Trouble on the SS ANNE

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After catching the starter trio, Ash makes it to Vermillion city, where his third gym battle should be. The gym leader there was a lot tougher than either both Brock and Misty put together, and he only used one Pokémon, which was a Raichu, the evolved form of Pikachu. But after some training with the speed attacks, Pikachu was able to beat the Raichu, allowing Ash to win his third gym badge. Now, our heroes were invited to a party on a cruise ship called the SS ANNE. Misty: "I can't wait to try out the food there." Brock: "Me too, this should be fun." Ash: "Yeah, to think that there's a cruise ship where trainers are invited and get battle too." Misty: "I'll bet there's lots of cool water type Pokémon there." Brock: "Yeah, there's a good chance of that, after all, a cruise ship is on the sea." Ash: "Then let's go." so with that, our heroes were on their way to the cruise ship, unaware that the Team Rocket trio were nearby. Jessie: "Looks like the twerps have taken the bait." James: "Yes, and soon we'll lure them into our trap..." Meowth: "And all of their Pokémon will be ours for the taking..." said the Team Rocket trio with an evil laugh. Back with our heroes, Ash was feeling a bit proud of himself and the Pokémon he has so far. Ash: "Can you believe this, I managed to catch awesome Pokémon?" Misty: "You didn't caught them really, they all followed you." Ash: "That's not true, I caught Pidgeotto through a battle." Misty: "True, but even so, you haven't caught any Pokémon in the normal way." Brock: "Well even if that's true, Ash has proved that he is a loving trainer as the Pokémon allowed him to catch them." suddenly, Pikachu let out a painful yelp, as what looked like a crab Pokémon had his pincers on the electric type's tail. Ash: "Pikachu!, are you okay?!" Pikachu: [Does it look like I'm okay?!] Brock: "Hey, a Krabby." said Brock, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the crab. Pokédex: [Krabby is a crab Pokémon that has strong pincers, and it normally found at a beach, trainers beware, this Pokémon has strong pincers as well.] Misty: "But it's smaller than a normal one." Ash: "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu lets out a powerful Thunderbolt attack that zaps the Krabby out cold. That was when Ash threw a Pokéball and caught the crab. Ash: "Alright!, I caught a Krabby!" suddenly, the Pokéball glowed white before vanishing without a trace. Ash: "What the?!, Krabby!" Misty: "No surprise, you already have six Pokémon with you." Ash: "Yeah, so?" Brock: "When a trainer gets a full team of six Pokémon, the rest get transferred to where you got your Pokédex from." Ash: "So then... Krabby is with Professor Oak, right?" Misty: "Yes, I believe so." Ash: "Oh... I hope Krabby is okay there..." Misty: "Why not make a call with Professor Oak when we get to the SS ANNE?" Ash: "Okay, good idea." so with that, our heroes continued on and made it to the cruise ship, and once they got inside, they see many trainers showing off their Pokémon during battles. A Magikarp salesman was offering some trainers a Magikarp, which are like fish Pokémon, and Ash took out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Magikarp are fish Pokémon that are known to be the weakest Pokémon, however, they can evolve into a fearsome Gyarados.] it wasn't long before Ash noticed that Misty bought herself a Magikarp from the salesman. Ash: "You bought a Magikarp?" Misty: "Yeah, with enough training, I can get myself a powerful Gyarados, which would bring me closer to fulfilling my dream to becoming a water Pokémon master." Brock: "Yeah, but be careful, Gyarados are not easy to tame." Misty: "I know, which would be a good challenge for me." not long after, Ash went to challenge the other trainers in the SS ANNE, and he was able to win every battle. Everyone was impressed with Ash's team, especially with his Butterfree. A trainer asked Ash to trade his Butterfree for a Raticate, but Ash refused as he didn't want his first caught Pokémon feel like he would replace him for another Pokémon. Later, Ash went to a video phone, calling Professor Oak about his latest catch. Professor Oak: "Yes Ash, Krabby is here safe and sound." Ash: "That's a relief..." Professor Oak: "Though I must say that your Krabby is smaller than an average one, while Gary's Krabby is bigger than a normal one." Ash: "Gary caught one too?" Professor Oak: "Yes, as I said before, it's much bigger than a normal one, and speaking of catching, Gary has already caught over 45 Pokémon." Ash: "What?!, over 45 Pokémon?!" Professor Oak: "Yes, which means that you have a lot of catching up to do, but other than that, good luck on your journey." said Professor Oak, before the call ended, and that's when the lights of the whole ship turned off, much to the trainers' surprise. Suddenly, the Team Rocket trio came to the scene, under a spot light that came on. Jessie: "Alright twerps, hand over your Pokémon or face our wrath." Misty: "Oh come on, you think you three have a chance against all these trainers here." James: "Who said it was just the three of us this time?" said James, before a whole lot of Team Rocket grunts came to the scene, holding bazookas and pointing them at the trainers. Meowth: "Ha!, who's outnumbered now?" one of the grunts tried to steal Misty's new Magikarp, but Misty gave the grunt a good kick between the legs, hitting a certain spot that's the location of a man's weak spot. The grunt was in pain, and once he got his breath back, he got up and attempted to harm Misty out of revenge. Magikarp was not about to let his new trainer get hurt, so he then glowed and evolved into a large serpent Pokémon called Gyarados, which scared a lot of the grunts. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Gyarados is the evolved form of Magikarp, and it's power is as high as it's temper, which is very high.] Meowth: "Uh oh..." James: "This can't be good..." Jessie: "You could say that again." Misty: "Whoa... I didn't think I would get a Gyarados so soon..." that was when Gyarados let out a powerful Flamethrower at the Team Rocket grunts, much to everyone's surprise, as Flamethrower was not a move that Gyarados would normally use. When Gyarados let out another Flamethrower, the attack hits the Team Rocket trio, sending them flying out of the ship and into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio as they blasted off out of the scene. Back at the SS ANNE, as a result from the Flamethrower attack, the ship was catching itself on fire, forcing everyone to evacuate as fast as they possibly could. Once our heroes were back to the shores of Vermillion city, they were catching their breath, and Misty was looking at the Pokéball that had Gyarados inside. Misty: "Sorry you guys... I guess I got a lot of work to do with keeping Gyarados under control..." Brock: "Well at least Team Rocket didn't get our Pokémon..." Ash: "Yeah... but what was with those grunts?" Brock: "They must have been other members of Team Rocket..." Ash: "Yeah... but they seem more ruthless than those three... I mean one of them attempted to hurt Misty..." Brock: "Yeah... goes to show that there are more evil people in Team Rocket..." Misty: "Yeah... guess that shows that we need to be more careful with them..." and so Ash and his friends caught some Pokémon, spending time on a cruise ship and stopped Team Rocket again, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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