy too.] Pikachu: [You like calling him daddy huh?] Phanpy: [Sure do Uncle Pikachu.] Ash: "Uncle?, you see Pikachu as an uncle?" Phanpy: [Sure do.] Pikachu: [This is something to take time getting used to...] Ash: "That's for sure." and Ash has stopped Team Rocket once again, and earned his seventh Johto gym badge while Lance of the Elite 4 caught the red Gyarados. Who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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