An Aura guardian on Iron island

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After earning his forth and fifth Sinnoh gym badges, Ash heads out to Canalave city, the location of the sixth Sinnoh gym leader, who uses Steel types. But when our heroes got there, the gym leader was not present in the gym or in the city even, however they did heard that he's currently training on Iron island, which is not too far at sea from the city. Soon, they arrived to the island by ferry, and began their search for the gym leader. But trouble began when some steel type Pokémon appeared, and they seemed to be going crazy and their eyes were glowing blue for some reason. Dawn: "What's going on with the steel types here?" Ash: "I don't know... I wish I knew... they didn't speak like they would... they acted like savage beasts... something's messing with their minds..." that was when Pikachu's ears began to twitch, meaning he heard something close by. Pikachu: [Hey... someone's coming...] said Pikachu, alerting Ash that he and his friends were about to have company. Soon, a man with a shovel came to the scene, who was in fact Byron (voiced by Dan Green), the Canalave city gym leader himself. Byron: "Oh hey kids, what brings you here to this island?" Ash: "We came to find the Canalave city gym leader, do you know him?" Byron: "Yeah, he's me, I'm guessing you want to challenge me to a gym battle, well now might not be a good time, there's trouble brewing here." Ash: "You mean the steel types going crazy, right?" Byron: "I'm afraid so, Riley is helping me solve the mystery." Dawn: "Who?" asked Dawn, before a teenage man, named Riley (voiced by Marc Diraison), and his Lucario, came to the scene. Riley: "Who might you be?" Ash: "I'm Ash, and these are my friends, Dawn and Brock, we came to find Byron, but we heard the Pokémon were going crazy here as well and we wanna help." Riley: "That's kind of you, but you should leave here." Lucario: [You should let me and my trainer take care of this, he's an Aura guardian after all.] Ash: "Aura guardian?, what's that?" this surprised both Riley and Lucario, before both went to take a closer look at Ash, and sensed something within him. Riley: "Why... you're an Aura user too..." Ash: "Huh?, Aura user?" Riley: "Yes, they're rare now these days, but they're people who can use the power of Aura, which is like the living force of all living things... but Aura users can use it for battle... or talk to Pokémon." Ash: "Wait... you can talk to Pokémon as well?!" Riley: "Yes, and I'm guessing you can too." Ash: "Yeah... but I never knew how until now..." Riley: "I see... so you never trained your Aura power..." Ash: "No... I never even heard of it till I got to Sinnoh." Dawn: "Hold on, can Aura users fire Aura Sphere like a Lucario by any chance?, cause Ash once did it one time, and I remembered the Veilstone city gym leader's Lucario using that move too." Riley: "Well it's a common move for Lucario, and yes Aura users can use it... if they can master it's power, but they would need an Aura partner to help them on that." Brock: "Wait a minute, all the steel types are going crazy... and Lucario is a steel type as well as a fighting type... and yet your Lucario seems fine." Riley: "Yes, the cause of the steel types going berserk would be some type of sound waves, but it won't effect Lucario as he uses his Aura to protect himself from." Ash: "Wow, that's amazing." Lucario: [Yes, but still, you might be an Aura user, you're don't have a lot of experience to use it.] Ash: "Maybe not, but I can still help." Riley: "This could be dangerous." suddenly, Pikachu's ears perked up, hearing something or someone nearby. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... I hear voices over there.] Ash: "Lead the way." said Ash, before Pikachu heads off with Ash following him, and the others begin to follow him too. Soon they got to a cliff, and below it was Team Galactic, with Mars leading the grunts. There was some sort of machine that was shooting a beam on some temple that had statues of both Dialga and Palkia, which seems to be emitting the sound waves that were making the steel types on the island go crazy. Dawn: "It's Team Galactic... so they're behind this..." Byron: "What are they up to?" Brock: "Not sure... but whatever they're here for... that machine and that temple must be what's causing the steel types here go nuts." suddenly, Mars pushes a button, and a large blast of light came out of the machine and temple, and once that happened, Lucario started to have some blue static electricity on his body, before his eyes turned blue and went crazy. Dawn: "Oh no!, not Lucario too!" Riley: "That blast of light must have unleashed a sound wave much stronger than the ones before that's too much for even Lucario to protect himself from!" Byron: "Hey... where's Ash?" asked Bryon, before he and the others noticed that Ash was not with them. They looked down at the bottom of the cliff, and see that Ash was fighting the Team Galactic grunts, and winning while having blue eyes and his face filled with rage. Brock: "Ash!" Dawn: "Is the sound waves effecting him too?" Brock: "No... I think that seeing what Team Galactic did to the Pokémon here, including Lucario must have made him angry enough to activate his Aura power... just like the time when we first arrived in Hoenn... or that time with Hunter J..." Riley: "I see... what we're seeing is an Aura user triggering his Aura power through anger and the will to avenge those he cares about... we must help him destroy that machine quick." Byron: "Well let's do it then!" shouted Byron, as he jumps down and sends out his Steelix to battle, and it wasn't long before Dawn and Brock joined in the battle. It wasn't long before Ash managed to destroy the machine, and soon all the steel types were back to normal. Mars: "You fools, you might have destroyed the machine, but no matter, managed to get at least 60% of the scanning on Mount Coronet, we're halfway there on finding the Spear Pillar..." said Mars, before Ash's eyes stopped glowing and returned to normal, and confused on his surroundings. Ash: "Huh?, how did I get down here?" Byron: "Are you kidding?, you jumped down here and destroyed that machine with your own fist, you don't remember that?" Ash: "No..." Mars: "Well it doesn't matter, you're done for, once I blow up the island." Brock: "Hold on... you wired the whole island with bombs?!" Mars: "That's right, and even if you find them, you won't be able to stop them in time, bye bye." said Mars, as she runs off with her grunts and went to a helicopter and make a retreat. Riley and Lucario were able to find all the bombs by using their Aura, which they also used to create a large Aura ball as a force-field to keep the bombs from destroying the island. Some time later, when evening came, Cynthia's grandmother, Carolina, came to the island to research the ruins. Riley: "This island is full of mysteries..." Carolina: "Yes, from I can gather... the machine Team Galactic used was made from the meteor they stole from Veilstone city... which it along with the ruins here send out a frequincy that let out sound waves that made the steel types go crazy... and I think they did it in hopes to find Spear Pillar... the place where Dialga and Palkia would be summoned in this world..." Ash: "Really?" Dawn: "And with the Adamant and Lustrous orbs... they might be able to summon them..." Brock: "But that girl Mars said they only got 60% of the scene... so I'm guessing that they have not found it yet..." Caroline: "No... but I have a feeling that they will soon..." Ash: "Team Galactic... those jerks..." the next day came, and Ash was ready to battle Byron at last, who gave him a real battle. Ash and his team were able to pull through, and the boy managed to earn himself the Mine badge. Byron: "You were a worthy opponent, just like Roark told me you would be." Ash: "You mean the Oreburgh gym leader?" Byron: "Yeah, he happens to be my son." Dawn: "You're son?" Byron: "Uh huh, a chip off the old block." said Byron, before Riley came to the scene. Riley: "You know Ash, if you want, I can train you to control your Aura and become an Aura Guardian." Ash: "Thanks... but I think I'll pass on being an Aura Guardian, as I want to be a Pokémon master." Riley: "Very well... but I would advice you to learn on keeping better control on your Aura in the future, otherwise you might hurt someone in the process." Ash: "I'll try." and so Ash has run into Team Galactic again, learned that he's an Aura user, and earned his sixth Sinnoh gym badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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